The empowerment coach

Photos from The empowerment coach's post 25/09/2024

Authentic self day ✌️

👉Recognizing Limiting Beliefs👈

Many of us hide our authentic selves because of limiting beliefs formed in childhood.

It's something that hindered a huge part of my growth. I had a lot- as most of us do.

Fear of failure
Fear of success
Fear of judgement
Lack of self worth
Fear of rejection
To name just a few...

In the last 4 years I've challenged a lot of them. Having the courage to step into and embrace challenging or uncomfortable things not only helps you grow but also forms such a strong self belief, confidence and trust within yourself that simply couldn't be achieved otherwise.

Every step you take is a step is a step towards a more fulfilled you 🥰

Today, reflect on any beliefs that have held you back and ask yourself if they’re really true.🤍

Challenge those thoughts and set yourself free. 💭✨


It's a shame that most people in this world have dreams that they are not working on because they are afraid 😱

It's a shame

That many people waste time doubting, they waste time fearful, they waste time worrying about what other people will say 👄

It's a shame

It's a shame they put down themselves instead of building themselves up. 📉📈

The biggest pain in life?... Is the pain of regret!!

In order to achieve greatness you must first believe you can.💡🔥🚀

👉So WHO do you want to be?
👉WHAT do you want to achieve?
👉And HOW are you going to get there?

🤷You will fail, but then you'll get back up!
🤷People will judge, but that's on them!
🌟It's time to stop being so afraid of what could go wrong and instead focus on what could go right! 🙌🥳💪


I've actually not been posting much here and instead using my own page for content, golden nuggets and connection.

But thought I'd share this here for anyone not on my page 🥰🫶

So what's this challenge? 🤔

It's 4 days of investing in YOU!! 🫶🤍

For just 10 minutes a day I'll be giving you golden nuggets to implement into your day & lives.

Are you sick of putting yourself last?
Sick of people pleasing leaving no room to just stop and breathe?
Sick of feeling constantly exhausted?

Ladies, this is the time to put yourself first!!🫵

At the end of next week you'll feel revitalised!🙌

You'll have more focus and vision than ever before.🥰

But most importantly strength, knowledge, confidence & permission to put yourself first!

Because when your cup is full, it spills over.🍶

When it's empty, there's nothing left to give!

Come join me and 252 warriors inside
The Empowerment coach community 🙏👑✨


In just a few short days myself and Lynsey will be hosting this workshop.

Perfect for females wanting to learn, grow, expand their knowledge and understand their own body & mind.

This will include working on limiting beliefs, patterns and conditioned behaviours, nutrition, hormonal health & the importance/ impact on the body. Stress management, life balance and much more.

Intended to spark a fire we all have inside, igniting that inner worth & self belief. 🔥

We can't wait to share our combined wisdom with you all.

This workshop is based in Helensburgh at my studio on James Street.

If you haven't booked your ticket- get involved 🫶🤍

Open to everyone


👉It's not a diet plan you need

It's working on your mindset ✅

It's untraining old habits and retraining new ones.✅

It's making your health and your life a priority ✅

It's understanding that this is your new way of life not just a holiday for a while! ✅

Every single person in this world can create something wonderful from their life. They can have the life, the body, the job of their dreams.

Often they are just too scared

Scared about what it takes.

Scared they won't make it.

But what should scare you is the " what if's"

What if you never try- then you'll never know.

What if life passes you by and your riddled with regret of not doing the thing!

A lot of us get stuck in our head, either thinking for other people - "they'll think I'm X "

negative internal thoughts " I'd never be able to X"

or simply making excuses " I don't have time to X"

Justifying why you can't when in actual fact it's just not a priority!

A plan of any sort is only a blue print - you have to do the work! ALL of the work.

Putting a plaster over a problem - doesn't solve the problem 😉

The best plan is the one you create!! Absolutely get guidance, support, encouragement but a "plan" is not what you need! 🤍✨

Photos from The empowerment coach's post 04/01/2024

It's no secret I'm a super fan of all things brain related! 🤣

The Empowerment coach was started with female Empowerment in mind!

To empower females to be their best selves and live their best lives unapologetically them 👑

As a former disempowered female, having done A LOT of work on myself and my mindset I found my purpose is to share my knowledge, wisdom and energy with those who feel they're is more to life than where they are settling💎

👉Thriving not just surviving

👉 Becoming unsure to unstoppable

So here's how you can work with me in 2024

✨Empowerment retreat- 15th-17th March! Intention is to do 3 this year if there is demand 🤞

✨ Female empowerment summit - 24th February, intention is 4 throughout the year each with different focuses.

✨Masterclass ( or webinar)- perfect health, wellness or mindset coaching for your team, workplace, sports club or clients.

✨ Empowerment membership - details released soon.

✨ Empowerment coaching & mentoring (1:1)
Option 1- online
Option 2- theraputic intervention face to face using NLP technique's.

Get in touch to book or for more details 🤍


✨✨✨ Save the date✨✨✨

The first Female Empowerment summit!!

Details coming soon!! 👀🤍✨

Happy New year indeed 👑💯


Merry Christmas 🤪🙌🎅🎄



We all know I love a quote!!

Not only is everything covered in quotes, I also have positive affirmations dotted round the house that I change each day.


It's both for myself and for my children who will be subconsciously reading these and no idea they are doing it.

I have accidentally fallen into the coaching trap with them but I've been called out and realised I need to just be mum.👩‍👧‍👦

Another way to instill positivity, self belief, and empowerment within my home without actually coaching my kids.

Even if it makes a 1% difference I'm all over that 🌈🤍


Generational conditioning.

It's no one's fault!!

People don't know what they don't know!!

But when you are faced with the knowledge and reality and can make the moves to disrupt that destructive pattern. Do it!!

Not only will your future you thank you for it, but so will all the generations yet to come!! 🤍


It's simple!!

Knowing you enough is the one 🤍🌱🌈


Front row seats, with my babies and I cried!

The story was so Powerful and they actually didn't need to say a word.

If you have a message to share! Share it!

If you have words to say- say them!

And do it in your own way- don't be afraid to be unapologetically you!!

" The most powerful thing you own is your voice" I say this often when coaching.

Suppressing any form of emotion, hurt, anger, pain it will manifest in other ways. And will be entirely subconscious until a light is shone there!

I discovered quite recently I was silenced at 11years old, meaning certain situations I found myself in I was unable to use my voice. This was due to a belief I had deep rooted inside that hadn't been healed.

Thanks to inner work, She is now free, and my voice will never be silenced again!

The above message I will continue to shout from the roof tops until people believe they can too 🤍


The month of December I was challenged to an AM " discipline challenge" by my coach

At first I couldn't think of anything to "ADD" I already done the cold shower, the mediation, the journalling, the dry brushing, morning movement.

I was like 🙄 and a little 🤯 MORE STUFF on top of the military operation that is the school run 🤣🤣

But I gave myself a wee talking to.

It wasn't about adding more it was about being disciplined in something, ANYTHING. Having that extra layer of accountability.

So agreed it made sense for mine to be an evening.
Me being me, I ended up doing both 🤣

AM discipline of mobility and press ups
PM discipline of no food after 8pm, bed by 9.30 and a book.

To top it all off I've also been off caffeine and added sugar ( except from one day) for the month too- I'll do a separate post on this.

Moral of the story!

Your perception is everything!! My ego was giving it " my routine is perfect" but there is always room for more!!

That's what growth is all about 🌱



Couldn't not laugh at this!

I've been on a bit of a journey recently with food.

And I'll be honest it's always been a bit of a destructive relationship I've had with food, even when aesthetically I look "good" I wasn't as intentional as WHAT I put in as I was with HOW MUCH.

Recently I've learned loads about ultra processed foods and it's like a switch has went in my head.

I no longer look at food as a "want" but more a need.
What actually serves me? what makes me feel good ?

It's not restrictive, it's more a hyper awareness of the impact it has long term on my life.

Society has became to accustomed to a certain way, and let's be honest it's slowly killing us! Our ancestors never ate like we do today so why do we think it's ok and won't cause disaster later down the line.🤦

It's not your fault, marketing is very clever in subconsciously wiring you to fall into the WANT trap mistaking it for NEED.

Disease is dis-ease in the body a lot of the time brought on by what your actually putting in!! 🤍


Don't let the video confuse you!

I don't enjoy running, even though my smile says otherwise!

But I don't enjoy it because it's not natural to me!

Its hard! It's uncomfortable! And I always end up with a bloody injury 🤕

But leaning into uncomfortable is where growth is at, whilst also listening to my body and my coach being sensible with what that looks like.

I'm slowly but surely getting better. Just 1% every day, and I'm still learning every step of the way.

What do you need to lean into more to stretch that comfort zone??


The importance and daily movement and vitamin D on your skin!

Granted in Scotland it's few and far between but every opportunity you have grab it!

This time of year people tend to retreat, it can be quite low/ flat but the only person who can change that is you!

Getting out will hugely boost you energy and mental health.

Let's face it...Noone ever felt worse after going a walk.

So here's your little reminder... It's the basics that count 😉


So this was recorded when it was the ice age last week 🤣

It's not morning and there is no need to defrost ourselves or our cars this week 🤭

But the message is still super important!

As a leader of children and young people and someone who works with them A LOT a continuous pattern I see is lack of self worth!

It takes one word, one sentence, one look, to either

👉Empower and encourage
👉Disempower and destroy

Everyone has " that one teacher" - they might stand out due to a positive memory or a negative!

Both can hugely shape your life.

Self worth absolutely comes from within

However if the people you look up poke holes in that it will leak out forever.

In Situations
In Relationships
But most importantly in how you see yourself.

Lift them up!!!
Show them their light!!
And never underestimate the power of your words. 🤍


Ive had a couple of crazy busy weeks.

The stress made me find myself reactive instead of responsive.

And I had to have a word with myself. My children are learning from my responses.

As a parent if you get it wrong- admit it.
If you need to apologise - do it.

This job is not easy, and it didn't come with a hand book. You have to sypher through, on your own terms.

But if I knew a decade ago what I do now my parenting would be significantly different.

They are learning every step of the way 🪜

Photos from The empowerment coach's post 09/11/2023

What we deliver in our schools every Friday.

This is a pilot project that will roll out into other schools in the future.

Early intervention is absolutely key 🔐

Let's teach our girls to know their worth, to set boundaries, to have unlimited self belief and to understand and never undestimate their value to the world.🌍

Timeline photos 08/11/2023

Forgiveness is for your own peace 🤍


Monday motivation

Truth is you aren't going to always want to!!

But that's exactly why you should keep going.

In order to develop strength, power or growth in any aspect of your life, you have to keep going!!

My goal years ago was to be able to do ONE chin up! I'm doing several plus negatives with 18kg added on.

I could of stopped at one, the goal was achieved.

But then I'd become stagnant and I'd limit my potential!

You can relate this to so many aspects of your life

Skill/ sport
Personal development

I didn't always feel like doing them, but I always got them done.

Discipline= success 🚀💯


Buzzing to spend the day away from anything work related and just with my kids. 👩‍👧‍👦

It's funny how they start to benefit from your birthday presents 🤣🤣

Off to diversity we go, as VIPs- not dressed up and minus the pumpkin scarecrow 🤣🤭🤣


Don't be like Nala!!

Blinded by the fact this was a wooden structure and not a stick 🤦

Don't be blindsided into the latest gadget, shake, pill, or external promise!

It won't work!

It's like papering over a crack! The problem is still there! And it will continue to appear, reappear and reappear until you actually learn!!

If you want to transform your life, be that


Then you have to do the hard graft! Work on your mind and the rest will follow.

The ripple effect!! 😉🌊


I've spoken with lots of people this week about

The fear of being judged!

It's crazy how society changes how we feel about this.

Phase 1- young child
No cares in the world, so authentically honest and real.

Phase 2- older child ( sometimes starts as young as 7/8 right up to & including young adults)
The worry about what other people think of them is really crippling, they adopt a different persona, which can change depending on who they are with. Their friends acceptance means everything to them even more so that their own disconnect.

Phase 3- I'd say late 20s upwards. You actually realise how much phase 2 actually harms you internally and you adopt a similar view to the young child. Caring less about what people think and more about what is true for you.

Now all of these aren't matter of fact, every single person is unique in their own transitional periods, some sooner, some later, some long, some quick. But I'd argue that almost all of us go through this in some capacity.

Being authentically you is the most people thing in the world, you'll feel more at peace and content that ever.

Let me as you are you being athletically you?🤍

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It's time to come back stronger ladies?! And it starts right here 👇The Empowerment coach community ( Facebook) Challenge...
I've actually not been posting much here and instead using my own page for content, golden nuggets and connection.But th...
generational conditioning




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