
TEDxFolkestone started in 2017 and is proud to have delivered our third and best event yet in June 20 For more info, check out https://www.tedxfolkestone.com/

Inherited survival mechanisms attach us to the past | Richard Bundy | TEDxFolkestone 27/07/2021

We are delighted to announce our final 2021 speaker Richard Bundy's talk is now live for the world to watch.

In his powerful talk, Richard explores how a systemic lens can release us from past traumas, break the cycle of conflict, and shift our perspectives to bring about positive change.

Find out more about his work:


Inherited survival mechanisms attach us to the past | Richard Bundy | TEDxFolkestone NOTE FROM TED: This talk only represents the speaker's personal views and understanding of trauma and inheritance which lacks legitimate scientific support. ...

Epistemic insight: engaging with life's Big Questions | Berry Billingsley | TEDxFolkestone 02/07/2021

It's time we started letting kids ask the BIG QUESTIONS about the world and connecting knowledge across the curriculum and beyond. Professor Berry Billingsley's inspirational TEDxFolkestone talk is now live. If you want to get involved, here are some of her future plans:

"This has been a wonderful opportunity to develop a ten-minute talk about our research, the Epistemic Insight Initiative, and why it matters. The journey has included writing and discussing countless versions before the one that you can now see online and at every step it has been brilliant to have the professional input and support provided by the TEDxFolkestone team.

In my 'dream world' we make a follow-up TV or radio programme with a selection of Big Questions workshops, together with interviews with students, teachers and teacher educators about how they have explored them in their schools and institutions. We are also developing more workshops and new ways to teach and assess epistemic insight with a view to broadening what’s covered in courses so that they can include working with cross-disciplinary themes."

You can find more on Berry's work: https://www.epistemicinsight.com/


Epistemic insight: engaging with life's Big Questions | Berry Billingsley | TEDxFolkestone We all grow up wondering about the so-called Big Questions. Young people these days have the challenge of trying to come up with answers that make sense of w...

The Invisible Challenges of Stuttering | Ruban Pillai | TEDxFolkestone 30/06/2021

Ruban Pillai took us on a journey to understand the challenges and hurdles for people who stutter. We were utterly humbled. Here's what he had to say about his TEDxFolkestone experience:

"TEDxFolkestone was an awesome experience and I felt really thankful to be part of a great team. Everyone from the Speaker Team to East Cliff Creatives and Prisma was so professional throughout and made the journey smooth and enjoyable. The whole team felt that it was important to understand our message and produce fantastic videos to enhance the impact of our words. Seeing the talk on the day and taking questions was a real buzz as the message was finally out in the world. The next step is to continue speaking to raise awareness of stuttering and take the message to new ears."


The Invisible Challenges of Stuttering | Ruban Pillai | TEDxFolkestone This talk aims to help everyone understand how challenging stuttering can be, both psychologically and emotionally, as these aspects are often overlooked whe...

Virtually There! Rebirth of virtual magic in a post-pandemic world | David Zambuka | TEDxFolkestone 22/06/2021

A shoutout and huge thank you to entertainers everywhere that have got us all through the pandemic with laughter, amazement and awe - including our very own David Zambuka.

You can watch his talk on YouTube now - and check out the live stream on our page to see the live magic that delighted the audience. Here's what David's got planned next:

"Preparing for a TEDx talk is exciting, stressful and fun. The level of support offered by the team throughout the process was amazing. It was a challenging time for everyone involved, particularly with the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. However, the event day was well organised with both the production team and support members providing reassurance, calm and comfort for all speakers. Now that my talk is out there, I’m busily sharing on social media and proudly adding to my list of credits and endorsements that I am now a TEDx speaker! I hope it opens doors to new and
exciting opportunities for the future."

To find out more about David Zambuka, go to www.davidzambuka.co.uk

Virtually There! Rebirth of virtual magic in a post-pandemic world | David Zambuka | TEDxFolkestone How does a magician perform in a world when physical interaction is discouraged? How exactly do you “pick a card” now you’re no longer allowed to touch the d...

Alcoholism - The deadly truth about its stigma | Sarah Drage | TEDxFolkestone 21/06/2021

Danger. Dependence. Disease.
Be prepared for an emotional watch that rocked our live audience and we think will shake up the way we treat people who are addicted to alcohol.

For the brilliant and brave Sarah Drage, becoming a TEDx speaker is just the beginning:

"I had the absolute pleasure and best opportunity to be a speaker for TEDx Folkestone, the entire experience has been life-changing and certainly one I will never forget. The endless support, encouragement and commitment from the TEDxFolkestone team has been incredible. To be given the opportunity to share my family’s experience of alcohol use disorder on a global platform has allowed my little voice to be amplified. Which means my ongoing campaign around ending alcoholism stigma will have an even bigger impact. Here’s to hoping my Dad’s story will be the catalyst for positive change. "


Alcoholism - The deadly truth about its stigma | Sarah Drage | TEDxFolkestone In a deeply personal talk, Sarah Drage shares why she believes the stigma attached to alcoholism killed her Dad. Challenging society’s current stereotype aga...

Lessons from Children, the experts in Wonder | Greg Stobbs | TEDxFolkestone 19/06/2021

We were totally inspired by Greg Stobb's ode to the wonder of children. He shared with us his future plans and what becoming a TEDx speaker meant for him:

"I would be so happy if this talk jolted some memories, and allowed just a moment in each day
where knowledge, routine and structure were cast aside in favour of wildness, impulse, openness
and spontaneity. This was a chance to share the words of my own children, and have them
illustrate the importance of listening to our younger generations in order to move forward with
fresh eyes.
While drawing has always been my favoured way of communicating, taking part in a TEDx
brought up so many unexpected emotions, and gave me the opportunity to express them with
The TEDXFolkestone team and other wonderful speakers offered just the right amount of support,
with the perfect balance of space and encouragement, allowing the idea to grow naturally.

I continue with wonder at the heart of my work, and aim to find as many ways as possible to
share my message."

Streetart and mural work:


Lessons from Children, the experts in Wonder | Greg Stobbs | TEDxFolkestone Artist and illustrator Greg Stobbs reconnects with curiosity by keeping a sketched diary of his son’s and daughter’s most important words and unexpected mome...

Recruiting with conscience when hiring diverse talent | Nikky Lyle | TEDxFolkestone 18/06/2021

CALLING 👏 ALL👏 CEOs👏 AND 👏 BUISNESS LEADERS 👏 You NEED to watch nikkylylecreative 's TEDxFolkestone talk NOW if you are seriously committed to improving diversity in your workplace.

Here's what Nikky had to say about her experience of becoming a TEDx speaker and her future plans:

"The event day was brilliant, although at the time during the pandemic I had no idea this day would actually come. On the day the team were as supportive as always. It felt a bit like Eurovision as we sat watching everyone’s videos and waiting for our own Q&As! My next steps are to use this talk as a starting point, to guide my clients and the industry, to consider how they are approaching diverse hiring with a conscience."


Recruiting with conscience when hiring diverse talent | Nikky Lyle | TEDxFolkestone Many employers are currently trying to find solutions to rebalance the lack of diversity within their companies. Creative Recruiter, Nikky Lyle, has observed...

What if I told you maths is about play? | Tommy Blanche | TEDxFolkestone 17/06/2021

Couldn't make it to TEDxFolkestone this year? Fear not! Our talks are going live on YouTube and we'll be sharing them this week - starting with Mr Blanche's Mad-Matics:

"I have to say a humungous thank you to TEDxFolkestone. It was such a wonderful process to be part of; sharing a creative space with such inspirational people. Being part of this wonderful event gave me the chance to share my vision of maths and present something meaningful to the world. The day itself was incredible and the energy in the building was electrifying! I hope now to use this as an opportunity to spread my ideas further through my Mr Blanche's Mad-Matics and am open to more exciting opportunities! Thank you TEDxFolkestone!"


What if I told you maths is about play? | Tommy Blanche | TEDxFolkestone Do you ever feel scared of maths? Why do you think this is? Does it relate to childhood and how you were taught it? In this thought-provoking talk, Tommy Bla...

TEDx Talks - YouTube 15/06/2021

Our 2021 speakers' talks are going LIVE NOW on TEDx YouTube channel. We will be sharing all of the talks along with what our speakers plan to do next over the next few weeks.
Make sure you're subscribed to see them first: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsT0YIqwnpJCM-mx7-gSA4Q

Tommy Blanche https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slbcoChAqHQ&t=75s
nikkylylecreative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxEpHcr-XyQ
Greg Stobbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtaGrY2hhN8
Sarah Drage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVpaF8a0Mn8
LOKi TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWff3hahJN4

TEDx Talks - YouTube TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global...


Aaaand that's a wrap. What an amazing morning. We are totally inspired by our speakers and our fabulous audience. Thank you for joining us, but if you didn't make it, keep your eyes peeled as we'll be sharing our speakers' TEDx talks very soon! You can also rewatch the live stream on our page, complete with Q&As with the speakers.


How exactly do you ‘pick a card’ when you’re no longer allowed to touch the deck?

2020 was the year live performances closed their doors. But professional comedian and magician, David Zambuka shares how magicians adapted their craft to a virtual world to entertain and delight audiences (including you!).

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA


Children have been incredibly resilient this past year.

Artist and illustrator, and now TEDxFolkestone speaker, Greg Stobbs wants to champion the creativity and imagination of children. He invites us adults to set aside what we know and rediscover the wonders of the young mind.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA


Are you a leader or business owner who takes workplace diversity seriously? Listen up.

Our speaker Nikky Lyle wants to help organisations rebalance the lack of diversity among their employees. She will help you and your organisation improve your recruitment, hire with conscience, and createa work culture that reflects voices from all communities.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon 07/06/2021

Challenging times call for creative solutions.

We will be revealing our final speakers this week who are speaking on the theme of Creativity. Get your tickets now.

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon Yes, it's happening! TEDxFolkestone 2021 virtual event. 8 talks and live Q&A with the speakers


We all have moments when we struggle to communicate what we want to say. But ridicule of people with a stutter or stammer has led some sufferers to depression and even taking their own life.

Our speaker Ruban Pillai is out to dispel the myths and misconceptions about stuttering and invites you to change the way you look at people, like him, who stutter.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA


Every year, more and more people are dying from alcohol missuse. So why aren't we talking about it?

Our speaker Sarah Drage shares a poignant personal story about why she believes the stigma attached to alcoholism killed her Dad. She wants to break down barriers of silence and anonymity, and empower alcoholics to recover freely.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA


Does community matter to you?

The pandemic has shone a light on communities across the world still suffering the pain of past trauma and conflict.

Our speaker Richard Bundy offers a way for us to see the systems that underpin our interactions, regain confidence, and shape a new future for ourselves and our communities.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon 03/06/2021

2021 is the time for our communities to heal from past events and rally together for a more compassionate way of living.

Keep your eyes peeled this week to hear about our Community speakers and get your tickets for now.

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon Yes, it's happening! TEDxFolkestone 2021 virtual event. 8 talks and live Q&A with the speakers


Life in 2021 and beyond is full of big questions that don't fit neatly into our education system: Why do life and the universe exist? Can a robot be a good companion? Can and should genetic engineering be used to make better people?

Our speaker Professor Berry Billingsley is calling for a more joined-up approach to teaching and learning, where educators and their students consider where knowledge comes from and how different disciplines can help us answer the big questions of today.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA


Does the thought of fractions, statistics, or algebra leave you anxious? You're not alone: nearly a third of adults in the UK struggle with everyday maths.

Primary school teacher Tommy Blanche says there's no need for anyone to be scared of maths. He's speaking at TEDxFolkestone to share how teachers can bring play into learning to help children (and adults) enjoy discovering the world of numbers.

Join us. Free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315?fbclid=IwAR0NmPLxy45FruSLABiAwFDaH7wpx2RXPIgQ-bYJ5N-l5sdwzQojfo8BFeA

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon 31/05/2021

How do we reinvent education to build better schools?

Stay tuned to find out more about our Education speakers and get your tickets for now.

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon Yes, it's happening! TEDxFolkestone 2021 virtual event. 8 talks and live Q&A with the speakers

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon 30/05/2021

Thought-provoking, inspiring and entertaining talks about education, community and creativity will be shared with the world at 2021.

Get your ticket to part of it.

TEDxFolkestone 2021 - A New Horizon Yes, it's happening! TEDxFolkestone 2021 virtual event. 8 talks and live Q&A with the speakers


🎉TEDxFolkestone 2021 has a new date!🎉

We can't wait to see you on 12th June and get ready to be inspired by our amazing speakers.

Get your tickets now! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxfolkestone-2021-a-new-horizon-tickets-153477159315

Sarah Drage Greg Stobbs Ruban Pillay David Zambuka Tommy Blanche nikkylylecreative Berry Billingsley Richard Bundy

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TEDx Folkestone's Personal Meeting Room
Get Your Tickets NOW for TEDxFolkestone 2021


Tontine Street

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Folkestone (show all)
Battle of Britain Memorial - Remembering the Few Battle of Britain Memorial - Remembering the Few
Battle Of Britain Memorial, New Dover Road, Capel-le-Ferne
Folkestone, CT187JJ

Memorial in Kent dedicated to the heroic deeds of the men who fought the Battle of Britain ✈️

The Christmas Dinner, Folkestone The Christmas Dinner, Folkestone

The Christmas Day Dinner is an event for care leavers aged 18-25 to have a Christmas Day together to celebrate and create memories. We would love your help.

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Folkestone, CT201JT

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The Marigold Centre
Folkestone, CT194NS

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Lord Cornwallis Court, Folkestone Lord Cornwallis Court, Folkestone
Downs Road
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Folkestone, CT201JG

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Folkestone, CT196AB

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Shooting Stars Flyball Team Shooting Stars Flyball Team

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NCT South Kent Coastal branch NCT South Kent Coastal branch

We are the charity that supports people as they become parents.

The Sports Trust The Sports Trust
Three Hills Sports Park
Folkestone, CT195JU

We are a charity creating inclusive and inspiring environments for people to love sport and exercise