St James the Greater Church, Boston 聖雅各伯天主堂

St. James the Greater Church/ Boston Chinese Catholic Community
聖雅各伯天主堂/ 波士頓華?












Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joseph Zhang
St. James the Greater Church in Boston's Chinatown

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy Sunday!

The reading last Sunday told us the journey of the boat of life is filled with challenges and pain. As Christians we need not be afraid because Jesus accompanies us on this boat. So long as we have faith, avoid Satan’s temptation, Jesus will help us to calm the wind and wave, assure us with safety and calm. Today’s readings told us, our life comes from God’s creation, created from God’s image. In front of God each of us is noble and precious. His calling to us is also holy and He wishes us to share eternal life.

In today’s first reading, the book of Wisdom told us God is the source of our wisdom. True wisdom does not come from mankind’s efforts. Rather wisdom is a gift from God. Whoever asks God will receive it as gift. The wisdom of a Christian shall be: From His image God created us. God calls us to come to Him to share eternal life. Everything in the world, including animal, tree, plant, other people, finance and money, work, labor, and hardship are all prepared by the Almighty Wisdom, all come from God. God want everything in the world can bring us to His eternal life and glory, that all creations have the way to reach God.

In the second reading St. Apostle Paul exhorts the contemporary faith community to have a heart of generosity, help the poor in Jerusalem. Offering is an act of holiness because its authenticity is love, and love comes from God. Through generosity man discover how God treats the poor. Through offering you transmit the love given by God to others in need. Apostle Paul told us: Jesus is the role model of generosity. From Jesus’ love and generosity, He shared His Godliness with mankind. And with His love from death Jesus shared His life with others, so that all can have affluence in God.

In the gospel, Jesus cured a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years – someone who is poor and alone. Jesus also brought back to life the daughter of the synagogue official – someone from a rich family. These two stories are very interesting. Jairus and the woman with hemorrhages both went to Jesus, very frightened and begged Jesus for the gift of healing. Through faith both received the gift of blessing from Jesus. In both stories, Jesus not only cured them separately, so that they received what they asked. More importantly, Jesus gave the two families a new life. The woman with hemorrhages became poor because of her illness, and others did not want to be nearing her. Her life was becoming more and more alone and helpless. Though Jairus the synagogue official was rich and not feeling isolated, yet he was about to lose her daughter and Jesus’ arrival gave them the hope of life. Faith does not just bring us to face the difficulty at that time, more importantly faith brings us the more important blessing from God – new life.

Brothers and sisters, let us reflect today: First, God is a God who gives us life. He creates, nourishes, leads us, through faith He shares God’s life with us. At the end of our life we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven in His glory. That should be the goal of our life. Second, in God, the Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom of living. We should discern all the blessings God give us, and with a heart of gratitude, share with other God’s children our different and many blessings, learn Jesus’ spirit of offering. Third, God gives us life, and He dies for us unconditionally, so that we will receive life. God does not force us to choose His blessings. Rather, when one asks God for help will not go away empty handed. When he ask for help with faith in Jesus Christ, He not only will grant us what we need, and will give us a new life. Amen.













第三、耶穌安慰我們不要害怕,意思就是說,“不要擔心太多,我在,你就會平安”。大家都知道天主是全能全知的,“沒有任何隱秘的事情,將來不被揭露出來的”(路12:2)。不論我們喜歡與否,恐懼都是人生的一部分,比如當人面對孤獨、疑惑、甚至我們不遠見到的動物或人的時候,恐懼就會來見我們,當時,作為基督的門徒,我們並沒有理由害怕,因為我們不孤單,天主是一位慈愛的父親,如果祂對受造物最小的細節都關心,那對祂忠實的孩子們就必然更加關心。聖施禮華神父這樣說:「唯一的解決方法是去愛。聖若望宗徒寫了一些話,真的感動了我:『Qui autem timet,non est perfectus in caritate』。我要把它逐字地翻譯成:有恐懼心的人不懂得怎樣去愛。因此,你既然愛,又知道怎樣顯示愛,就不必害怕任何事。那麼,繼續吧!」(聖施禮華,《煉爐》,260)。教宗本篤十六世也這樣安慰我們:“信徒什麼也不怕,因為他們知道自己是在天主的手中,耶穌是那世界和愛的主宰,祂為了愛而犧牲了自己,我們與天主的關系越親密,我們的生命中就越充滿愛,如此,我們就越容易克服各種形式的恐懼與誘惑。”(本篤十六世,2008年6/22,三鐘經分享)。


Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joseph Zhang
St. James the Greater Church in Boston's Chinatown

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy Sunday!

The Church today leads us by listening to Jesus’ teaching – “Be not afraid” and “strong faith”, wishing us faithful in the boat of contemporary world strong in our belief, following Jesus to make our faith alive.

Through the first reading the story of Job told us: in the boat of our life we experience strong wind and big waves, difficulties and risks. Yet God is always with us just like he took care of Job in the past. Everything will be fine and calm with God’s caring despite wind and waves.

In the second reading Apostle Paul told us, at the moment of Jesus’ death on the cross, each of us received the grace and blessing from that death – salvation of the soul. For the Church, that was the dividing line between the Old and New Testament. For us, our old selves began to depart from us. Through the holy blood of the crucifix sinners are purified. Men expelled from the Garden began the possibility of entering into heaven. Jesus’ death and resurrection brought a new beginning to the world. Apostle Paul said: “So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come (2 Cor 5:17).

In the gospel, Jesus was in the boat with his disciples. Before any light from the sun shining on them, that is to say it was still dark, wind and wave came. Not knowing what to do, they realized their Master was in the boat and called him for help. Just one command from Jesus, everything is calm again. In the Old Testament age, people believed they did not have the power to calm strong wind and wave, only God can “stop the proud waves” (Jb 38:11), and “rule the raging sea, still its swelling waves” (Ps 89:10). Another good example is: through God’s power to open a big path in the sea for the Israelites” (Ex 14:15-31). So today’s gospel told us:

First, no matter what happen in the boat of life, even from hardship and disaster, all will be at peace and calm if God is there.

Second, there are many temptations in the boat of the world. As disciples of Jesus, we rely on our faith in Jesus to face. Our Jesus has experienced the worldly temptations. When He was hungry, Satan used that opportunity to attack Jesus. Hunger is a natural response of mankind. Using this human fundamental need Satan tempted human beings. He told Jesus to use his own power to satisfy his needs. Jesus was very clear. Whatever mankind needs we turn to God because God knows very well our need. Just as Jesus personally told us: “Your father knows what you need before you ask him” (Mt 6:8). Jesus knows what we need, and he knows us better than us. Just like a mother, one look, knows “everything of the child”: whether happy or sad, genuine or hiding. Unfortunately in our midst many rely on their own power to get what they want; totally forgetting the fact that God is in the same boat with us, and tricked by Satan. When we pray, should say “Lord, you know everything, no need to tell you my pain, I only ask you to stay with me, and you are my hope”.

Third, Jesus comforted us be not afraid. Meaning: “Don’t worry too much. I am here and peace be with you”. We know God is almighty and all knowing. “There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known” (Lk 12:2). Whether we like it or not, fear is a natural part of life. When faced with loneliness, questioning, doubting, or not willing to see an animal or adult, fear is coming to join us. At that time, as a Christian, we do not have reason to be afraid because we are not alone. God is a loving father, and He cares for little details of any creature. He cares even more the children who are loyal and faithful to Him. St. Josemaria Escriva said: “The only solution is to love”. St. Apostle John wrote these words that truly touch me: Qui autem timet, non est perfectus in caritate. This is my translation: “One who is fearful does not know how to love. If you love and know how to show love, be not afraid of anything. Now, continue!” (St. Josemaria Escriva, “The Forge”). Pope Benedict XVI also comforted us: “A believer is not afraid of anything because he knows he is in God’s hand. Jesus is the judge of the world and love. For love He sacrificed himself. The more we are intimate with God our life will be full of love. Then it is easier for us to overcome all kinds of fear and temptations” (Benedict XVI, 6/22/2008 Angelus prayer).

Dear brothers and sisters: pray to and ask God to strengthen our faith, knowing Jesus is the Lord of this world. He controls everything, through His grace and blessing we can overcome Satan and fear in our daily life. In God’s love, share peace forever. Amen.














11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. James the Greater Church, Boston
Deacon Francis Sung

Today is Father's Day. It is a special day for all fathers and father figures, including priests, godfathers, and even some mothers who play the role of fathers. I would like to wish you Happy Father’s Day. May God, our Father in Heaven, bless you abundantly, and through you, bless your children!

As fathers, we all hope to provide a safe and sufficient environment for our children so that they can grow up healthily and develop their talents without worrying. Oftentimes, the father has expectations for his children, hoping that, due to his guidance, they will be more accomplished than him in the future. But the outcome often depends on the relationship between the children and their father, whether the children trust in their father, and of course whether the children are motivated, willing to be taught and challenge themselves.

The Israelites were a unified and prosperous nation during the reigns of King David and King Solomon. But disputes among the twelve tribes later split the country into northern and southern kingdoms. Around 700 and 600 BC, the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah were defeated by Assyrian and Babylonian Empires, respectively. The Holy Temple was destroyed. Many people were forced into exile and migration. The Israelites lost their nation. In their anguish, they all wondered whether God had abandoned them because of their transgressions, failing to keep their covenant with God. But God had not abandoned them. He even sent many prophets to encourage them, urging them to repent, and prophesy to them that the Savior would surely come. Today’s first reading is one of those prophecies. This shoot, specially selected by the Lord, would be personally planted at the pinnacle of Israel and grow into a tall cedar for all birds to perch. This was a prophecy that God would raise up a new leader among the Israelites. At first, His kingdom might seem insignificant, but it would expand so that everyone could enjoy peace within it. Of course, we know that this new leader is the Savior Jesus Christ, and that His kingdom is the Kingdom of God. It is true that there would only be a group of disciples of Jesus at first, but it would develop to all parts of the world and bring true joy and peace to all people.

What is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is not a kingdom established in the world by Jesus, or by the disciples of Jesus. The Kingdom of God is an inner state, a realm where one is willing to let go of his egocentric mentality and live according to the teachings of Jesus, practicing loving God and others, and to follow Jesus and follow God. In this realm, we can already taste its goodness in our lives. After death, we will be able to directly experience God in Heaven, where the Kingdom of God reaches perfection.

In today's Gospel, the two parables of Jesus on the Kingdom of God basically describe seeds sown on the ground will grow, bear fruit, or become large plants, implying that the Kingdom of God will grow and expand to accommodate all people. However, there are some intriguing points in the parables which are worth going deeper.

In the first parable, the sower seems to have little knowledge of planting. He only sleeps, not even weeding, fertilizing, watering, etc. Yet the seeds naturally sprout and grow. We are the sowers. Our task is to spread to others the message of the Kingdom of God, the Gospel. As for how this message slowly grows in their hearts, that is the work of the Holy Spirit. We need not worry about it, nor is it under our control. The message of Kingdom of God has its natural effectiveness. Our main task is to spread the Gospel as much as possible with our words and actions, without counting time or result.

In the second parable, the man who sows the mustard seed is hoping for a plant that will allow him to harvest mustard seeds, not a tree, especially not one that is so big that birds can perch, as birds will peck at his precious mustard seeds. It means, when we preach the Gospel, the reactions and results of others are in God’s plan, which are out of our expectation and beyond our control. After fulfilling our duty to spread the Gospel, let the Holy Spirit complete His work. We need not be disappointed even if the results are not as we expected.

This is the mentality we, as Christians, should have when spreading the Gospel, to trust in God. God will take care of everything for He has His plan and His time.

On the other hand, we ourselves are also those who receive the seed. How do we let the Kingdom of God grow in our hearts? In today’s second reading, Paul reminds us that no matter what we do, we must choose based on whether it pleases God. When we are at odds with our spouse, will it please God to choose separation or reconciliation? When our career fails, will it please God if we choose to give up on ourselves or get back on our feet? Remember that life is a gift from God, and only God knows how long it is. How we make good use of every moment of life will determine our future recompense. When we face a serious illness, some people will pray for an early death or even choose euthanasia to avoid pain or burden, but will this please God? To be in the Kingdom of God is to be God-centered.

Just like our father, our Heavenly Father has His expectations and plans for us, for each of His children. He hopes that besides entering the Kingdom of God ourselves, we will spread the Kingdom of God to others. Can we trust in our Heavenly Father wholeheartedly, accepting His plans and willing to live according to His will, and keen on pleasing Him?

God bless you!













Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joseph Zhang
St. James the Greater Church in Boston's Chinatown

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy Sunday!

In the gospel today Jesus exhorts us to be true brothers and sisters. Through gospel’s truth he expects us to see the trickery of Satan and its false beauty. In Jesus’ name we defeat the many and various evil powers, try our best to be authentic relative, brother and sister, mother of Jesus, and help transmit the good news, expedite the coming of the heavenly kingdom.

The first reading told us, at the very beginning God created everything in heaven and on earth, including mankind. Man unfortunately on his/her own will choose to give up God’s protection. Instead sin and Satan were welcomed into their life. Adam ate the apple from the tree, and no matter how he was called by God, he did not go back to God’s embrace. The sin of disobedience made mankind unable to face God. Satan and sin made us break the relationship of being a friend with God. That relationship turned frightening, even led to avoidance or enmity. It separates us. From our faith life and experience we know once we fall into the trick of Satan, it is our downfall into evil and sin. We feel weak, try to turn away from our responsibility, even learn to be like Satan to defend or lie, complain or blame God.

Here I like to tell you this: Satan is very tricky. In the Bible Satan was often painted in the image of a snake to emphasize on its tricks, cruelty, viciousness and attack. These were described as “false wisdom” or “false goodness”. In real life this is trickery and evil. In Genesis, the conversation between Satan and the woman fully described these. Prophet Isaiah said: “Those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness to light, and light into darkness, who change bitter to sweet, and sweet into bitter!” (Is 5:20-21). As sinner each of us is born with original sin. With baptism, the original sin was cleansed, yet the consequences of that original sin remained. We are easily tempted and tricked by Satan. We should always be alert and fight back Satan’s temptations.

Let us look at today’s gospel in three ways. First, Jesus’ family: they went from their home to outside and said: “He is out of his mind” because Jesus went everywhere to transmit the good news of the kingdom of heaven. Serving everyone Jesus gave up sleeping and daily meals. So they thought Jesus was crazy. Second, Jesus’ ethnic family included Pharisees and scribes who were learned and representatives of the religious, and they came to visit Jesus from Jerusalem and went to his home. They did not come to accept his teaching but to find fault. When they saw Jesus turned away demons they accused Jesus as using the power of Satan to do so. This is a very serious accusation. With utmost efforts Jesus exhorts the good news of the heavenly kingdom, and his caring for everyone. Then he was being accused as working for Satan. Third, who is Jesus’ true family? When Mary brought uncles and brothers of Jesus to him, Jesus used this opportunity to announce: “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother”. On the one hand, Jesus pointed out that his mother, brother and sister who live in accordance of God’s will are blessed. On the other hand Jesus stressed that he is building a new family not based on blood, rather it is a new one based on doing the will of God.

Our reflections on the gospel today are: First, many parishioners are unwilling to be like Jesus who was “out of his mind”. There are 168 hours each week. It is enough going to church for one hour. I am someone impatient if the Mass ends after one hour and five minutes. Or I come to church to know some more friends, or to see my family or friends. We often forget that while having more friends is fine, we also need to be a friend of Jesus, and move closer to him, rely on him. We join the church not only for peace and safety of our children, or health and success of our elders. Of course there is nothing wrong with this mentality. More importantly is we need to discern the goodness of spiritual life and fulfillment. Not just from the human perspective. Second, some of us like to imitate the Pharisees or scribes. We come to church not only to worship God, but more importantly to find out the shortcoming and insufficiency of other people, including those of the priest. Then like the scribes in the past accusing Jesus to accuse them, debate them, point out their mistakes with agitation. Complaining about the Mass exceeding one hour, yet after Mass talking for two hours they don’t think is a problem. We forget when kneeling in front of the Eucharist to ask, what is my relationship with Jesus? Have I sensed his mercy and love? In that relationship, what is mine with the church’s brothers and sisters? In our community, do I see our dignity and loveliness? And what is our power of life and its relationship to love? Third, what is doing God’s will? God wishes salvation for everyone, in accordance of his plan that all belong to Christ in heaven and on earth, including us. That is God’s will. In that foundation we love one another, in communion and in understanding, encourage full of hope. Holy Mother and Jesus’ brothers and sisters are our role model.

Brothers and sisters: Satan exists today and is atrociously powerful. May in our life we discern its tricks, try our best to be true brother, sister and mother of Jesus, and to do God’s will. In God’s love, communion and unity we journey forward in holiness. Praise to God forever.




今天教會帶領我們共同慶祝基督聖體聖血節,這個節日的由來是來自一位聖人聖朱莉安娜(Juliana)的一個神視中來的,她是教會十三世紀的一位比利時的奧斯定修會的修女,1209我們的主耶穌曾多次在神視中告訴朱莉安娜修女她想要一個節日來慶祝祂的聖體聖血,原因有三,其一,為了保持教友們對基督在聖體聖事內的臨在的信心;其二,為了加強信友走向美德的道路;其三,為了褻瀆耶穌基督的聖體聖事的事實而做出補贖。當時正好是意大利波爾塞納發生了聖體奇跡,當時的教宗烏爾巴諾四世(Urbanus IV)下令調查後,發布了《在離開世界之際》(Transiturus de Hoc Mundo)通諭,邀請整個教會慶祝基督聖體聖血節,並邀請當時的神學家聖多瑪斯·阿奎那為此瞻禮寫了五首贊美詩。所以教會正式開始在彌撒中紀念耶穌將自己的身體和血液奉獻出來的這一事實,







The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ Sunday/Feast of Corpus Christi
Fr. Joseph Zhang
St. James the Greater Church in Boston's Chinatown

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy Sunday!

Today the Church leads us to celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. It originated from the vision of St. Juliana of Liege, Belgium, a 13th-century Norbertine canoness of the Augustinian nuns. In 1209, she reported her many visions of Christ in which she was instructed to plead for the institution of the feast of Corpus Christi. There are three reasons: 1. To ensure the trust of the faithful that Christ is present in the Eucharist; 2. To strengthen our journey towards virtues; 3. To repent for those who violate the sanctity of the Sacrament of Eucharist. When a miracle of the Eucharist occurred in Italy, Pope Urban IV ordered an investigation, promulgated “Transiturus de Hoc Mundo” and invited the whole Church to celebrate this Feast. He also invited theologian St. Thomas Aquinas to compose 5 poems for the Feast. This began the Church’s celebration of Jesus offering His body and blood as true sacrifice.

There are three meanings for the Sacrament of Eucharist: For the past it is commemoration of the sacrifice of the passion of Christ. For the present it is a Sacrament of the unity and communion of us and Christ. For the future it gives in advance the joy and blessing of sharing God. In Deuteronomy, God used Manna to feed and nourish the chosen people for 40 years in the wilderness. Manna is the forerunner of the Sacrament of Eucharist. Jesus promised himself is the true flesh and drink for mankind and has eternal life. In Exodus, Moses offered sacrifice to God, and spread the blood on the altar and the people, to show the covenant between God and mankind. On the cross, Jesus used His blood to ransom our sin and to receive eternal salvation. At the last supper, Jesus established a new sacrifice with mankind, His body is our food and His blood is our drink in the new covenant. Christ is the banquet, a commemoration of His passion, filling our heart and soul with holy grace, a guarantee of glory in the future.

We all believe that inside the consecrating bread and wine is the resurrected Jesus, edifying the truth of the Holy Church that “Christ truly and forever in the Holy Eucharist”.

Today we hear the miracle of “five loaves and two fish''. The story revealed the limitation of material wealth, stressed that the heart that is empty cannot be satisfied by material. Rather we need the power of love and sharing. In the gospel through the five loaves and two fish Jesus transmits to us His love and fills our heart. What this miracle focused on is: mercy and sacrifice. First, Jesus demonstrated His mercy to the crowd. Second, the disciples were willing to share and sacrifice. Third, a small child was willing to offer his only five loaves and two fish. Whether Jesus, disciples, the child, they were generous and unselfish. This story called upon us that in life to have the heart of mercy, sacrifice and sharing.

This story also revealed the limitation of material wealth, the heart that is empty cannot be satisfied by material. It needs love and the power of sharing. Using 5 loaf and 2 fish Jesus transmits love to satisfy men’s hearts. It reminds us to transform ourselves, care for other people’s needs. It gives spiritual meaning.

In our ordinary living we often rely on material wealth, consider it as the sole source of benevolence and satisfaction. The 5 loaf 2 fish story told us: material wealth cannot fill the emptiness of our heart and soul. Because of Jesus’ miracle, 5,000 people had a full meal, but what truly made them fulfilled was not the food. Rather it was the power that moved their heart and faith. That is the spiritual meaning.

Brothers and sisters, through today’s celebration, may our hearts draw near Jesus, accept His generosity and sacrifice, and on our initiative share our love with people in our midst. May we be surrounded by mercy, sacrifice and sharing. May God be praised forever, Amen!

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2019 Mass Schedule 彌撒時間:

Every Sunday: - 8 a.m.: Mass in English in Our Lady's Chapel - 10 a.m.: Mass in Chinese in Upper Church

每主日: - 上午 8 時:英語彌撒在聖母小堂 - 上午 10 時:中文彌撒在樓上聖堂

1st & 3rd Sunday: 9 a.m.: Mass in Mandarin in Our Lady's Chapel 每月第一及第三主日: 上午 9 時: 普通話彌撒在聖母小堂

Every Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: 9 a.m.: Mass in Our Lady's Chapel 每週星期一,星期二 和星期三: 上午 9 時:彌撒在聖母小堂

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