Milwaukee Friends Meeting

The Milwaukee Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is an unprogrammed Quaker meeting affiliated with Northern Yearly Meeting.

Come sit with us Sundays at 10:15 am!


Jan is not a Quaker but she's certainly a friend to many, and she speaks in a way that resonates about the conundrum of being peaceful AND standing up for what is right.


Coming up, Northern Yearly Meeting: still time to register to attend via Zoom.

NYM 2024 Annual Session – May 24-27
Updated on
April 11, 2024
NYM Annual Session is a 3-day gathering of regional Quakers, held over Memorial Day weekend at the Wisconsin Lions Camp in central Wisconsin, with options for people to attend virtually on Zoom during business meetings and the plenary. Learn more about our Annual Sessions.

More information here:

Send a message to learn more

Opinion | How to Create a Society That Prizes Decency (Gift Article) 05/11/2024

What skills do we need to live well together? David Brooks looks to Howard Thurman's "Jesus and the Disinherited" for guidance. We may not have the same ideologies or support the same political candidates, but can we get to a place of common underlying values and behaviors? Brooks' thinking on a subject many of us consider deeply.

"To be a good citizen, it is necessary to be warmhearted, but it is also necessary to master the disciplines, methods and techniques required to live well together: how to listen well, how to ask for and offer forgiveness, how not to misunderstand one another, how to converse in a way that reduces inequalities of respect. In a society with so much loneliness and distrust, we are failing at these social and moral disciplines."

Opinion | How to Create a Society That Prizes Decency (Gift Article) It starts with keeping our humanity and recognizing it in others.

Set Free from Holding Tightly 05/02/2024

Set free from holding tightly: an Episcopal priest's reflection on true simplicity.

Set Free from Holding Tightly Episcopal priest and spiritual director Margaret Guenther (1929–2016) reflects upon the challenge of “true” simplicity:   Simplicity is not one

Christian Nationalism: The False White Gospel with Jim Wallis 04/11/2024

How do we reclaim true faith and rebuild democracy? "All of you are going to be needed in Milwaukee!" Hear what Jim Wallis had to say April 6 at the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay. (Wallis speaking begins about 26 minutes in if you're impatient.)

Christian Nationalism: The False White Gospel with Jim Wallis United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin


“You can listen to silence, Reuven. I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own. It talks to me sometimes. I feel myself alive in it. It talks. And I can hear it...
You have to want to listen to it, and then you can hear it. It has a strange, beautiful texture. It doesn't always talk. Sometimes - sometimes it cries, and you can hear the pain of the world in it. It hurts to listen to it then. But you have to.”

― Chaim Potok, The Chosen (playing at the Milwakee Rep for another week)

Connect with the administration 03/21/2024

Did you know that in Wisconsin, inmates who “earn” between 12 – 42 cents per hour are charged $3.60 per hour to make a
phone call? The price for emails, video services and tablet services are also prohibitive and they are rising. And yet we know that the best way to return to a mature and productive life is to stay connected with loved ones.

We also know that the commercial enterprises managing communications provide poor services and lack oversight for good use of taxpayer dollars.

You can join Friends of Peace and justice and other Friends in calling or writing Governor Evers to request an audit of the finances and performance of the two for profit companies providing services to those incarcerated in Wisconsin prisons.

More information below.

Governor Tony Evers
(608) 266-1212 - ("request assistance" link for written request)

Wendy Monfils, Director Office of Management and Budget Wi DOC
(608) 240-5000

Connect with the administration Connect with the administration or request a meeting

Quakers in the Civil Rights Movement: Stories of Peaceful Persistence 03/21/2024

For podcast listening friends...

Quakers in the Civil Rights Movement: Stories of Peaceful Persistence Quakers have a long history of peacefully fighting for racial equality, and there is a lot to explore about their work during the Civil Rights Movement. In this episode, we share first-hand stories of Friends whose spiritual courage led them into the heart of the movement, even when they were beaten...

Request An Absentee Ballot 02/13/2024

Democracy matters! Just a reminder that if you live in Wisconsin and want to vote by absentee ballot you need to make a request every calendar year.

Request An Absentee Ballot My Vote


It's increasingly hard for incarcerated people to maintain contact with their loved ones, their place in a world to which they might return. If you'd like to learn more about the problems and ways to solve them, please join us.

(The Zoom link in the flier here is not active but you are welcome to attend in person. Lena Taylor will not be present but her social justice staffer will.)


Dinner with all kind of friends...

We had great conversations last night and you can now register for this month's on February 28.


The Work of Christmas
Howard Thurman

When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and the princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.


Christmas, and the day after, and the day after that...


On Christmas, the next day and the next...


Friends, Gift Shop's now a grateful memory. The holidays are upon us, and holy days: all holy. You can read reflections of Milwaukee Friends in Shareletter, a quarterly publication.

Here's an excerpt from Mike Soika's "Every day is holy. Or not.":

"Holiness does not mean an absence of death, or disease, or greed, or cruelty. Holiness simply means that in the midst of it all there is still the presence of God. It is we who are holy and it is we who must shine the light of the Divine onto the profane.

"In the words of the Eastern Mystic Rumi: 'If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.'"


Friends, Gift Shop's now a grateful memory. The holidays are upon us, and other holy days: all our days are holy. You can read reflections of Milwaukee Friends in Shareletter, our quarterly publication.

Here's an excerpt from Mike Soika's "Every day is holy. Or not.":

"Holiness does not mean an absence of death, or disease, or greed, or cruelty. Holiness simply means that in the midst of it all there is still the presence of God. It is we who are holy and it is we who must shine the light of the Divine onto the profane.

"In the words of the Eastern Mystic Rumi: 'If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.'"

Shareletter – A Quarterly Publication – Sharing the Spiritual Leadings From Individual Members of the Milwaukee Friends Meeting The Price of Love in Wisconsin Prisons Love between prisoners and their families and friends is what is being exploited. Photo by Pixabay


Are you new to Quaker spaces? Are you a seeker finding your spiritual home? Join FGC at a Meeting for Worship specifically for newcomers. This Spiritual Deepening program is free.

To register:


International Gift Shop, December 1 & 2, 2023: fun to attend, more fun to help out!

Some coordinator jobs that need claiming are listed here. There might be others, and teams are welcome, too. Contact Janet Hilliker [email protected] or Sue Pezanoski Browne [email protected] to claim a spot.

Or you can donate handmade items for the Quaker table: talk to Judy Payne [email protected] or (262) 951-5051.

And don't forget to spread the word and the posters. You can download posters from this link:

Coordinators/key roles

Teen Cafe Coordinator (½ day — Anne LaWall Shane will do ½ day)

Sign Wrangler

Teen Cafe Clean-up Clean-up and Resale Coordination



Happy World Quaker Day!

Amid what is sure to be a hectic weekend legislatively. these events offer opportunities for celebration, renewal, education, and unity. Right on time for all the and advocates out there! Take a look at this awesome list of online and hybrid events from groups such as FWCC-Europe and Middle East Section (EMES) - Quaker, Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas, FWCC Africa, Pendle Hill, Quakers in Australia, and The BlackQuaker Project via Friends World Committee for Consultation - FWCC World Office at:

☮️ 🕊️


September 1-4, celebrate the Golden Rule sailboat as it visits Milwaukee in its journey to remind us of the dangers of nuclear weapons.


Not our event but at our meetinghouse! Welcome!

First Milwaukee Contra Dance of the Fall Season!
Friday, September 8th!
6:30 PM: Lesson/Refresher
7:00 PM: Dancing with Live Music and caller.
Bring a friend!
$10 Adults / $5 Students
MKE Friends Meeting, 3224 N Gordon place.


The joy of peace!...and the work...

Today's the first day of Peacemakers Day Camp 2023! We are holding you all in the light as you sing, draw, play, learn and create while using your weekly “peace treaty” guidelines. (Image from another year's camp.)

5 things you need to know about Cop City 07/17/2023

Milwaukee Friends have expressed concern about and asked to draw attention to this facility, which will "militarize and expand policing." Here's what American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has to say.

5 things you need to know about Cop City “Cop City” is a police training facility that has been proposed to be built in Atlanta, Georgia at a cost of over $90 million. If built, it will be the largest such facility in the country. The facility faces massive opposition in Atlanta and nationally.  


Anna grew up in Milwaukee Meeting and we've had the joy of continuing contact with her. She'll be touring after this Wednesday Worship for Lament. Click here to see if she'll be near you.

UPDATE: Please stand by for a new date/time for this activity.

Tomorrow at Gentle House (not Gentle Dorm): Anna will offer her Spirit-gifted songs to help us touch and lift up the pain we are carrying. There will be music (cello and voice), singing together, and a time for wailing and keening, followed by a return to waiting worship to hold our personal and collective grief in the Light.
[Photo: a woman wearing a necklace and a jacket, holding a cello and gently smiling. The text says: "FGC 2023 Gathering - Wednesday 3:15 p.m. - With our feet on the earth, we will use the music ministry of Friend Anna Fritz and the container of Meeting for Worship to make space for embodied grieving."]


Wishing all a safe and happy Fourth of July. It may seem strange to contemplate on and in quiet today, but may you find some of that happiness, too.

The Work of Happiness
by May Sarton

I thought of happiness, how it is woven
Out of the silence in the empty house each day
And how it is not sudden and it is not given
But is creation itself like the growth of a tree.
No one has seen it happen, but inside the bark
Another circle is growing in the expanding ring.
No one has heard the root go deeper in the dark,
But the tree is lifted by this inward work
And its plumes shine, and its leaves are glittering.

So happiness is woven out of the peace of hours
And strikes its roots deep in the house alone:
The old chest in the corner, cool waxed floors,
White curtains softly and continually blown
As the free air moves quietly about the room;
A shelf of books, a table, and the white-washed wall—
These are the dear familiar gods of home,
And here the work of faith can best be done,
The growing tree is green and musical.

For what is happiness but growth in peace,
The timeless sense of time when furniture
Has stood a life's span in a single place,
And as the air moves, so the old dreams stir
The shining leaves of present happiness?
No one has heard thought or listened to a mind,
But where people have lived in inwardness
The air is charged with blessing and does bless;
Windows look out on mountains and the walls are kind.


The Beauty of Peace: Peacemakers Camp for kids 6-12 (and teens can volunteer)!

Good morning!
There is still a little room for camper sign up for camp this year!
July 17-21 and July 24-28
See for details
Email to request a registration form
[email protected]


To worship rightly
is to love each other,
Each smile a hymn,
each kindly deed a prayer.

~ excerpt from a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892



"It belongs to the center of the Christian message that children are not properties to own and rule over, but gifts to cherish and care for. Our children are our most important guests, who enter into our home, ask for careful attention, stay for a while, and then leave to follow their own way. Children are strangers whom we have to get to know."

~Henri Nouwen

photo by Jessica Laub

Wisconsin Retreat, April 2023 - School of the Spirit Ministry 02/24/2023

“'Reconnecting with the Divine in One Another'” will build on the rhythm of silence, worship and small group opportunities of prior retreats with some new additional opportunities for sharing, including some meals. Flexible fees. Please register by March 31 to help us plan, the last day to register is April 16.

"Come out for contemplation, come out in joy, and feed your longing for reconnecting!"

Wisconsin Retreat, April 2023 - School of the Spirit Ministry Our next Contemplative Retreat in Wisconsin will be April 16-19, 2020, at the Siena Center in Racine. Registration is now open.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Milwaukee?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Welcome to Milwaukee Friends Meeting

We warmly welcome you to Milwaukee Meeting Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). We hope you will feel at home here.

If you have never before attended an unprogrammed Friends (Quaker) meeting for worship, your first meeting may surprise you.*

Occasionally, during meeting for worship, someone is moved to speak out of the silence. Following a spoken message, we return to the silence to examine ourselves in the Light of that message. Although Friends value spoken messages which come from the heart and are prompted by the Spirit of God, we also value the silence and find that expectant worship may bring profound leadings. Friends have found that some leadings are for sharing immediately, some are for sharing on another occasion, and some are for our personal reflection. Often as we wait together expectantly, we feel a heightened and vital connectedness and unity, and may feel we are "gathered" or are "one in the Spirit". The meeting ends when one Friend, designated in advance, shakes hands with his or her neighbors. Then everyone shakes hands. No two meetings are ever the same.

In Milwaukee Meeting our Sunday schedule begins with a period of singing, after which we settle into a silent Meeting for Worship. Simultaneously, the children have religious education programs (First Day School) during the school year and supervised activities in the summer months. The children join the adult Meeting for Worship for about 15 minutes of the worship period. After the rise of Meeting, the clerk invites those gathered to share requests to "hold in the Light" any for whom special prayers are desired, and to share joys and celebrations. After the clerk makes announcements, all present hold hands in a circle and introduce themselves. Following this, please join us for refreshments and sociability. Please feel free, after the worship, to ask any questions you may have, explore the building, the Koenen Land Preserve, or the library. A welcome packet is available if you desire more information. Friends are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please be sure to sign our guest book.

*Credit to Marsha D. Holliday, Silent Worship and Quaker Values


3224 N Gordon Place
Milwaukee, WI

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Milwaukee, 53211

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Milwaukee Internationals Milwaukee Internationals
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Milwaukee, 53234

100 Black Men of Milwaukee, Inc. "What They See Is What They'll Be"

Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin
10019 W Greenfield Avenue
Milwaukee, 53214

BBB Serving Wisconsin can help you avoid scams, find trustworthy businesses, brands and charities, help resolve your consumer complaints & more!

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Milwaukee, 53221

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Brady Street Area Association Brady Street Area Association
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Milwaukee, 53202

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Community Advocates Public Policy Institute Community Advocates Public Policy Institute
728 N James Lovell Street
Milwaukee, 53233

We are working towards preventing and reducing poverty for individuals and families in Milwaukee, WI.

Flower Power Fundraising Flower Power Fundraising
8480 N 87th Street
Milwaukee, 53224

We offers schools, churches and other civic groups an earth-friendly fundraiser featuring 50% profit, quality plants and shipments directly to your customers.

Ausar Auset Society Milwaukee Ausar Auset Society Milwaukee
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FUEL Milwaukee FUEL Milwaukee
275 W Wisconsin Avenue , Suite 220
Milwaukee, 53203

We're the premier talent network for young professionals of Milwaukee. We're here to help you connect and fall in love with Milwaukee.