Embassy of Kazakhstan in Singapore

Embassy of 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan in 🇸🇬 Singapore, 🇦🇺 Australia and 🇳🇿 New Zealand

Overseas mission of Kazakhstan

Embassy of Kazakhstan in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand

Photos from Embassy of Kazakhstan in Singapore's post 03/09/2024

President Tokayev Outlines Vision for Kazakhstan’s Future in Annual Address
On September 2, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered his annual state-of-the-nation address titled “Just Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism.” In his speech, President Tokayev outlined the key goals for the nation’s development, focusing on sustainable socio-economic progress.
A significant announcement was the upcoming nationwide referendum on October 6 regarding the construction of a nuclear power plant. “The upcoming referendum will be another manifestation of a broad national dialogue and a vivid example of the implementation of the concept of a ‘listening state.’ By taking such steps, we are forming a new socio-political culture and establishing new standards for making key state decisions,” the President stated.
He also highlighted recent legislative accomplishments, including the passage of 102 laws during the latest parliamentary session, which address areas such as combating human trafficking and child protection. New laws have been introduced to strengthen punishments for violence against women and children.
Shifting focus to new tasks and priorities, the President emphasized the need to address imbalances between monetary and fiscal policies, particularly through tax reforms and enhancing the investment climate. “We need a new law on banks that meets the urgent tasks of stimulating economic activity and further dynamic development of the fintech sector,” he stated. Tokayev stressed the importance of fostering a stable, business-friendly tax policy, proposing that to mitigate corruption risks and ensure transparency, “it is essential to accelerate the transition of tax processes to an electronic format.” He added that the government needs to increase the share of medium-sized businesses in the economy from the current 7% to 15% by 2029.
Additionally, Tokayev called for the continued development of Kazakhstan’s industrial potential, with a focus on major projects in the petrochemical industry and gas supply.
Infrastructure development, particularly in the energy and transport sectors, was identified as a key priority. “Kazakhstan’s location in the heart of Eurasia is our competitive advantage. The investments that we are making in transport infrastructure will certainly pay off,” he emphasized. In this regard, President Tokayev underscored the importance of modernising the energy and utility sectors, improving the condition of highways, and developing air hubs.
Digitalisation is another central theme, with plans to integrate artificial intelligence into the e-government platform and establish a National AI Centre in Astana next year. “Kazakhstan should become a country where AI is widely used and digital technologies are developing,” he said. In relation to this, the completion of the fibre-optic line across the Caspian Sea by 2025 was also highlighted.
President Tokayev reaffirmed Kazakhstan’s commitment to law and order, stating that “one of my main tasks is to make Kazakhstan a place where life is comfortable and safe.” Focusing on political reforms, the Kazakh leader noted that profound socio-economic transformations and comprehensive measures in the field of human rights protection are aimed at building a just society. “Therefore, we will continue pursuing reforms and systematic work in this direction,” he stated. In this context, he announced that the transition to direct elections for village, district, and city akims (local governors) will be fully implemented by next year.
President Tokayev also emphasized the importance of strengthening the country’s workforce, called for the development of a unified package of basic state healthcare services, and advocated for improving the environmental situation, including the implementation of a nationwide reforestation movement. He stated: “Forest regeneration is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the country’s continued sustainable socio-economic progress.”
In foreign policy, President Tokayev reaffirmed Kazakhstan’s commitment to a peaceful and balanced approach, stressing that “Kazakhstan convincingly demonstrates its commitment to broad multilateral cooperation in full accordance with the UN Charter.”
Concluding his address, Tokayev emphasized that genuinely improving the well-being of the people is the state’s primary task. “We have a clear vision of our state’s long-term development. To achieve our goals, we must uphold unity, mutual support, and respect,” he stated.


Құрметті азаматтар! Сіздерді Қазақстан Республикасының Конституция күнімен шын жүректен құттықтаймыз! Бұл күн – еліміздің құқықтық негіздерінің мызғымастығын, азаматтық қоғамымыздың дамуын айқындайтын ерекше мереке. Біздің Конституциямыз – ұлттық бірегейлігіміздің, мәдениетіміз бен дәстүріміздің негізі. Бірлігіміз бен татулығымыздың арқасында еліміз алға қарай нық қадам басады. Конституция күні құтты болсын! Еліміз тыныш, жұртымыз аман болсын!


Happy Constitution Day!


✉️ The Head of State sent a congratulatory telegram to the President of Singapore

🇰🇿🇸🇬 Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated Tharman Shanmugaratnam and the people of Singapore on their National Day.

▪️The President highlighted Singapore’s impressive achievements in the fields of economy, innovation, and social development. He reaffirmed Kazakhstan’s commitment to strengthening the partnership with Singapore, built on true friendship and mutual support.

▪️Kassym-Jomart Tokayev wished Tharman Shanmugaratnam success in his initiatives and prosperity for the people of Singapore.

✉️ Мемлекет басшысы Сингапур Президентіне құттықтау жеделхатын жолдады

🇰🇿🇸🇬 Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаев Тарман Шанмугаратнам мен Сингапур халқын Ұлттық күнімен құттықтады.

▪️Президент Сингапурдың экономика, инновация және қоғамдық даму саласындағы таңғаларлық жетістіктерін атап өтті. Сонымен қатар еліміздің Сингапурмен арадағы шынайы достыққа және өзара қолдауға негізделген серіктестікті нығайтуға мүдделі екенін растады.

▪️Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаев Тарман Шанмугаратнамның бастамаларына табыс, ал Сингапур халқына бақ-береке тіледі.


✉️ Глава государства направил поздравительную телеграмму Президенту Сингапура

🇰🇿🇸🇬 Касым-Жомарт Токаев поздравил Тармана Шанмугаратнама и народ Сингапура с Национальным днем.

▪️Президент Казахстана отметил впечатляющий прогресс Сингапура в экономике, инновациях и общественном развитии. Он подтвердил приверженность нашей страны дальнейшему укреплению партнерства с Сингапуром, основанного на узах дружбы и взаимной поддержки.

▪️Президент пожелал Тарману Шанмугаратнаму успехов в его начинаниях, а народу Сингапура – благополучия и процветания.


Happy 59th birthday, Singapore! 🇸🇬

On 9th August, we celebrate the nation's independence, sovereignty, and resilience. May this special day be filled with joy, pride, and unity.
Wishing all Singaporeans a wonderful National Day! 🎆🎆🎆

Kazakhstan-Singapore Business Council


First Olympics! First medal! 🎉
Nurbek Oralbay is an Olympic silver medalist! 🥈🇰🇿

The pride of our nation and a shining star of our future! Go, Kazakhstan! 💪

Алғашқы Олимпиада! Алғашқы медаль! Нұрбек Оралбай Олимпиаданың күміс жүлдегері 🥈🇰🇿🥈🇰🇿🥈🇰🇿


Nazym Kyzaibay wins bronze at the Paris Olympics! 🥉🇰🇿


Назым Қызайбай Париж Олимпиадасының қола жүлдегері атанды 🥉🇰🇿

Құтты болсын!

Samruk Kazyna’s $111 Billion Megaprojects Set to Boost Kazakhstan’s Economy - The Astana Times 06/08/2024

Samruk Kazyna’s $111 Billion Megaprojects Set to Boost Kazakhstan’s Economy - The Astana Times Samruk Kazyna’s $111 Billion Megaprojects Set to Boost Kazakhstan’s Economy


🇰🇿🇸🇬 Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Singapore, Askar Kuttykadam, had an inspiring meeting with talented Singaporean athletes, Bahari Mohd Alfyan Ariff, President/Head Coach of Traditional Archers Singapore, Farhana Noor, Head of Operations, and Fachruddin Dzaki Mohamed, Secretary, who will be representing at the World Nomad Games!

The World Nomad Games are international sports competitions in ethnic sports, based on the folk games of historically nomadic peoples. Aimed at the development of ethno-sports and ethno-cultural movements as a heritage of human civilization, the World Nomad Games are included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

This year, the games will be held in Astana from September 8-13.

These amazing individuals are ready to showcase their skills and sportsmanship in traditional sports:

1. Syed Syed Idrus Bin Syed Alwee Alkadree - Zhamby Atu (Archery on Horseback, shooting at a target from a specific distance)

2. Ahmaddullah Muhammad Shalihin - Zhamby Atu (Archery on Horseback, shooting at a target from a specific distance)
Jaffar Muzani - Traditional Archery

3. Abdul Rahim Nor Azan Firdaus - Traditional Archery

4. Rohaizad Sufi - Traditional Archery

5. Jamal Nur Baizura - Traditional Archery

6. Bin Mohamed Shafeeoutheen Muhammad Ashiq - Traditional Archery

7. Bahari Mohd Alfyan Ariff - Traditional Archery

8. Noor Farhana - Traditional Archery

With 21 types of sports, more than 85 countries, and over 2000 participants, let’s cheer on the athletes as they carry the spirit of their countries to this global stage!

For more information, visit worldnomadgames.kz/en



Құтты болсын, Қазақстан 🥉🇰🇿🥉🇰🇿🥉🇰🇿🥉



Елдос Сметов финалда жеңіске жетіп, Олимпиада чемпионы атанды 🥇🥇🥇

Photos from Ambassade du Kazakhstan en France - Қазақстанның Франциядағы Елшілігі's post 28/07/2024

Kazakh judoka Yeldos Smetov won gold in the men’s final of the 2024 Paris Olympics in the weight category up to 60 kilograms today. 

Read full article on astanatimes.com.

Photos from Embassy of Kazakhstan in Singapore's post 26/07/2024

Dear All,

We would like to inform you that, effective August 1, 2024, the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Sydney will temporarily suspend its activities.

For all consular and legal matters, please contact the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Singapore.

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Phone: +65 6536 6100; +65 8787 5505

Thank you for your understanding.

Kokpar League in Astana: Reviving Kazakhstan's Equestrian Heritage 25/07/2024

Kokpar League in Astana: Reviving Kazakhstan's Equestrian Heritage Join us in our special coverage of the Asia Kokpar League, an exciting event taking place here in Astana, leading up to the World Nomad Games. The tournament...


Just 50 days remain until the grand start of the Fifth World Nomad Games (WNG) in Astana from Sept. 8-13. This prestigious international event, renowned for showcasing traditional sports rooted in the nomadic cultures of Central Asia, aims to promote ethnic sports and celebrate their profound cultural significance.

Read full article on astanatimes.com.

5th World Nomad Games Astana 2024 17/07/2024



The opening of Ethnoaul will take place the day before the opening ceremony of the Games.

Ethno-Aul will be located on the territory adjacent to the Kazanat race course on an area of about 10 hectares.

On this day, a bright theatrical performance called "Astana is the capital of nomads" will take place. The event will be attended by foreign guests, heads of international sports organizations who have arrived at the WNG.

Cultural events will be held daily at the unique concert venue of Ethnoaul. Including the largest exhibition-fair of the best craftsmen of Kazakhstan with displays of works and master classes, where the masters will share the secrets of their craft. Aytys, the traditional musical competition of akyns, in which the leading and novice aytyskers of the country will take part will be an integral part of the cultural program in Ethno-Aul. Neo Nomads Fest will show current trends in the world of culture.

More in the link: https://worldnomadgames.kz/en/page/kulturnaya-programma

5th World Nomad Games Astana 2024 Official website 5th World Nomad Games. Astana 2024. Find latest nomad games, ethnic sports, news, photos, videos, athletes, countries, events, schedule, location, ticket info


🔹 CALL FOR ENTRIES: “Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media” Contest

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in partnership with Kazakhstan’s Chief Editors’ Club, is delighted to announce the opening of applications for the 9th edition of the “Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media” contest. This competition invites foreign journalists to submit their written or filmed works showcasing diverse aspects of Kazakhstan.

Since 2014, the competition has curated text and video submissions from foreign authors who provide creative, trustworthy, and objective insights into various aspects of Kazakh reality. In today’s digital age, social networks have become a burgeoning source of high-quality content. We wholeheartedly embrace the participation of bloggers and active social media users, inviting them to share their unique perspectives on Kazakhstan.

Applications for works about Kazakhstan (analytical, cultural-entertainment, documentary, etc.) that were published in foreign media or on social networks between August 1, 2023, and August 1, 2024, are now being accepted for the contest.

Source: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/mfa/press/events/details/29478?lang=en

Photos from Invest Kazakhstan's post 05/06/2024

«Alatau» АЭА дамыту және логистика саласындағы жобаларды іске асыру Алматы облысында талқыланды
Алматы облысына жұмыс сапары аясында ҚР СІМ Инвестициялар комитетінің төрағасы Ғабидолла Оспанқұлов «Alatau» АЭА-ны одан әрі дамытуды, сондай-ақ индустриялық-логистикалық хаб салу жөніндегі жобаны іске асыруды талқылады.
🔗Толғырақ: https://invest.gov.kz/kz/media-center/press-releases/alatau-aea-damytu-zh-ne-logistika-salasynda-y-zhobalardy-iske-asyru-almaty-oblysynda-tal-ylandy/

Развитие СЭЗ «Alatau» и реализацию проектов в сфере логистики обсудили в Алматинской области
В рамках рабочего визита в Алматинскую область председатель Комитета по инвестициям МИД РК Габидулла Оспанкулов обсудил дальнейшее развитие СЭЗ «Alatau», а также реализацию проекта по строительству индустриально-логистического хаба.
🔗Подробнее: https://invest.gov.kz/ru/media-center/press-releases/alatau-aea-damytu-zh-ne-logistika-salasynda-y-zhobalardy-iske-asyru-almaty-oblysynda-tal-ylandy/

The development of the SEZ "Alatau" and the implementation of projects in the field of logistics were discussed in the Almaty region
During a working visit to the Almaty region, Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gabidulla Ospankulov discussed the further development of the SEZ "Alatau" and the implementation of the project to construct an industrial and logistics hub.
🔗Learn more: https://invest.gov.kz/media-center/press-releases/alatau-aea-damytu-zh-ne-logistika-salasynda-y-zhobalardy-iske-asyru-almaty-oblysynda-tal-ylandy/

Middle Corridor: Secure Transportation of Kazakh Oil to New Markets - The Astana Times 05/06/2024

Middle Corridor: Secure Transportation of Kazakh Oil to New Markets - The Astana Times Middle Corridor: Secure Transportation of Kazakh Oil to New Markets


🇰🇿 Мемлекеттік рәміздер күні құтты болсын!

🇰🇿 Поздравляем с Днем государственных символов!

🇰🇿 Happy National Symbols Day!

46th Singapore Lecture by His Excellency, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan 04/06/2024

46th Singapore Lecture by His Excellency, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan The 46th Singapore Lecture, “Kazakhstan and role of the Middle Powers: Fostering Security, Stability and Sustainable Development” was delivered by President ...


[Meeting with the Kazakhstan Minister of Justice]

Caught up with the Kazakhstan Minister of Justice, H.E. Azamat Yeskarayev. He was here for Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s State visit.

We discussed many areas for potential collaboration, including building a strong legal system, international arbitration, and intellectual property (IP) rights protection.

We will implement some of these under the two new MOUs which were signed between the Ministry of Law and the Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice – one on IP cooperation, and the other on legal cooperation.


🎹✨ Join us for an enchanting evening of classical music with the renowned pianist Alim Beisembayev! 🎼✨

Alim Beisembayev, the First Prize winner at The Leeds International Piano Competition 2021, will be performing at Victoria Concert Hall on 21 June 2024 at 8:00 PM. Don't miss this magical night filled with breathtaking performances of:

Schubert: Four Impromptus D935
Debussy: Images, Series 2
Chopin: 12 Études op. 25
📍 Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
📅 Date: 21 June 2024
🕗 Time: 8:00 PM

🎟 Ticket Prices: $128 / $98 / $78 / $58
📱 Buy your tickets now on BookMyShow (Scan the QR code in the poster or visit the website)
📞 For enquiries, call 9100 3366

Guest of Honour: His Excellency Mr. Askar Kuttykadam & Mdm. Jazira Akhybekova

No admission for infants in arms and children below 6 years old. Children 6 years old and above must purchase a ticket for entry.

Let's come together to celebrate the beauty of music. See you there! 🎶✨

Middle powers have the power to save multilateralism 30/05/2024

Middle powers have the power to save multilateralism

Countries like Kazakhstan must step forward together with renewed vigour and assert our role not just as participants but as responsible managers in the global arena, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev writes in a Euronews exclusive.

Middle powers have the power to save multilateralism Countries like Kazakhstan must step forward together with renewed vigour and assert our role not just as participants but as responsible managers in the global arena, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev writes in a Euronews exclusive.

Photos from Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs's post 28/05/2024
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Videos (show all)

Құрметті азаматтар! Сіздерді Қазақстан Республикасының Конституция күнімен шын жүректен құттықтаймыз! Бұл күн – елімізді...
ASEAN International Fashion Week ASEAN International Fashion Week was held in #Singapore from June 7th to 9th, 2024, at ...
🇰🇿 Мемлекеттік рәміздер күні құтты болсын!  🇰🇿 Поздравляем с Днем государственных символов!  🇰🇿 Happy National Symbols D...
#repost from Алматы облысының әкімдігі: 🇰🇿🇸🇬🤝🏻 On April 28, 2024, a meeting was held between Marat Sultanagaziyev, the G...
Халықаралық Ана тілі күніне орай #АнаТілімЖасасын челленджіне қатысуды мәртебе санайды.Челлендж кезегін Қазақстан Респуб...
The Embassy of Kazakhstan wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!Warm wishes for joy and happiness throughout the holiday sea...
Welcome to #Kazakhstan! 🇰🇿#VisitKazakhstan #TravelTheWorld
Kazakhstan Global Investment Roundtable (KGIR-2023)
Happy Republic Day of Kazakhstan! 🇰🇿❤️
Documentary film about the history of the Congress of World and Traditional Religious Leaders



#09-04/05, 1 Kim Seng Promenade

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30
Friday 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 18:30

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