The Mindful Enterprise C.I.C

The Mindful Enterprise (TME) are a social enterprise specialising in mindfulness & wellbeing training

At The Mindful Enterprise we recognise the significance of mental health and wellbeing in the development of children, the healthy lives of families, the vibrancy of our neighbourhoods and communities and the productivity and effectiveness of our workplaces. We exist to provide people with tools that can improve their mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing, empowering them to live the



Just a reminder that our next two Mindfulness Based Living Courses are available for booking. Both start in October. Our last OMH Therapies course sold out pretty quickly and the Edinburgh Salt Rooms was not far behind. So get booking. 😁

You can book using these links:
OMH Therapies Yoga & Meditation Studio Edinburgh -

Edinburgh Salt Rooms -

If you have any questions about joining one of our courses please drop us an email at [email protected].

Have a great day. 🙏💜

Morning Movement Routine (Spinal Hygiene, Qi Gong and Mindful Movement) 14/06/2024

This is a movement routine I do fairly often and wanted to share it.

Its a great way to start the day, to awaken energy in the body, get the blood circulating, release stored, survival stress from the muscle tissue and guide the mind towards a state of presence where the breathing rhythm is aligned with the flowing movements of the body.

This routine is also good for health recovery, including chronic conditions and for overall mental health and wellbeing.

It can be a good practice for those that find seated meditation practice difficult. This way, we are moving into stillness, where the mind can become present in the body through an active form of meditation.

The routine incorporates Qi Gong which is an ancient Chinese Medicine practice that has a multitude of benefits which you can find online.

Enjoy the practice and leave a comment with any observations of how you feel afterwards or feel free to ask any questions.

Have a lovely weekend. Let’s hope it begins well from tonight. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿⚽️

Best wishes



Morning Movement Routine (Spinal Hygiene, Qi Gong and Mindful Movement) This is a movement routine I do fairly often. Its a great way to start the day, to awaken energy in the body, get the blood circulating and energy flowing an...

Photos from The Mindful Enterprise C.I.C's post 11/06/2024

Let's talk about the Menopause (or peri-menopause)

There are several alternatives to medication for managing menopause symptoms. These can include lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, physical activity, stress management techniques, and natural remedies. Keep reading to find out how Mindfulness may help. 👇

Would you consider Mindfulness to support you in navigating the menopause?


One of the most important aspects of healing alongside therapeutic conversation is the integration of wellbeing and spiritual growth practices (daily) that expand the mind and gradually take the individual out of the head and back home to the body.

Trauma must be healed (which means a shift and a release of the old stored energy) before the body can feel like a safe place to be present.

We need to be prepared to evolve beyond trauma bonds, to move away from drama and to resist the temptation to be drawn into relationships that will give us the painful experiences we encountered as a child (e.g. attachment wounds, emotional neglect, abuse, not being seen, heard or prioritised, etc)

We need self awareness, self control and healthy boundaries to prevent that from happening whilst the healing phase is underway and if necessary avoid romantic relationships for a period of time until we feel a material change on the inside.

If we’re in a stressful and problematic relationship we need to consider how we can safely end that relationship if it’s impeding the healing process and the other individual is not open to change or go on a similar journey!

Ultimatums must be given with no concessions to protect your health and wellbeing.

Ultimately the process involves a fundamental shift in the way we live, think and act and this will subsequently change the way that we feel and when we change the way that we feel, EVERYTHING CHANGES!

❤️You will attract better relationships

💭You will have greater clarity on how you want to live your life

👧🏼You will connect better with your child, friends and family members

🏃‍♂️You will create distance from unhealthy relationships (including if necessary, family)

⛓️‍💥You will be less controlled by your emotional crutches

🫵🏼Your health and wellbeing will be improved

But we need to put the work in, particularly on the practices and protocols that might initially seem not as important - these are actually the most important ones, particularly when we’re trying to heal our nervous system or a broken heart.

The two most common issues we see in our 1:2:1 therapeutic work, in relation to the healing process are two fold:

➡️Individuals not allowing themselves to fully let go of the unhealed emotion (due to fear of the unknown), the belief that letting go of the emotion means letting go of the person (who may not be in their life any more) and avoidance (not wanting to feel the pain again, even though it’s only a fleeting experience).

➡️Not doing the integration work - trying to heal without committing to the change required

We all have the power to do this work and we all deserve to live an abundant, happy life.

If you’re new to the path, find someone that you feel drawn to with the right skills and lived experience, contact them and start the process.

Have a great week ahead.


Photos from The Mindful Enterprise C.I.C's post 03/06/2024

I'm a BIG yoga fan and attend 3 sessions a week to help me stay grounded and my body feel in balance. It's something I have done on and off for the past 30 years and I am so happy that it's part of my life right now.

Do you have a regular yoga or mindfulness practice? We would love to have you share how it benefits you? Let us know in the comments below 👇



With only 3 days to go until our next amazing Mindfulness Based Wellbeing Retreat Dalkeith Country Park Restoration Yard, we still have a couple of tickets remaining if you would like to join us?

You can book here:

Please share with anyone you think may like to come along. 🙏💜

Photos from The Mindful Enterprise C.I.C's post 23/05/2024

We all have passions and different subjects that we love to explore.

What's yours?

From a young age I was interested in people. My mum says I had a cheeky sense of humour, was a mature kid and could socialise well with adults. I was intrigued by people and interactions felt natural.

I've always enjoyed making new friends, having random encounters with people and listening to their stories. Those moments of connection where you go beyond small talk and really bond with someone in a moment of shared humanity.

We're no better or less than others, we're all on the same level just with different skills, characteristics, knowledge and lived experience.

We're all at different stages of trying to master our lives and when we look beyond the cultural and ancestral conditioning of competitiveness, insecurity and self comparison we can fully open up to the idea that we're here to walk each other home for collective health, success and prosperity.

My father's battle with mental illness during my childhood was an important experience in shaping my future career path. It gave me insight into human suffering, the mind, managing emotions, relationships and how people can lose their spark, slip into addiction or struggle to fulfil their potential when weighed down with internalised difficulties.

Particularly without seeking out the support they need in a timely manner to help them turn a corner.

I remember being a listening ear for my dad to share how he was feeling on many occasions, from before I was a teenager and right the way through into my adult life. It was priming me for what I'm doing now.

The truth is, we ALL need this outlet at some point in our lives and I've certainly benefited from therapeutic support, coaching and group work to help me on my journey through the highs, lows and turbulent waters of life.

I'm extremely grateful that my career path over the last decade has taken me out of a 23 year corporate career and into counselling, therapeutic work, coaching and mindfulness teaching, which has reconnected me with the passions and innate abilities that were first visible in my childhood.

Every 6 months or so we share testimonials (see images below) from some of the lovely souls that have approached us for counselling / therapeutic support to help them navigate through a period of difficulty.

The individuals have done the work and these kinds of stories can hopefully give others who are going through a tricky period some hope and motivation that with the right support you can take major strides forward.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if anything resonates or if you'd like to talk over a free 30 minute introductory call.

Your life is your medicine!

Go well.



Good Morning

What do you have planned for 2nd June?

Personally I will be recovering from having turned 50 years old on the 1st of June. Inside I still feel about 25 but my children keep reminding me that the "big 50" is approaching fast so I'm going have to go with the flow and accept it's coming. 😉

If you would like something really lovely to do for yourself, please come along to our Mindfulness Based Wellbeing Retreat at Dalkeith Country Park.

There are a small number of tickets remaining, you can grab yours by clicking on this link:

Restoration Yard

We would love to see you there
Julie 💜

Let us know what you liked best about our retreat in the comments below, if you have joined us before?👇


Hello Everyone

We have a new amazing venue for our retreat at the end of August/beginning of September and we can't wait to get there.

The retreat is in a fantastic location in the nature rich Scottish town of Callander. the venue, Trossachs Tryst, is a safe, nourishing space set in a stunning landscape that nourishes the soul.

For more information or to book your space please visit our website:


Hello Everyone

We are back at Dalkeith Country Park on 2nd June for our next Mindfulness Based Wellbeing Retreat. Book your tickets now to avoid disappointment:

Gary will be joined by Jen Wood. Jen is a excellent facilitator and we are looking forward to working with her in June. Find out more about Jen below 👇


DISCLAIMER: see the comments section below as part of this post, so the intentions are not misunderstood.


Are you a cold water dipper seeking out the benefits of cold water therapy?

It’s an area that has really grown in popularity over the last few years.

Wild water dips, ice baths and cold showers incorporated into daily / weekly routines are giving people a wellbeing boost, creating connection with others and proving valuable for those on a healing journey back to health

There are a broad range of reported benefits, including:👇🏽

🧊increased muscle power
🧊reduced inflammation and soreness
🧊increased resilience
🧊improved cognitive function / alertness
🧊increased energy
🧊healthier looking skin & hair
🧊improved circulation
🧊enhanced mental health / self esteem
🧊weight loss / fat burning
🧊stress reduction

There are however certain people who it may not initially be good for and those are people experiencing:

➡️heart disease / cardiac conditions
➡️nervous system vulnerabilities
➡️high anxiety linked to nervous system dysregulation
➡️burn out

In the case of those with high anxiety, nervous system dysregulation or those approaching burn out or in recovery from burn out….

Cold water dips can put extra pressure on vital body systems such as adrenal glands and the CNS and hyperstimulate an already over active survival response in the brain where we can get stuck in sympathetic activation.

The impacts of this could be a prolonged journey back to health where all core systems are functioning properly again.

When our nervous system and adrenal glands are compromised it can lead to a range of issues / symptoms, including:

🩺digestive system issues
🫁joint and muscle aches / pains
🩺fatigue (chronic fatigue) / tiredness
🫁heart palpitations
🩺exercise intolerance / reduced capacity
🫁disturbed sleep
🩺gut issues
🫁loss of appetite
🩺agitation / irritability / impatience
🫁internal shivers

What the body needs instead of the cold is:

➡️polyvagal practices
➡️SOMATIC practices
➡️gentle (mindful) movement practices
➡️Mindfulness (to better manage the mind, the emotional body and develop self regulation capabilities)
➡️safe, nurturing connection / relationships
➡️the soothing benefits of physical touch

The target is to bring the body back into safety and healthy functioning order and that can take several months or years of dedication to integrate the lifestyle changes needed to facilitate healing.

Once the body is back to a healthy baseline, getting into the cold water on a regular basis can become accessible again.

I don’t know whether health practitioners taking people into the cold are asking health questions first to advise on suitability or mentioning any of the above when promoting cold water therapy, I suspect those that are diligent will be and some may not be.

Societally in Scotland and throughout the world, we have a lot of mental and emotional health issues and unresolved trauma, many people living with chronic health conditions and looking for a route back to health but not quite sure which direction to go in.

People are also increasingly looking for connection (and potentially a leader or guide), so this is leading people towards certain community gatherings.

There are also many people who have become so used to living with stress and adrenaline that the body now craves it, because it’s familiar.

This therefore results in people seeking out adrenaline to feel ‘normal’, which is also why this can take people into unsafe or problematic relationships.

This isn’t normal.

It’s an abnormality that has become normalised due to recurring experiences and breaking this cycle takes time and commitment to create a new way of being - and that new way of being is the inner state of calmness without the need to be stimulated or shocked into presence!

If you find yourself regularly engaging in more extreme adrenaline based activity, running, high intensity workouts, keeping busy all the time and unable to relax or sit in stillness, you’re potentially heading for a burn out or an injury that will create a period of enforced rest.

This is your body saying, you are not in balance, there are things (feelings) you may be running away from and learning how to self soothe, slow down and come back home to your body is essential for health, longevity and potentially success in your relationships.

Ultimately there is always a level of emotional healing to be done as part of this process!

There is a lot more to cover on this topic, however I’m going to finish here, for now and
invite any of your own thoughts or insights in the comments.



2 spaces remaining on our mindfulness based living course combined with salt therapy which commences tomorrow evening.


Video number 5 of the study findings from our recent Mindfulness Course combined with Salt Therapy.

In this video I share how the salt therapy has had a significant impact on my own physical health journey which has at points been my worst nightmare and took me to some dark places as I tried to cope with life without the ability to exercise (beyond a basic walk) for over 2 years!!

Try telling a guy that needs daily exercise in order to function properly and feel alive that he can’t exercise and in addition you’ll have daily unexplained pain, discomfort and dysfunction in the body for an undetermined period of time! I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t pretty at points and surrendering to this (eventually) has undoubtedly been my biggest teacher.

My body had essentially become intolerant to exercise in late 2021 and it’s been a long and difficult road back but I am finally seeing some material progress in the last 3-4 weeks.

The thyroid related issue I’ve had for over 2 years which resulted in hoarseness of voice, impacting my ability to record good quality audios for my work now looks to be resolved and I could feel this change occurring during the 8 weeks in the salt rooms. I was also taking Seaweed for iodine and Brazil Nuts to increase selenium.

Medically, I don’t know what or why this change has occurred, perhaps a return to electrolyte and mineral balance has had a synergistic effect? Perhaps my health and nutrition friends could advise in the comments?

I’ve also suffered from depleted energy and muscle tissue dysfunction and both have improved to the point that I have been able to return to the gym for light weights and mobility work outs with only minimal adverse reaction from my body. Previously the reaction has been debilitating and painful.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or any chronic health condition where you experience low energy, body pain and discomfort, in addition to respiratory, skin and allergy based conditions I believe this course offers great potential for you.

Please listen to the full video and thank you for spreading the word with your network, family and friends. We’re extremely grateful.



Video number 4 of the study findings from our recent Mindfulness Based Living Course combined with Salt Therapy.

This video includes more evaluation feedback comments from participants about how the course experience has helped / impacted them with a few additional insights from me for greater context.

Thank you for watching these videos and for spreading the word with your network, family and friends. We’re extremely grateful.




Our next Mindfulness Course with Salt Therapy is only a week away.

Combining salt therapy and mindfulness can be particularly effective for several reasons:

Enhanced Relaxation: Both salt therapy and mindfulness can promote relaxation (caveat)*

*Whilst relaxation is not a primary purpose of mindfulness practice it can become a by product as participants learn how to step back from worried thinking and use the soothing quality of the breath in certain practices to release tension and promote a feeling of relaxation in the body.

The calming environment of a salt room, coupled with the practice of mindfulness, can therefore deepen relaxation and help to reduce stress and tension.

Focused Breathing: Mindfulness can involve paying attention to the breath. In a salt therapy session, we naturally breathe in the salty air, which can add to the sensory experience and help the quality of our focus during mindfulness practice.

Improved Respiratory Health: Salt therapy can improve respiratory conditions, making it easier for us to breathe. This can enhance the effectiveness of mindfulness practices that involve breath awareness, as we may find it easier to focus on our breath when it feels less constricted.

Synergistic Effects: The combination of salt therapy and mindfulness may have synergistic effects, with each practice enhancing the benefits of the other. For example, the relaxation induced by salt therapy can make it easier for us to enter a mindful state, while mindfulness can deepen the sense of relaxation experienced during a salt therapy session.

Overall, the combination of salt therapy and mindfulness can provide a holistic approach to health and well-being, addressing both physical and mental aspects of wellness.

If you are reading this with interest and would like to join us at our next course, it starts on 30th April, so we are in the final phase of our recruitment.

You can get more information or secure one of the final places here:

Any questions please just shout. 💜🙏


Video number 3 of the study findings from our recent Mindfulness Based Living Course combined with Salt Therapy.

This video includes a number of the comments received from participants about how the course had helped / impacted them and some additional insights from me where I felt it might be useful.

Thank you for watching these videos and for spreading the word with your network if you feel the information might resonate with others. We’re extremely grateful.



This is video number 2 sharing more results from our recent study where we tracked the progress of 8 participants who completed an 8-week Mindfulness Based Living Course with Salt Therapy.

This video also includes some insight on why many people become deficient in sodium chloride, why it’s important for electrolyte balance and how the course with Salt Therapy can help address deficiencies.

Please reach out if you have any questions and please share with anyone you feel might find this information valuable.

Video number 3 will be posted tomorrow assuming I can find a stronger WiFi signal than today, as we are now in the Gili Islands, which is much more remote and lacking the same infrastructure as Bali. It took a very long time to post this video today.

Thank you.




I had planned to post up the day 2 video of the evaluation results from our Mindfulness course combined with Salt Therapy, however I had some issues with the recording and the upload after a tropical downpour has impacted signal strength.

I’m hopeful all will be resolved tomorrow and I’ll have video 2 successfully uploaded.

Thank you for bearing with me



In this video, I summarise the first segment of the study results, which are extremely encouraging.

Video number 2 will be posted tomorrow.

For info, our next mindfulness and salt therapy combined course at Edinburgh Salt Rooms begins on Tuesday 30th April.

If you’re interested in securing one of the remaining spaces, please email us at [email protected] or click the booking link below in the comments.

Alternatively, if you know of any friends, family members or work colleagues that you feel might benefit, we’d be extremely grateful if you could share this with them.

The next course begins in 15 days.



At the end of January we commenced a mindfulness based living course combined with Salt Therapy (Halotherapy) with a view to sharing study findings with interested stakeholders in the health sector and anyone else curious about how this process could potentially benefit them in the future.

In particular, we wanted to see if this combination could help those dealing with a range of physical health challenges, including allergies, respiratory and skin conditions.

We believe this is the first time in the UK (and possibly more broadly) that this combination of modalities has been trialled together.

Participants were asked to complete a pre and post evaluation on a range of health, wellbeing and performance related measures and over the coming days from tomorrow (Monday 15th April), we’ll be sharing the results with you in a series of short videos and posts.

Head back over to the page any time tomorrow morning if you’re curious to see the first iteration of the results, which are extremely encouraging.

Reminder to like the page to be notified about future posts.



Practices like mindfulness meditation can train your brain to focus better and improve concentration over time. Even a few minutes of meditation each day can have significant benefits for focus and attention.

Photos from The Mindful Enterprise C.I.C's post 01/04/2024

Good Evening

After each course or retreat we host, we seek feedback from attendees to hear how the experience impacted them and to help guide our ongoing efforts to enhance our services.

This was some of the feedback from a recent retreat, which highlights that everyone will experience a retreat differently, but with some common themes underpinning the event.

When people drop into a retreat and allow themselves the space to unwind, rest and rejuvenate, it’s common for some to experience tiredness initially, after the body discharges survival stress, however in the days that follow, the body recalibrates and energy rises again.

Please join us on the 2nd of June for our next retreat or send us an enquiry if you’d like more information on our nature focused, Callander retreat on the weekend of 31st Aug / 1st Sept where we’ll be combining more outdoor activity on the hills and lochs with some of our usual indoor format. The venue is awesome and we’ll have all meals provided.

Email us at: [email protected] for more info.


Photos from The Mindful Enterprise C.I.C's post 29/03/2024

These are the lovely bespoke tea blends that Fatima at created for our recent retreat.

Not only did the tea taste great, it was beautifully packaged and delivered to a tight turnaround.

I hope you’ll agree from the photos that the branding turned out really well and aligned with our other materials that we had on show at the Retreat.

I’d highly recommend working with Fatima to create your own blend for personal use or to support an upcoming event that you’re running.

These made a nice gift for everyone and could be great as part of a gift bag.

Spread the love and support an up and coming small business. You can connect with Fatima via her IG page tagged in this post.



Do you find it difficult to relax and be at peace in your body?

As per the book title “the body keeps the score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk, all of our traumatic experiences are felt and stored within the body.

When we have unhealed trauma, this can mean that we find it difficult to relax or feel safe and at ease within the body.

For many this results in keeping ourselves busy all of the time, impulsivity and a feeling that we’re constantly distracting and running away from ourselves.

This is emotional avoidance, often coupled with a lack of self soothing.

The other thing to be aware of is that the body will crave more of what’s familiar to it. If the body has been used to cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline it will crave more of it, which is how some people become prone to drama or relating to thoughts and situations from a place of threat.

The body can also crave more dopamine, which it gets when we’re in our busy doing state, achieving, in pursuit of our goals but we need to learn to consciously slow down at points during the day otherwise we’ll be wound up like a coiled spring and find it hard to unwind in the evening.

The body becomes charged up and we can become impatient, lack empathy, find it difficult to focus and be present with others and relax in our bodies.

This is why we must learn how to train our minds to become settled, to self regulate, to ground ourselves and to cultivate compassion because without compassion we’re less equipped to prioritise self soothing, which brings much needed balance and inner harmony to the body (rest and recovery).

Ultimately, if you’re on a spiritual path or holding space for others as a health practitioner, counsellor or therapist and you find it difficult to be at ease in your body or get easily triggered, this is valuable information that there is work to do on yourself first, to create the inner environment that will allow you to do your work with the utmost integrity.

Mindfulness training explores all of these themes and will provide some of the key tools to support you in the journey home to the body.



A reminder that Salt Therapy at Edinburgh Salt Rooms is a very effective way to treat allergies, skin and respiratory conditions. Connect with Paul at ESR if you’re curious to find out more.

As an additional point to note, we are running a mindfulness based living course which incorporates salt therapy commencing from Tuesday 30th April.


Paul Tait & Olivia back in tonight for a session, Olivia smiling as ever just like her Dad 🩵😅

Gill Ferguson

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Videos (show all)

We had another beautiful day earlier this month for our early summer retreat. 💜#retreat #wellbeing #mindfulness #health ...
7 days to go until our next wellbeing retreat! Last remaining tickets available via Linktree in bio (IG) and www.themind...
There are 2 common things we typically hear from people that haven’t attended one of our retreats before. The first one ...
Come and join us at one of our upcoming Retreats near Edinburgh, Scotland. You’ll be glad you did💜#retreats #health #wel...
Who are cold water dips not good for?
Who are cold water dips not good for?
2 spaces remaining for our mindfulness course combined with salt therapy starting tomorrow evening.
2 spaces remaining on our mindfulness based living course combined with salt therapy which commences tomorrow evening.
My recent holiday has highlighted that I’ve become a product of an environment that hasn’t been serving me well. I’ve al...
Video No. 5 sharing results from our recent Salt Room course and this feedback relates to my own personal journey. Pleas...
Video No. 5 sharing results from our recent Salt Room course and this feedback relates to my own personal journey


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