Everything is reps!

Photos from P-WOT's post 21/07/2024

Challenging couple of weeks for us, mostly for me.

Managed some well deserved quality time with the boys and to go outside for the morning 💚🩵

Now we rest and recover for a week with less turbulence 🙏🏽


Before I get to talk about myself…
Let’s talk about my 2 girls who competed yesterday 😍

None of them peaked for this
n competed for the first time in sleeves, totalled 340kg, PRs in all the 3 lifts 🥹, all with little sleep and weight in 2h prior comp, so Fuc proud of you 💜

1st competing 🥹305kg total 🤯No peaking, cause we didnt feel she needed the pressure on her first comp…PRS in all her lifts 🤩 we even got a 3 digit squat 💪🏽

I’m so proud of you girls💜 thank you for trusting me with your journey 🫶🏽





Only 5 spaces available !

We have this amazing opportunity to help women, emotionally and physically to achieve their best shape ever 🙌🏽

Guidance! Someone from the outside of your world, living the same circumstances and making it through‼️

That’s what we are here for🥰, to guide you without draining you!

Join us today, and save your spot of greatness!



Oh well we can’t be blamed for loving our children and family but wanting the house to be quieter and tidier for longer 🫠😆

Kids are back to school, men leave to work, all of the sudden the mess and chaos are under control until tea time 😂

Happy Monday mamas ♥️


And now this boy is ready to fly 💪🏼

is one of the most stubborn clients I have 😂

I remember he couldn’t even get to 70 degrees squat a few months back !

Paulo’s journey isn’t about losing weight in fact so far we’ve gain 5,9kg and got leaner 🤌🏽

Think about someone who’ve Bern through hell and back and still managed to get to the gym, and added 85kg+ PR to his old squat and 1000% more depth !

There’s still loads of work for us both, but we got this 👊🏽

I’ll see you at the platform 💪🏼


Is that girly enough?! As women, We get told so many times what We should or shouldn’t do 🙄

Don’t lift too heavy. It’s not feminine! 💅
Don’t do upper body, you’ll look bulky 🦍

Also, We still not being taken seriously at the gym, when We load the bar and some “macho” entitles himself to the weight, obviously he is a man, he has the right to lift heavy 🙄 we shouldn’t be there in the first place 🤡

So I’ll tell you something, WE Women are here to take space, not to take your space! OUR space. our place !!

Obviously if that makes you or anyone else ( woman or man) feel small… it’s up to you to make yourself feel big!

Not bigger than us, or me! We ain’t your competition!!

We have our own demons to deal with, and those ain’t “macho”!


Fishing for content to help you through your journey 🤗

Think of what you struggle the most to do, between this two and hit the button 👍🏽 or ❤️



A beautiful Saturday from our home to yours 💙

Let’s see, what content are you wanting to see on our page ?

Ana Vasconcelos | Linktree 16/04/2022

Sign up form now available, this will make it easier for you to book yourself in and get started ❤️

Ana Vasconcelos | Linktree Hey Hey, super cool you came to my linktree here!

Photos from Puissant world of Women's post 05/04/2022

Fear and the fear of failure have stopped many people from achieving the results they wanted, but it’s something you can control.

I want you to think of a time when something went wrong, where you failed or you perceive that you failed, something that happened that wasn’t exactly what you wanted.

Now, ask yourself the following questions:

1. What did you learn when that happened? What was the impact?

2. What is better about that situation now?

3. Why are you pleased about the situation now?

As you write down your responses, what did you learn? Why are you pleased it turned out that way and what lessons will you take with you?

If you learned something from the situation, you can use that going forward to rewrite your story and eliminate your fears once and for all.
We all have bad days, we all have problems, and we all have challenges. It’s how we decide to stand up to them that determines the outcome.


So much for Monday motivation posts 😂

My Todays motivation is telling you mama, that someone else in the house can do it or you can avoid it until the end of the day 😍

Want to know why? No reason at all you just deserve a break 🤣

Happy Monday mama Queens 👸


Most working moms know the struggle of wanting to find time to exercise but not having enough time to fit exercise into their daily routine. ⏰

If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone! 💗

Studies have found that parenthood is associated with decreased physical activity, particularly for mothers.

It makes total sense.

You want to lose those last 10 lbs of pregnancy weight or fit into your pre-baby clothes. Maybe you just want to be healthier.

But you also have a full-time job, kids, and a household to take care of. There are dinners to make, a kitchen to clean, laundry to do (and then even more laundry…it’s seriously never-ending in our house). 😩🙈

Here’s some tips that we will be working on unfolding with you ❤️

1. Make it a priority
2. Figure out when, where and how
you can fit exercise into your schedule
3. Have a plan and a goal
4. Don't beat yourself up if your plan
falls through- try again tomorrow
5. Keep track of your progress
6. Start slow and start small
7. If you're really struggling fit exercise,
just start by increasing you activity
throughout the day
8. Remember that any activity is better
than no activity
9. If you have limited time, make that
time matter
10. When all else fails, just get up and
do the hokey pokey

Take it easy mama ❤️


Such a usual thing isn’t it mama?

You took on to yourself to do it all,
To save the world but not yourself.
To provide for all but not to you.
To raise healthy children and forget that you are worthy that kind of time.

You appreciate when someone step up to do the dishes, yet you don’t appreciate when you do it 99% of the time,

Do something today, look in the mirror and thank that woman there!

Thank her for everything, the “sacrifices”, for remaining in one piece after all you put her through when you forget about her !

Thank that woman ! ❤️


Just another day to remind us of something else we can do 💖

Love unconditionally💖


Who else ?

Honestly the hardest thing to do is to dress a toddler whatever that is, and putting one leg on only for it to come out before finishing the second leg 😂

Mamas got drama at home 😆


Are you a busy mama raising little ones and find yourself struggling with “healthy” meal prep?🤯

Mastering meal prep for the week is a life saver when you’re busy with minimal time to getting a weeknight dinner on the table!

With two littles under the age of 2 and 11, weeknight dinners don’t come easy. And I definitely don’t have the energy to spend hours cooking, eating and cleaning up dinner.😒

My ideal weeknight dinner involves…

* a slow cooker or my Instant Pot
* a sheet pan
* easy clean up
* minimal ingredients
* ready in under 30 minutes

How to meal prep?

1. Make a meal plan
* Keep it simple – a good start is 1-2 new recipes, 1-2 family recipes and leftovers

2. Create grocery list
* Comb through each recipe and create a grocery list with things you’ll need for the week

3. Carve out prep time
* Your shopping and prepping don’t have to be done on the same day – carve out time by setting a reminder in your phone for each task

4. Prep the basics
* Roast veggies, wash & chop produce, cook meats & grains and store prepped food in airtight container until needed

5. Assemble meals
* Casseroles: if you’re prepping a casserole dish with multiple ingredients, assemble all ingredients in casserole dish and store in refrigerator until use
* Sides & meats: if you’re prepping a deconstructed meal such as a veggie, grain and meat, prep all separately and assemble each food into an airtight container. Another option is to store each food in it’s own container and assemble on a plate as you need them for meals.

There’s much more to meal prep that I’ll be sharing with you, such as the easiest and fastest foods to keep on your cupboard for a rushing meal setting ❤️

You don’t need to be perfect, you can do mama 🥰


My first pregnancy I did nothing but walk and sleep whilst on my last I’ve managed to exercise with weights until the end ❤️

Every pregnancy is different aswell as every mama.

Suitable activities during pregnancy include:
* brisk walking
* swimming
* indoor stationary cycling
* prenatal yoga
* low impact aerobics under the guidance of a certified aerobics instructor
* special exercises to prepare for labor and delivery
These activities carry little risk of injury, benefit the entire body, and are usually safe to do until delivery.

More importantly is to listen to your body.
Mama not everyone can exercise everyday when carrying a baby and it’s ok to just make it through the day.

The biggest barrier when pregnant is mobility make sure you give a little safe stretch to that super human making body ❤️

If you are new to exercise or never exercised through or after pregnancy, I’d advice to stick to things you know how to do safely and to listen to your body when it tells you “NO NO”, on the other hand you can get in touch with me and we can work things together for a safe pregnancy or/and post natal journey 🥰

Ana 👩🏼


I know it can be hard to get up
every day and have these little
people rely on you.

I know it's hard
to feel like sometimes your world
is so small.

Let me remind you,
you are the world.

You are the
world that those little ones
revolve around. You are their
nurture, their home, and their
comfort. You are everything
to them, and I hope even on your
hard days you know how special
you are.

Even when you are tired, lonely, depressed, you are special because you are life, you are creator and despite everything you might believe on those hard days, you are worthy! ❤️

You are a Woman and there’s nothing that can stop you dreaming and achieving, perhaps you believe the opposite but I’m here to remind you that you are not ! ❤️

follow our other Instagram page 💜


Here’s simple and practical hacks that you can increment over time onto your routine if your goal is to lose some weight without feeling overwhelmed ❤️

1. Put your health first
It’s common for busy mums to put themselves last on the to-do list, but prioritising your own health and wellbeing is essential.
“If you want healthy, happy kids, you must be healthy and happy.”

2. Slow and steady wins the race
Fact: most people who try fad diets end up regaining any weight lost – and often more. Steer clear of quick fixes and opt instead for steady, sustainable weight loss through healthy eating and exercise.

3. Be honest with yourself
What’s really stopping you from shedding those unwanted kilos? Write a list of things that are getting in the way – both internal and external excuses, within and outside of your control

4. Remember that food is just food
Labelling food as ‘bad’ or ‘junk’ often causes us to feel bad about ourselves and guilty about what we’ve eaten,Do your best to think about ‘everyday’ foods like fruit, vegetables, and cereals, and ‘sometimes’ foods such as chocolate and chips.

5. Don’t try to be a Masterchef
Cook one healthy evening meal for the whole family instead of catering for multiple tastes. Children gradually accept new tastes by repeated exposure to them. Rather than heading to the kitchen to cook another dish, praise them for trying something new

6. Become a morning person
We all know mornings can be chaotic, but try to make exercising first thing a habit. As the day goes on, there are more and more chances that life is going to get in the way, so become a morning exerciser and get the monkey off your back.

7. Check in with your appetite
Before you reach for that sugary snack, stop and ask yourself, 'Am I really hungry?' Be mindful of why are you reaching out to food ❤️

8. Schedule exercise around the kids
Look at what your kids are up to during the week and plan your exercise around their timetable.

9. Eat regular, healthy snacks
As mums, it’s easy to get so busy that we ignore our body’s hungry signals – and it’s much harder to eat slowly when we’re ravenous.

10. Get the kids involved
Little ones love to help out in the kitchen. Learn a new healthy recipe every week with the kids. It’s a great way to get them excited about food – that isn’t a hot dog – and will help them start to build their own basic skills.

11. Ditch the gym
Don’t like the gym? Don’t go to the gym! Taking up a fun activity that involves moving your body, such as dance, social tennis or yoga, can be enjoyable ways of working your muscles.

12. Set specific goals
Vague goals like ‘lose weight’ or ‘get fit’ have no finish line. You’re more likely to succeed with goals that are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

13. Focus on feeling good, not just looking good
When you feel good you are naturally attractive and fun to be around and you are much more likely to cope well with any situations that might otherwise get you down.

14. Pack a lunchbox
Follow your kids’ lead by packing your daily lunch and snacks in a lunch box the night before – even if you’re staying home.

15. Create healthier versions of your favourite meals
Losing weight needn’t mean depriving yourself of your favourite foods – just make adjustments to the meals you love. Instead of pasta, for example, try using spaghetti squash or zucchini ribbons with your favourite pasta sauces or just have the pasta anyway.

16. Cook in bulk
Decide which day of your week is least manic and do a bulk cook up, Snacks like muffins, banana bread or mini quiches, or meals like casseroles, meat loaf and soups can be made in bulk, then frozen.

17. Be grateful for the less-than-perfect days
Don’t beat yourself up the next time you overindulge

18. Exercise at home
Most mums are time-poor, but that’s no excuse not to exercise, turning your living room into your own gym and the Dad and children will have to get used to it! You deserve to do what you need and want even if that requires your family to adjust like you did many times for them.

19.Remember this is your journey nobody has the right to tell you how to do it and how fast 💜

Xoxo ,
Ana 👩🏼

Photos from Puissant world of Women's post 19/03/2022

I’ve realise that I wasn’t 100% honest with you about my real journey because showing the dark side of my life was too painful for me to think about.😔

So here it goes, I am ready to let you see me!

The 1st picture- I am about 16y old, I loved music and to spend day and night with my friends, they were my safe spot because I had an abuse parent and they were always my light! I’ve developed bulimia nervosa at this stage due to stress and my situation at home even though at this stage I was travelling and working in between Portugal and Spain.

The 2nd picture- I’ve realised I was pregnant with my first baby after many miscarriages and I should be full of light and I was somehow, but at the same time I realised that my partner was abusive and violent aswell as drug addict, like many women I’ve tried to see the very best until the end 😔

The 3rd and 4th picture- I gained 30kg 😳 after my first pregnancy, I didn’t know better as everyone said “ you must eat for 2” can you relate ? Yup I ate for 2 indeeed But I’ve loved my big bump ❤️

The 5th picture- after breaking out of an abuse relationship, I’ve faced many financial problems so I couldn’t bring myself to eat as I should feed my baby first. I survived 8months drinking only milk and lost 37kg being then 47kg of bodyweight and chronic anaemia

The 6th picture- I was already living in UK, my baby was about 5years old at this time, I’ve started powerlifting ( I was a gym member for while already) I still had a distorted vision about fitness and how skinny was the best a woman can be.

The 7th picture- here I was in Slovakia in 2019 and became a world champion in powerlifting 🔥

The 8th picture- pregnant with my second boy 🥰 I’ve only gain 5-7kg after baby weight, I’ve learn a lot, how to train when pregnant, how to eat,‘listen to my body and definitely no need to eat for 2 ( that’s just an old tail )

The 9th Picture-I’ve started my journey on powerlifting again, I already did one competition on the 13/03/2022, I’m living back in Portugal. I’ve came to terms with food and my approach to my body and self worth ❤️

Not every story can be told in just one post but here’s a bit of mine💜


Pomoc w odbudowie warsztatu po pożarze | zrzutka.pl 16/03/2022

This appeal came through my personal inbox today from someone I know…😔

In fact we know that the world is currently facing many challenges and we all help when and where we can…

So on behalf of the person who shared this with me, if you can help them repair theirs shop and reimburse their clients losses please do ❤️

Here’s a quick translation of what happened 👇🏽

“On March 14, around 4 pm, a fire happened in a car repair shop on Dębowa Street.
The building burned down to the ground with all its equipment and 5 customer vehicles inside"

Not all losses can be described in terms of the value of money, but at least let's help the guys in this way, let them know that we are with them.

Many of us, and I think that even myself, is unable to imagine how enormous this tragedy is for the business owners.

We heard and know that they did a good job, put a lot of heart into it, and they spent their weekends more than once to make the client happy.

Please help, they deserve it. The collection income will be 100% donated to the owners of the workshop.”

Contact Patrycja Galas for more info please

Here’s the link for donations:


Every penny helps 🙏🏽

Pomoc w odbudowie warsztatu po pożarze | zrzutka.pl "14 marca około godz. 16 w warsztacie samochodowym przy ul. Dębowej wybuchł pożar. Budynek spłonął doszczętnie wraz całym wyposażeniem i 5 pojazdami znajdującymi się w środku."- czytamy od wczoraj w przeróżnych artykułach. Warsztat moich mechaników (Elbląg, ul. Dębowej 1A) zajął...


I had a rant today 😂
Sorry everyone, but so you know fancy exercises doesn’t make your coach better than anyone ❤️


Happy woman’s day Ladies !!
Why not yesterday?

Well I just needed a valid excuse to remind you that whilst there’s women and days in the world, there’s always woman’s day❤️

You are worthy, you are valid, you are unique!

( also agree that there should be a man’s day too )


Happy HAPPY Friday!!!❤️‍🔥

Do you feel this way too!?
Can't help it but dare to be different & confident!

We can't let the Lads have it all 🤣

We are here to stay and we will soon steal the bigger Dumbbells from you!!

Just Watch Me!!😆


There are several things you can do to increase your self-confidence. Whether you lack confidence in one specific area or struggle to feel confident about anything.

1.Stop Comparing Yourself to Others ✋🏼

How do you build confidence when you notice that you are drawing comparisons? First, remind yourself that doing so isn’t helpful. Everyone is running their own race and life isn’t a competition.

If you’re feeling envious of someone else’s life, it's also helpful to remind yourself of your own strengths and successes, remember the areas in life where you are blessed. This can help you focus on your own life versus the lives of others.

2.Surround Yourself With Positive People 😁

Take a moment and think about how your friends make you feel. Do your friends lift you up, or do they bring you down? Are they constantly judging you, or do they accept you for who you are?

The people you spend time with can influence your thoughts and attitudes about yourself, perhaps more than you realize. So, pay attention to how others make you feel. If you feel bad about yourself after hanging out with a particular person, it may be time to say goodbye.

3.Take Care of Your Body 🧘🏼‍♀️

It’s hard to feel good about yourself if you’re abusing your body. On the other hand, if you practice self-care, you know you're doing something positive for your mind, body, and spirit—and you'll naturally feel more confident as a result.

4.Be Kind to Yourself 💓

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness when you make a mistake, fail, or experience a setback. It allows you to become more emotionally flexible and helps you better navigate challenging emotions, enhancing your connection to yourself and others.

5.Practice Positive Self-Talk ☮️💓

Negative self-talk can limit your abilities and lessen your confidence by convincing your subconscious that you "can't handle" something or that it is "too hard" and you "shouldn't even try.” Self-talk that is optimistic, on the other hand, can help foster self-compassion, overcome self-doubt, and take on new challenges.

The next time you begin to think that you have no business speaking up in a meeting or that you are too out of shape to work out, remind yourself that your thoughts aren’t always accurate. Then find a way to turn those thoughts around into more positive self-talk.

6.Face Your Fears 💪🏽🔥

Stop putting things off until you feel more confident—like asking someone on a date or applying for a promotion. One of the best ways to build your confidence in these situations is by facing your fears head-on.

Practice facing some of your fears that stem from a lack of self-confidence. If you’re afraid you’ll embarrass yourself or think that you’re going to mess up, try it anyway. Besides, a little self-doubt can help improve performance.

You might learn that being a little anxious or making a few mistakes isn’t as bad as you thought. And each time you move forward, you gain more confidence in yourself. In the end, this can help prevent you from taking risks that will result in major negative consequences. 💓

Hope you find this helpful 💜



We are looking for Women who:

-Would want to massively improve their relationship with food.❤️
-Are tired of the cycle of forever dieting and feeling hungry.😩
-Want to gain confidence.👯‍♀️
-Want to lose weight & get stronger!💪🏽

We are now taking 5 more determined Women to help them achieve their goals and enjoy their journey!

We understand how hard a busy schedule, a business, family, home and self care can be to conciliate together.

We don't believe in impossible to achieve goals or impossible to follow journeys!

We are Women and we know that your family, your job and your dreams weight massively on your decision making as well as on your availability!

That's why we are DIFFERENT!🧐

We are different because we fit on what's possible for you!☝🏽

Having you 10-30min a day or 60-90min a day, We will measure your program to you!

Not the other side around⛔️, Coaching it's not some sort of dictatorship, IT'S US HELPING YOU BEING SUCCESSFUL! 🏆

Comment below if you are wanting to join us or need a little more information on how We work!👇🏼👇🏼



It’s important to take the time to appreciate what we have …

The peace we have ☮️
The love we have ❤️
The closeness to our loved ones 🔐

Appreciate our country and the effort for keeping us safe 🙏🏽

I took this week off posting, I didn’t know what To say after the events in Ukraine🇺🇦, it affected me deeper than expected, but now I know…

I was afraid of dreaming of saying goodbye to my loved ones, to participate in the selfish affair of someone else’s greed!

What is happening is unfair, it’s selfish and it’s sad and my heart is with The Ukrainian people!

Don’t take for granted your peace, your family and friends, love them everyday unconditionally as well as yourself!

Accept every emotion inside of you and don’t forget to Unfold ❤️


Any Plans before Netflix&Chill?👀

We will just leave this here, like We don't mean to hurt anyone👀🔥

Wednesday Burn World!❤️‍🔥


In life, you will feel lost many times, helpless, tired, defeated...

It's like you hit a dead end...and perhaps you did, all those feelings coming to you are meant to be listened to, embraced, accepted so you can then turn around and slay again!

Sounds easy right? It's not...

You will need to go through all those emotions, you will need to feel them all and then it will be time.

I've had many women coming to me lost, like me once, not necessarily on their fitness journey, 🙏🏽

It took time, long chats, learning, and journalling, the more We unfolded the more We realised that everything was becoming clear within ourselves and our life.

And the route around the dead end starts there, THE UNFOLDING!❤️

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Videos (show all)

And now this boy is ready to fly 💪🏼@pauloinfanteart is one of the most stubborn clients I have 😂I remember he couldn’t e...
Powerlifting & small people 😂
We are women and we are freakin’ awesome 😎
Contest results 🤩😍




Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 6pm
Tuesday 7am - 6pm
Wednesday 7am - 6pm
Thursday 7am - 6pm
Friday 7am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 1pm

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