Urbanism Next

Urbanism Next is the source for information about the potential impacts of emerging technologies.


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be looking at Zero-Emission Zones and the Intersection of Land-Use, Accessibility, and New Logistics Technologies in a session lead by Erik Regterschot (Royal HaskoningDHV), Gert Jan Prummel (Gemeente Den Haag), Jeska de Ruiter (Royal HaskoningDHV), Melissa Bruntlett (Royal HaskoningDHV), and Paul Buijs (University of Groningen)!

The growth of zero-emission (ZE) zones for city logistics requires understanding how they can sustainably reshape public space. Evaluating ZE-zone impacts on daily access and land-use organisation is vital. How might they limit access for logistics and essential services or impact mobility for residents with diverse needs?

This interactive session examines practical implications of ZE-zones from various perspectives; city and national government ambitions, academic research on logistics sector innovations, and experiential research on human impact. Participants in this session will learn to evaluate land-use and the impact of ZE-zones, and discuss sustainable development of equitable urban space.

If you're interested in joining us, the workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 9th at the Maritim Hotel, Amsterdam. Early bird registration is only until September 1st, so snag your discounted tickets today!


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 , where we'll be joining Bon Bakermans (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat), Evan Corey Costagliola (Cityfi), Karina Ricks (Cityfi), Kevin Vedder (TNO), Marjolein Heezen (TNO), and Nico Larco (Urbanism Next Center at the University of Oregon) as they discuss ' , the Next Generation of ' this October!

"This session focuses on the evolution of MaaS towards Public Mobility, juxtaposing the big promises and premise of MaaS with real-world implementation: from MaaS 1.0’s app-centric introduction, towards Public Mobility (2.0) with full integration and the 3.0 development towards legacy system transformations. TNO will present research insights regarding government roles in MaaS-ecosystems, and Cityfi will share perspectives on private sector engagement. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement (Netherlands) will showcase their lessons learned and next steps on MaaS. We will conclude with a panel discussion envisioning MaaS' future, debating nomenclature, shaping perceptions, and overcoming barriers."

If you're looking to join us, registration is open! The early bird deadline is September 1st. Register now!


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be joining Geiske Bouma (TNO Vector), Hanna Welde Tranås (Oslo kommune), Jan Barski (HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU)), Julian Sahr (District of Hamburg-Altona), and Suzanne Green (Stadsmiljöförvaltningen Göteborgs Stad) as they discuss 'Mobility Hubs for People and Goods— Benefits and Challenges from Public, Private, and Community Perspectives' this October!

"This session offers insights from experiences of Oslo, Gothenburg, and Hamburg, who have set up a variety of types of mobility hubs within the ‘MOVE21’ Horizon2020 project. The inputs showcase how the cities have been implementing micro-depots in neighbourhoods, combining different modes of transport within a mobility hub, or reaching out to more suburban areas. It will describe how multiple transitions interact when developing mobility hubs for people and goods, and explain what benefits and challenges are occurring when developing mobility hubs – with the goal of commenting on new ways over cooperation between public, private, and community partners."

If you're looking to join us, registration is open! The early bird deadline is September 1st. Register now!


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be joining Dessislava Petrova-Antonova (GATE Institute), Edoardo Felici (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat), Francisco Rodriguez Pérez-Curiel (TECNALIA Research & Innovation), German Castignani (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)), and Jeroen Borst (TNO) as they discuss 'Digital Twins for Liveable and Resilient Cities' this October!

"The battle for space in cities due to urbanization in combination with transitions in mobility and energy cause big and urgent challenges. Local Digital Twins (LDTs) are gaining popularity in cities to help to gain insight and make well informed decisions to overcome these challenges, with a strong focus on sustainable wellbeing. This workshop aims to show the current state of the art in the field of Digital Twinning, the steps that are taken to make Digital Twins interoperable and how AI could be applied to gear towards the next generation of Comprehensive Spatial Planning Support."

If you're looking to join us, registration is open! The early bird deadline is September 1st. Register now!


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be joining Arielle Fleisher (Waymo), Mollie Cohen D'Agostino (University of California, Davis), Serge van Dam (Rijkswaterstaat), Tom Alkim (MAPtm), and William Riggs (University of San Francisco) as they discuss 'Autonomous Pick-Up and Drop-Off: A New Age in Curb Data Management' this October!

Autonomous driving systems are emerging as communities worldwide grapple with chaos at the curb. Both public and private organizations want to innovate right-of-way management, and reduce driving on roadway networks. This session will bring US and EU experts together to reimagine the curb in the era of cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM). The discussions will focus on digitization, reallocating public space, and expanding multimodal pick-up-and-drop-off. This session invites innovative thinking about the future of the physical and digital curb, as we pave the way for the future of urban curb management.

If you're looking to join us, registration is open! The early bird deadline is September 1st. Register now at the link in our bio


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be joining Hector Gutierrez (Los Angeles Metro), Lilly Shoup (Rebel), and Shirin Sadrpour (LADOT) for a panel discussion around 'Advancing New Mobility Options through Universal Basic Mobility: Lessons learned from Implementation of Mobility Wallets, Open Loop Technology, and Electrified Transportation Options to Catalyze Equity and Dignity.'

"Universal Basic Mobility has emerged as an ecosystem approach to bring economic, health, and social benefits to transit-dependent communities. At its core, it is an effective strategy to promote equity and address the immobility of people. This session will share lessons learned from Americas largest UBM pilot including Phase I findings from the Mobility Wallets to deliver seamless interoperability between shared transportation options through one payment source. The session will also examine UBM strategies offering diverse transit choices for low-income customers and discuss future considerations for open-loop and account-based technology, enhancing system-wide interoperability across transit."

If you're looking to join us, registration is open! The early bird deadline is September 1st. Register at the link in our bio!


"The Ministry of I&W, Directorate for Innovation and Strategy for Mobility developed together with Waai Startegy Consulting a serious game with regard to broader welfare. The aim of this tool is to offer a new perspective on how to integrate emerging societal challenges and opportunities in policy decision making processes while mitigating the impact on current and future national and international communities."

Koen Faber (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) and Yme Gorter (Waai Strategy Consulting | a certified B Corp) are workshopping Serious game 'Broader Welfare,' discussing means of a Dutch urban development case, where the participant will be challenged to consider the impact of their choices on various aspects of broader welfare in each phase of a policy development process. We're looking forward to their insights for Urbanism Next's 2024 European Conference!

Interested? Register now! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Learn more and register: https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference


We're looking forward to the workshop of Evan Corey Costagliola (Cityfi), Andrew Glass Hastings (Open Mobility Foundation), Alex Pazuchanics (Vianova I/O), Gemma Schepers (City of Amsterdam) and Tu-Tho Thai during the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference this October— Mobility Data Exchanges: Moving from Buy-In to Implementation!

The explosion of shared mobility and urban delivery across the globe signaled a paradigm shift in how people and goods move, cities manage public space, and the mobility experience becoming increasingly digitalised. Numerous data specifications and exchanges (like CDS-M, MDS and CDS) unlocked cities' ability to securely, efficiently, and legally communicate data and policy direction between government and mobility providers. However, these innovations require regulatory and political buy-in to ensure widespread adoption and expanded implementation. At this workshop, learn about the future of mobility data/adoption opportunities, and co-create strategies to advance regulations at the European Commission.

Interested? Register now! The early bird deadline is August 1st.

Learn more and register: https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be Rethinking Streets with AI and Augmented Reality in a joint workshop lead by Roelof Pieters (Founder of Sunshine Lab) and Marc Schlossberg (EPIC-Network, University of Oregon, and Sustainable Cities Institute)!

This workshop will cover tools needed to create Augmented Reality (AR) street redesigns, which will allow professionals and the public to ‘experience’ possible streets and right-of-way changes using your phone or tablet. Participants will gain insights into practical applications, development, and future considerations for urban design through a seminar and a demo participants will experiment with outside, critical to accelerating the infrastructure change needed to meet pressing environmental, equity, health, and fiscal goals.

If you're interested in joining us, the workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 9th at the Maritim Hotel, Amsterdam. Early bird registration is only until August 1st, so snag your discounted tickets today!

Learn more and register here (or at the link in our bio!): https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference


We're looking forward to Urbanism Next's 2024 Europe Conference, where we'll be joining Azarakhsh Salem, Bart Poel, Maaike Snelder, and Tom Kuipers for a workshop discussing the need to increase housing density and decrease space for transport infrastructure and private parking— spaces that are threatening the sustainable accessibility and livability of urban regions.

With insights from work at Delft University of Technology, TNO, and AMS Institute, the workshop will help us identify different objectives and key-performance indicators and co-design a car-low urban area in Amsterdam, highlighting the urgent need for space-efficient new mobility technologies that do not depend on the single use and possession of a private car.

Interested? Register now for discounted rates to the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit htts://lnkd.in/gEzH-wSa to learn more and register now!


Ensuring and enhancing citizens' access to their fundamental needs has become a cornerstone in the strategies of contemporary urban planners. This October, at our 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference, URBANLY's founder Federico J. Fernandez and Delft University of Technology's Achilleas Psyllidis are workshopping X-Minute Cities, perceived accessibility, and urban simulation models.

In the proposed workshop, attendees will be able to experiment with policy challenges using an interactive land use simulation model in three different settings: locate affordable housing in Rio de Janeiro including the creation of new infrastructure to improve active-mode accessibility, size incentives in Buenos Aires in order to convert an Olympic Villa into affordable housing in a way that attracts private investment, and constrain urban heat islands in Switzerland by planting trees and creating green spaces.

Interested? Register now for discounted rates to the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


Join us in Amsterdam this October for a workshop on Feminist Placemaking with Nourhan Bassam, founder of GamingX and The Gendered City!

On Wednesday, October 9th, from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., this three-hour session will aim to explore the concept of feminist placemaking and its potential in creating inclusive and empowering urban spaces for women. The session will delve into the importance of gender-disaggregated data collection and research in understanding the specific challenges and needs of women in different communities.

Interested? Register now for discounted rates to the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register!


Join us in Amsterdam this October for a workshop regarding Sustainable and Equitable Policies on Emerging Technologies! This workshop will be hosted by Anne Brown, Diana Vonk Noordegraaf, Eric Mink, Isabel Wilmink, Jaap Vreeswijk, Liya Rechtman, and Menno Lijkendijk, featuring industry insights from Arcadis, Gaiyo - One key for all mobility, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, TNO, TNO Vector, Urbanism Next Center at the University of Oregon, and the U.S. Department of Transportation!

On Wednesday, October 9th, from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., our panel will discuss climate change, scarce space, the energy crisis, and polarization as increasingly large and complex societal challenges. Emerging technologies could offer a solution, if well implemented. This requires new policies aimed at a broad set of societal goals. This session will explain the European policy paradigm shift towards sustainable and equitable policies that focus on welfare beyond GDP. In this session, participants will discuss the need to fundamentally change the mobility system, policies, and narratives to create room for emerging technologies to substantially contribute to sustainability and equity.

Interested? Register now for discounted rates to the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://lnkd.in/gEzH-wSa to learn more and register now!


We’re looking forward to Urbanism Next’s 2024 Europe Conference, where a multidisciplinary team from TU Delft has crafted a forward-looking perspective on the future of mobility. This vision examines the potential influence of society’s readiness to embrace new technologies and the government’s emphasis on economic prosperity compared to a broader understanding of well-being, which encompasses health, inclusivity, liveability, and sustainability.

The workshop will begin with three multidisciplinary presentations outlining the vision by Maaike Snelder, Stefan van der Spek, and Nicole Van Nes from Delft University of Technology. It will transition into an interactive activity, inviting participants to apply this framework to their own work or research, fostering a dynamic discussion and exploration.

Interested? Register now for discounted rates to the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


We are excited to welcome Shin-pei Tsay back as a keynote speaker for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference!

In her former role as Director of Global Policy for Cities and Sustainability at Uber, Shin-pei led a team focused on creating a sustainable, inclusive, and multi-modal urban future.

Join us October 9th – 11th, in Amsterdam, for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference, to hear Shin-pei Tsay speak about Results from Uber's One Less Car Initiative.

Register now for discounted rates! The early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


We are excited to welcome Melissa Bruntlett as a keynote speaker for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference!

As a sustainable mobility consultant, Melissa uses her experience and expertise to help partners and clients better understand how a sustainable and just mobility transition needs to recognize the varied needs of people. The goal is to build awareness of why an empathetic approach to mobility is necessary to create inclusive cities.

Please join us October 9th – 11th in Amsterdam for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference, where we will explore how emerging technologies are changing land use, urban design, building design, transportation, and real estate and what these changes mean for equity, health and safety, the economy, and the environment.

Register now for discounted rates! The early bird deadline is August 1st.

Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


We are excited to welcome Laetitia Dablanc as a keynote speaker for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference!

Laetitia Dablanc is an urban planner and professor at the University Gustave Eiffel in Paris, where she heads the Logistics City Chair. Her areas of research are freight transportation, freight and the environment, urban freight and logistics, on-demand delivery platforms, freight policies, spatial issues related to logistics.

Please join us October 9th – 11th in Amsterdam at the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference to learn about how emerging technologies are changing land use, urban design, building design, transportation, and real estate and what these changes mean for equity, health and safety, the economy, and the environment.

Register now for discounted rates-- the early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


We are excited to welcome Julia M. C. Friedlander back as a keynote speaker for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference!

As Senior Manager of Automated Driving Policy for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), Julia has seen the introduction and evolution of automated vehicles driving on San Francisco's streets. Learn about the SFMTA's approach toward creating policies that address this new technology and its affects on the city.

Please join us October 9th – 11th in Amsterdam at the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! Register now for discounted rates-- the early bird deadline is August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


Registration for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference is now open!!
Please join us October 9th-11th in Amsterdam to discuss the impacts of new technology on urban landscapes and communities.
Early bird rates are available until August 1st.
Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


Registration for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference is now open!!

Please join us October 9th-11th in Amsterdam to discuss the impacts of new technology on urban landscapes and communities. Early bird rates are available until August 1st.

Visit https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference to learn more and register now!


Interested in discussing the impacts of emerging technologies on cities?
Join us at the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference to participate in the conversation!

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to submit a proposal for a session or workshop!!!

Learn more here: https://bit.ly/3tRAK7c


It is now the LAST WEEK to submit a proposal for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference!!!

Join us in Amsterdam, this October, to discuss the impacts of emerging technologies on urban landscapes and communities!

Learn more on our website here: https://bit.ly/3tRAK7c


Interested in discussing the impacts of emerging technologies on urban landscapes and communities? Join us at the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference in Amsterdam, this fall!
Only two weeks left to submit a proposal for a conference session or workshop!
Learn more on our website here: https://bit.ly/3tRAK7c


Interested in discussing the impacts of emerging technologies on urban landscapes and communities? Join us at the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference in Amsterdam, this fall!

Only three weeks left to submit a proposal for a conference session or workshop!

Learn more on our website here: https://bit.ly/3tRAK7c


Are you interested in discussing the impacts of emerging technology on cities? Join us at the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference in Amsterdam, this fall!
There is less than a month until the deadline to submit a proposal for a conference session or workshop!
Learn more on our website here: https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference


There are 5 weeks left for you to submit a proposal for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference!!
Join us this fall in Amsterdam, where leading experts from around the world will discuss the impacts of new technologies on cities!
Learn more on our website: https://bit.ly/3tRAK7c


This year, Urbanism Next is heading to Amsterdam for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! Our Call for Proposals is now open, so consider submitting a proposal for a conference session or workshop before March 1st! More info is available on our website: https://bit.ly/3tRAK7c


This year, Urbanism Next is heading back to Europe for the 2024 Urbanism Next Europe Conference! Our Call for Proposals is now open, so consider submitting a proposal for a conference session or workshop!
More info is available on our website: https://www.urbanismnext.org/events/2024-urbanism-next-europe-conference


capacity focuses on capabilities or capacity that a needs to possess in order to stimulate innovation.

JOIN Geiske Bouma from TNO, Art Pearce from the Portland Bureau of Transportation, and Marije ten Kate from the Municipality of Rotterdam at the 2023 Urbanism Next Conference NEXT WEEK to learn about how European and US cities can work on increasing their innovation capacity.

Register now! https://www.urbanismnext.org/events-subpages/registration-2023-urbanism-next-conference-2023


The 2023 Urbanism Next Conference is starting NEXT WEEK!

REGISTER NOW to hear Friday's lunch discussion where Lian Plass from the Urban Land Institute, Thomas Sanchez from Virginia Tech, and Emily Schwartz from Bryson Gillette will discuss the impacts of on and .


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About Urbanism Next

Urbanism Next is a leading source for information about the potential impacts of emerging technologies — autonomous vehicles, E-commerce and the sharing economy — on city development, form, and design and the implications for equity, health, the economy, the environment, and governance.

What We Do

Advances in technology such as the advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs), the rise of E-commerce, and the proliferation of the sharing economy are having profound effects not only on how we live, move, and spend our time in cities, but also increasingly on urban form and development itself. The University of Oregon’s Urbanism Next Center focuses on the ramifications of these changes. Researchers are working with leaders from the public, private, and academic sectors across North America and Europe to better understand the secondary impacts of emerging technologies on cities and ensure that governments from the local to federal level have the information they need to make informed decisions that improve equity and health outcomes, as well as help achieve community goals related to the economy and the environment.

Goals and Strategies

Videos (show all)

Tomorrow is the day: Don’t miss the CoMotion Live Webinar: Delivery on Demand happening at 10am. Amanda Howell of Urbani...
How is the increased demand for online delivery impacting the reality of supply chain logistics? Find out on Jan. 26 whe...
Urbanism Next Virtual Forum
Michael Ford on the Urbanism Next Conference
Sucharita Kodali on Urbanism Next Conference
2020 Urbanism Next Conference
National Urbanism Next Conference
Jeffrey Tumlin on AVs and Mobility
Urbanism Next's Program Director Leads Tedx Talk
Registration is now LIVE for our 2nd National Urbanism Next Conference in May! 🎉 If you’re curious about how cities can ...



Urbanism Next Center, 70 NW Couch Street, White Stag Building
Portland, OR

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