C.H.I Blueprint Coaching

Coaching you through a Complete Holistic Integration Blueprint that helps you become aware, be consc

Timeline photos 22/05/2022

Like any drug, we need to be mindful of the dosage and the response.

What assessments have been done to understand the needs of the client?

What is the client's current physical condition?

What muscle imbalances are showing up through posture and movement assessments?

What other factors in the clients life could impact their ability to have success on this programme?
- Is their current diet optimised for THEM?
- Are they hydrated?
- Do they get enough QUALITY sleep?
- What other physical demands do they currently have?
- Do they have any problems with breathing???
- What is their perceived level of mental, emotional & spiritual stress?

So often exercise is seen as the solution.

While it does play a critical role in improving overall health and vitality, POORLY PRESCRIBED EXERCISE can simply add to the problem.

Ask yourself;
Do I feel more energised or depleted after a workout?
Do I recover quickly from my workouts?
Am I more or less injured than normal?
Am I excited for my next workout?
Am I seeing the results I expected?

If you'd like to discuss how a better exercise programme could help you feel more energised, mobile and confident, send us a DM and we can arrange a free phone consultation :)

Timeline photos 17/05/2022

Do you have a "Happy Tummy"?

, surgery, pregnancy, inflammation, abdominal are just a few things on the list of things that disrupt our tummies!

When we have a happy tummy, we can stabilise our pelvis, lower back and ribs easily and effectively without pain, using our core muscles.

I love the 4 Point Horse stance exercise to find out how well I, and my clients, can activate our core muscles.

NB/ if this is a difficult exercise, then the likelihood of experiencing back pain and other mobility issues is high!

If you want to find out more about this, then come along to my ULTIMATE ABS! - workshop this weekend!

Spaces are limited so I can ensure you REALLY learn how to do this (and other) MUST DO exercises well!

Click this link to find out more and get your tickets!




Have you had children and want to ensure you have strong and stable core muscles so you can keep up with them as they grow?

This Saturday we're hosting our ULTIMATE ABS! WORKSHOP where you'll learn how to modify your diet and lifestyle to reduce inflamation and increase your energy.

You'll also learn MUST DO exercises for creating a strong and stable core muscles that will support you in all exercises.

No matter your fitness level. No matter your age. This workshop is designed to help you nail the basics and create ULTIMATE ABS!

Limited spaces available and spots are filling up fast!

Click the link to find out more and secure your spot!

Tag a friend below who you want to bring along with you! :)

Timeline photos 11/05/2022

Crunches may be the go-to exercise to show the protagonist getting great abs in every movie montage, but are they doing more harm than good?

We believe so.

Here's why;

- Crunches target the "6 pack" muscle at the front of the body. The more crunches we do, the shorter and more active this muscle becomes. This can then pull our ribs down towards our pelvis when we're standing, causing a rounding of the upper back, pulling our heads forward and flattening the lower back.
All these subtle changes over time can lead to back and joint injuries!

- Our "6 pack" might be the muscles on show but working this muscle without integrating the deep stabilisers of the core can lead to muscle imbalance, pain and injury.
When working from the floor, we're no longer fighting gravity, so our stabiliser muscles of our lumbar spine switch off because they're not needed.
Working the "outer" muscles without the "inner" muscles is a recipe for lower back pain!

- The action of crunches literally crunches your organs down towards your pelvic floor. If there is already trauma in the pelvic floor muscles from things like pregnancy, constipation, running etc, then the pressure can become overwhelming to the pelvic floor muscles and create further damage! (Especially when considering point #2 here!)

While crunches may make 6 pack's LOOK good, they're not going to give you ULTIMATE ABS!

Fortunately, we have a workshop coming up that will!

Click the link in our bio to find out more about our ULTIMATE ABS! Workshop on Saturday 21st of May at in Stokes Valley.

Spaces are filling up fast so secure your spot today by following the link in our bio!

But what's your favourite core exercise???

Timeline photos 10/05/2022


Well, forget crunches!!!

On Saturday 21st of May, we're hosting our ULTIMATE ABS! WORKSHOP at

In 2 hours we're going to show you;
1) EXACTLY what's getting in the way your ULTIMATE ABS!
2) What changes to make to get ULTIMATE ABS!
3) And, ultimately, teach you the MUST DO EXERCISES to create a strong, stable, FUNCTIONING 6 pack that looks as good as it FEELS!

Spaces are limited, so click the link below to secure your spot for only $49!



Timeline photos 09/05/2022

When it comes to shaking off excess fat, you don't need to smash yourself at the gym while depriving yourself of nourishment!

If you're wanting to make a change to your bodyshape, start with these 3 things, and stick to them for at least 3 months to see some changes!

1) Sleep - aim for 8 hours each night. But the most important thing you can do here is wake up at the same time each day!

2) Tap water is contaminated. Heavy metals and chemicals that can disrupt your hormones and cause fat gain are rampant in our waterways. Make sure you drink filtered water and add a pinch of sea salt or Himalayan rock salt to help rebalance the natural mineral content (NB/ if it tastes like salt water, dilute with a bit more water!)

3) Give your digestive system a break! Your body uses a lot of energy digesting food. By giving at least 3 hours between dinner and bed time, you will improve your sleep (see above) and give your body an opportunity to use its fat stores for energy, rather than the sugars from the meals you've ingested.

Does this sound like something simple you could commit to for 3 months?

Timeline photos 06/05/2022

One of the biggest roadblocks we see in our clients is food prep.

How often does this happen to you...

You've popped out for some erands and forgot to pack some good food, then, when your hunger pangs hit, you rush into the local dairy or servo and end up loading up on some low quality, high processed foods to curb the sensations...

You've been back to back with meetings all day and the only things available at the office are some fruits or biscuits with instant coffee in the staff room...

You've made it to the gym after work and realise you haven't eaten since lunch and now you're nervous about making it through your class or PT session so you reach for a strange coloured drink from the fridge and a protein bar with a 5 year shelf life on them...

Making sure you've got good quality food with you doesn't have to be a mission, or take any extra time.

A great place to begin is by simply making and extra portion or 2 of your dinner from the night before.

We always recommend glassware or high quality stainless steel containers to cart them around.

In this video, is preparing some hard boiled organic eggs with fried chicken livers!!!!

In saying that, what's your go-to "on the run" snack???


What makes a good exercise programme???

So many people are exercising beyond their abilities and incongruent to their needs.

This is partly due to media and idioms like 'no pain no gain' and 'sweat is just fat crying'.

But it's also because many trainers are not adequately prescribing exercise to their clients.

THIS is in part (in my opinion) because clients have an EXPECTATION of what they should get from a trainer. Or an idea of what they want vs what they need...

I'm here to challenge that.

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

Ladies and gentlemen....

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

HEY! Why don't you make some time this weekend to check in on your goals.

Are you on track???

Timeline photos 04/05/2022

Did you know that our sacrum gets its name because it's the one bone that did not burn during cremation?
- yeah, so it became known as the "sacred bone".

Our sacrum is the fused bone at the bottom of our spine that sits inbetween our hip bones.

If our hips are out of alignment, this can cause pain in the area around the sacrum and lower back making it hard to walk and uncomfortable to sit.

We coach our clients how to use exercise to realign our boney structures, reduce pain and improve movement for a healthy life!

Pregnancy, sedintary jobs, poor exercise programming and old age can all play a role in altering the alignment of our hips as well as our general posture.

Come in and see us if you want to find out how to improve your posture and move better!

Photos from C.H.I Blueprint Coaching's post 02/05/2022

Probiotics are so hot right now.

We know that gut health is important for our immunity, mental health and general wellbeing.

But did you know that an unhealthy balance in gut bacteria (dysbiosis) can also weaken your core muscles?!?!
- Crazy, right!

We recommend eating fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and coconut yoghurt daily to help maintain a healthy microbiome

Timeline photos 02/05/2022

Are you moving optimally?

Fixed position weight machines can be great for building muscle mass. These are whats called isolation exercises. (Think chest press, shoulder press, leg extension, Smith rack etc)

But these machines don't engage your stabiliser muscles and can lead to physical imbalances that create poor posture, poor athletic performance and injuries in the long term.

Using equipment that supports integration of lower body/upper body, and joint stabilisers is a great way to optimise your health and physical longevity.

Whether your a mum, an athlete or just want to stay mobile and active into the future, we coach our clients with this simple success formula;
1) Optimise flexibility and mobility
2) Stabilise the body
3) Increase strength for strong bones and increased metabolism
4) Improve physical power to handle lifes physical demands

Drop a comment below if this resonates with you!


Do you wake up with stiff hips?

Does your job require long periods of sitting throughout the day?

Grab a Swiss ball and give this gentle movement a try. It will help mobilise your hips, pump essential spinal fluid up and down your back, help to bring joint nourishing synovial fluid into your hips and lumbar spine, AND help bring awareness to your pelvic floor muscles and strengthen your abs!

Timeline photos 28/04/2022

If you're a mum, looking after your own health and wellbeing is especially important!

As your abdominal wall expands through pregnancy, naturally your core strength and posture will change as the months go on, and this will impact the way you move.

One of the best things you can do once baby has arrived, is reconnect with your breath.

Not only will deep, conscious connected breathing help keep you calm and present, but it's also the first port of call to regaining your core strength!

Make some time for yourself today to try this...

Take a moment to lay down on your back, on the floor.

Place one hand on your belly and feel it expand as you breathe in through your nose.

Hold this for a moment, then purse your lips like you're about to blow a trumpet. As you breathe out through those pursed lips, draw your belly button back towards your spine and become aware of the muscle contraction.

As you're breathing out, also feel how your pelvic floor contracts as your abs click on and tighten.

Hold this for a moment.

Feel the connection.

Then, simply relax your belly muscles as air comes back in through your nose, into your belly button, filling your hand like a ballon.

Repeat this a few times.

If you like, you can try breathing in for a count of 4, hold for 2, then breathe out through pursed lips for a count of 6 and hold for 3.

As your doing this, take your time to really connect with your pelvic floor and how it works with your abs during your exhale.

After a few minutes, simply relax, drop your hand and return to a normal breath in savasana and feel the energy travelling around your body.

You are safe.
You are loved.
You are healthy.
You are strong.

Timeline photos 27/04/2022

We need a paradigm shift in the way we view our bodies.

Being healthy isn't about watching your calories, or destroying yourself in a workout each day.

It's about listening to the signals your body is sharing with you and responding to them.

Your body is beautiful. Nature has made you perfect. 😇

Here's your permission to quite your ego - and the ego of the media, images and videos etc - and really listen to what your body is asking you to do.

If we asked you what you need more of, and what you need less of for you to be healthier, what would they be? Let us know below 🙂

Timeline photos 21/04/2022

Who's classed as a beginner?

It doesn't matter how old you are, if you haven't done exercise in a long time, you are a beginner.

It takes a long time to condition our bodies, butit certainly doesn't take long to decondition... Especially with low quality foods, sedintary lifestyles and high stress environments!

So, if you're getting back into exercise after pregnancy, or an injury, or even if it's been a year or two since you "fell off the wagon", start with the basics so you don't hurt yourself!

Photos from C.H.I Blueprint Coaching's post 16/03/2022

Are your workouts causing more pain than gain???

Maybe you should "Work-IN" more...

Join Tom Dorman TONIGHT in the C.H.I. Forest, where he'll be going through working out vs. working in... A unique concept that can cause massive GAINS without PAIN!!!

Click this link to join the group where we share tips and info to help you create a Complete Holistic, Integrative Blueprint for living a healthy life!


Tag your mate below who's always comPAINing about their gym sessions! :D



Join Tom tonight at 7pm in our Facebook group; C.H.I. FOREST where he'll go through some common mistakes people make during workouts (trainers too!).

You'll also get a Workout Blueprint you can start to implement immediately with your own exercise routine and see if it makes a difference to your body!

To join the group, click the link in our bio and head to "C.H.I. FOREST"

Remember to like us on Facebook while you're at it! 😅


Are you getting the results you want from your exercise program?

As CHEK Practitioner's, we use a world renowned system of exercise prescription that guarantees results.

Follow the link in our bio to the "C.H.I. FOREST" and join Tom this Wednesday at 7pm as he highlights some basic mistakes that many people (Including trainers) make when exercising.

He'll also provide a workout blueprint you can use to "Get the most out of your Workout!"

Tag a mate below who you think could use some help, and remember to join us this Wednesday at 7pm, in the C.H.I. FOREST Facebook group! (link in bio)

Photos from C.H.I Blueprint Coaching's post 24/02/2022


I am looking for a DIGITAL MEDIA FANATIC to help me manage and grow my audience and brands across social media platforms.

At first glance, tasks will include, but not limited to;
- Editing and repurposing content across accounts and platforms
- Planning and creating exciting content months in advance, that creates engagement and builds our audience
- Communicating with our community on posts, in DM’s and in our newsletters
- Connecting with groups and people to help grow our community across platforms
- Planning, advertising and selling, in person and online events to our community and wider
- Post event communications to collect feedback, sell products, and create engagement that draws attention to, and grows our brand online.
- Set up procedures, tools, systems and instruction manuals that support all the above to help save you time, and make it easier to train others as we grow our team.
- Experience with Plann, Canva, Facebook/Instagram (duh), Mailchimp and YouTube are a MUST (or be willing to learn!)

At this stage I cannot pay you financially. However, for 6 months, I am able to trade my services to you, helping you understand your body, how your current lifestyle choices are impacting it and how to optimise your mental, physical and spiritual health and wellbeing – FOR LIFE!!! (swipe across for a brief overview)

I will also be there with you to share my knowledge and years of experience to develop your business and management systems, improving your skillset, mindset and general productivity. (For some evidence of what I've done, check out )

If this sounds like something that would benefit you, please comment below and send me DM with your email address for us to set up a time to discuss this further.

If it’s not you, but you can picture someone in your mind who would absolutely froth off this, then please like and share this post, and tag the person in the comments below!

Thank you for helping us grow our brand and community!


We have 3x 1 on 1 health coaching spots available from late February.

If you're starting to notice signals from your body that your current lifestyle, diet and exercise routine are not giving you the results you expected, then perhaps it's time to see a professional who can help you give your body what IT needs, rather than what glossy magazines are telling you is trendy!

Drop a 👍 below and send us a DM to find out if we can help you age youthfully!


Have you heard of FITMAS IN THE PARK?

FITMAS is a fun-filled morning of physical circuits at Fraser Park Sportsville, Wellington! Tom will be leading a mindfulness cool-down at the end of the event to help revitalise you for the rest of the afternoon.

The goal of FITMAS is to raise enough funds to buy presents for children in need of Christmas cheer. The FITMAS team donates gifts to our local Salvation Army, who distribute these throughout the Hutt Valley. Every year the Salvation Army receives long lists of children who are in need, so this is where we come in to lighten that load.

There will also be samples of the new Tom & Luke low sugar Snackaballs for you to try 🌱

Please come along! Sweat, have fun and help us make a difference! More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/s/fitmas-2021/574767133809801/


It’s your last chance to sign up for this evening's webinar at 6:30 pm with Tom on the 6 Foundations of Health.

This FREE webinar will break down the six most important elements to focus on to improve your health, vitality, reduce stress, and improve resilience to experience a better quality of life, FOR LIFE! 🌱

Click the link below to register, and we will send you a Google Meet link before we go live.

If you know anyone that may be interested in this webinar, please tag them below so they can register as well!

View event: https://fb.me/e/1Zfu2KBZe


The six foundations of health are fundamental to understand for you to focus on to improve your health & vitality, to reduce stress and improve your resilience so you can experience a better quality of life 🌱

What are these 6 Foundations, you may ask?

🌱 Breathing
Breath is life, and life is breath. There are many ways to change your breathing to improve your life, such as slow, optimal deep breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to help stimulate digestion and healing. When you control your breath, you control your state!

🌱 Hydration
You are not drinking enough water! Your bodyweight in Kg x 0.033 is a recommended minimum daily intake.

🌱 Sleep
Prioritise your sleep. Sleep is our body's medicinal panacea! For optimal sleep, waking up at the same time every day will help regulate your hormones.

🌱 Nutrition
Nourish your body with a wide variety of whole foods. Learn to listen to your body's nutritional needs - avoid dogmatic diets.

🌱 Movement
Correcting your posture should be your first priority! Focus on what your body needs. Stretch what's tight, strengthen what's loose. Work in to build energy, work out to release energy!

🌱 Thinking
Everything in your external world starts from your internal world. So get clear on your dream life vision, know your values and love yourself and trust yourself.

Are you looking for more tips to help enrich your life? Then, join me at my FREE 6 Foundations of Health Live Webinar on 24th November at 6:30 pm.

See event here: https://fb.me/e/1Zfu2KBZe


Looking for a better quality of life but not sure where to start?

Next week Tom is running a FREE webinar on the 6 Foundations of Health!
In this webinar, he will break down the six most important elements to focus on to improve your health, vitality, reduce stress, and improve resilience to experience a better quality of life, FOR LIFE! 🌱

Check out the link to the event here to stay updated: https://fb.me/e/1Zfu2KBZe


This morning Tom had the pleasure of sharing some holistic health wisdom with some of the squads at the .

We talked about stress and how it accumulates in our bodies over time.

We also gave practical tools that can be used immediately to help reduce your stress and build resilience at the same time!

We also hooked these athletes up with some of the NEW LOW SUGAR SNACKABALLS to help their blood sugar levels post training.

If you'd like to find out more about how you can manage your stress better and live a happier life with more vitality, you can sign up to our free live webinar that's coming up on the 24th of November by clicking the link in our bio!

Shout out to the mums, dads & other volunteers who are out there helping their children get fit and moving!!!
.. REMEMBER, for best results in ANY sport, PRIORITISE SLEEP!!! 😴


Stressed? Tired? Sluggish?

In tonight's free, live webinar, Tom will show you;

1) How stress impacts our health
2) The 6 key areas to focus on for true health
3) Tools you can implement immediately to improve your resilliance, increase your energy & vitality!

Basically, a better quality of life - FOR LIFE!

If this sounds like you, register by clicking the top link in our bio.

If this sounds liek something some of your friends would be interested in, then tag them below!!! 👇👇👇

See you tonight!!!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

What makes a good exercise programme???So many people are exercising beyond their abilities and incongruent to their nee...
Do you wake up with stiff hips?Does your job require long periods of sitting throughout the day?Grab a Swiss ball and gi...
"You can't fire a cannon, from a canoe!" - Charles PoliquinCore stability is more than just having a good looking set of...


Stokes Valley

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