Temple of Enlightenment

•Sound baths


It was never you.
It was never that you weren’t enough.
Or too much.
Your energy was perfect.
Your energy woke their demons.
It shook their shadows.
It triggered their darkest places.
Shaking them to grow.
Making them accountable for their bu****it.
Calling out their innermost behaviour.

Shining a light so bright into the darkness.
And it wasn’t their time.

You were perfect.
They weren’t ready.
- Kat Shaw

Photos from Temple of Enlightenment's post 12/01/2024

Oh hello hello 👋

As some of you seen in my stories the other day some changes are happening here 🌚
I’m working hard behind the scenes(when I can haha) to get everything in order for Temple in 2024

I’m going to be releasing a few spaces for readings this Sunday 🧿🪬🖤
These will be ONLINE ONLY as always, and will be done in the evenings.

Please keep an eye out for the post, I can’t keep up with past messages and don’t currently do waitlists.

I’ll also be releasing a circle next week (yesssss that’s right ladies) so keep your eyes peeled for that one 👀🤭

Blessings Amy-Dawn xx


And as I’ve weaved my way through this portal, I have emerged, different from before.
I have changed.

And so too will this space….


You made it.
I made it.

We did it.

Remember all this year has shown you, hold it as a lesson & reminder. But more so…
Remember the good times more often than the tough times. Remember those sweet moments of joy and love you experienced. Remember the tenderness you’ve offered. The open heart you’ve shown.

Remember, you’ve got this ❤️‍🔥

Happy New Year 🖤


Hello darlings ✨

I’ve got an important update for you all.

Sadly I will not be using the space in Salisbury any longer for my offerings. The Hub is officially closed going forward. My heart hurts to say this but I cannot exist in that space.

It will take time to rebuild and re ground myself, and I’d like to thank you all for being patient with me as I navigate what Temple of Enlightenment will look like from here.

I am no longer based in the northern suburbs either, for ongoing clients I am happy to recommend some of my beautiful friends who are located North and offer readings & reiki. Just send me a message if you want details.

I will speak into this more in the future, no doubt. But for now I need rest and peace.

Love Amy-Dawn xx


Hello my darlings ❤️

I’m slowly emerging from this transformative phase I’ve been dancing through 🌀

I have decided I’ll be taking bookings for the following days.

💛Friday 1st December

💛Thursday 7th December

💛Friday 8th December

You can book in here


I’m easing back into it but depending how I feel over the next few days I may even release a circle for December 🧡🔥🧿

I’ve missed being in the hub & all of your beautiful energies ❤️



It actually never goes away.
Even when you wholeheartedly believe it’s okay.
Even when you think you’ve worked through it, processed the event, healed those wounds. Sometimes.
It’s just comes right back up.

It starts with a sticky hot feeling in my womb space.
Then slowly travels through my energy centres.

Into my solar plexus presenting as anxiety or fear.
Moving through the heart, sadness and grief lays here.
Eventually it must come out. Surely.
I can’t hold this inside.

Up. Out.
Through the mouth in anger.
Through the eyes.
Energy in motion.
The body needs to move.
I must take up space.
I must be heard.
Screaming and kicking.

The energy expands.

Where does it land?
I pray it doesn’t spill out onto someone else.
It’s not theirs to keep.
The earth takes it.
She can hold me.

The ocean washes it away.
She always receives me.

That’s all she needs.

Safe release of this energy.


Just a reminder that I am currently on leave and the hub is closed until I return.

On top of lots of big life changes that are unfolding I’ve also ended up really unwell and in hospital this week 🤦‍♀️
This is your reminder to pay attention to your subtle bodies & energy body otherwise, the physical will make your imbalances known 🫣
Thankfully I’ve had the most beautiful people looking after me 🥹

If you have messaged me I will aim to reply next week. I’m hoping to be back in the hub on the 28th November.
If I have the capacity I may open the shop up sporadically and will update you all here ❤️

A big thank you to all of the beautiful people who have been gracious about cancelled events & appointments. Your understanding and kindness means the world to me.

Love Amy-Dawn xx


I’m now taking bookings for 2024.
Please reach out if you have a rite of passage you’re moving into that you’d like to be held through 🌼


I host circles for many different occasions. I create these spaces for growth, celebration, development, connection, release, rebirth and realisation.

Some of the more personalised events I offer are :

🕊️Mama Blessings

🕊️Bridal Blessings

🕊️Birthday gatherings

🕊️ 1st Moon Circles

🕊️Baby Blessings

🕊️Closing Ceremonies

🕊️Spirit Circles

🕊️ Grieving Ceremonies

If you need or know someone who needs her sisters gathered around her to share & celebrate something special or work through something deep please contact me to discuss what this could look like.

I have varied price points for these gatherings, starting at $45 per person.

Love Amy-Dawn xx


I have the beautiful Rachel Hornby Naturopath hosting this next weekend at Temple of Enlightenment

Please check out the event ❤️
Hope to see some familiar faces 🌸🌼🪻🌻


Good evening darlings ❤️
I’m attending this retreat next weekend and thought I might have some parents interested. A beautiful day of connection and learning new skills to better handle the hurdles life throws at us 😌

Contact Paige at for more details 🌼


Are you feeling tired, burnt out and utterly exhausted lately?

Me too, you're not alone. I've had so much going on lately life, business, working and advocating for Oak between the education system and the ndis.

I know a lot of you are going through the same things. It's a lot. I'm exhausted and I know you are too 🥰

That's exactly why an I came together to create the wellness workshop to support parents just like you and I to rest, relax and manage our overwhelm.

It really couldn't come at a more perfect time, really.

Designed specifically for parents, both mums and dads of autistic children 👧 👦

A full immersion day to enjoy...

Breathe 🫁

Connected with others 🤝

Practice Meditation 🧠

Yoga with beautiful 🧘‍♂️

Guest speaker and education provided by the incredible Jo Hatchard from

Optional Ice bath at the end 🧊

Listen & relax ♥️

and totally Re Energize & recharge yourself …. 🚀

LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE - they're filling fast already!
( NDIS Claimable )

Held on Saturday 11th November in the beautiful location of Inglewood from 9-5 🏡

We're incredibly grateful to hold space for every attendee 🙏

Come join us, it's exactly what you need promise 😘 Comment below or message me for more detsils 💚💜💛🧡


Hello darlings ❤️

It’s been a wild few weeks. One word to sum it up - Transformative ❤️‍🔥

I’m taking a little bit of time away from the hub. Going within to work out my priorities, desires & goals.

Luke will be in the shop while I’m away for all your cacao & crystal needs 👏🏻

I want to thank you all for your messages, comments and support over the last two weeks. I feel blessed to be living this life. Thank you 🥹

Love Amy-dawn xx ✨🌼


The Hub will be closed today.
Sorry for any inconvenience ❤️


Helloooo everyone 👋

I've got a bunch of retreats and workshops coming up so my availability will be narrowed over the rest of this month & throughout November.

I have 2 days available this month still for bookings -
Tuesday 24th October
Tuesday 31st October

November I will be available sporadically on Tuesdays & Fridays.

I'm available for counselling sessions over the phone throughout this time so please reach out if you're looking for some support.

Please use the booking tool to book in ❤️



This week we have our Cacao Circle on Friday

Join Amy for a blissful evening of intention setting & nourishment with mother Cacao.

This circle includes -

✨Cleansing & Ritual of the moon

✨Guided Cacao Ceremony

✨Reflections and share circle

✨Closing & Gratitude practice

If you have never experienced Cacao, this circle is ideal as I go through everything I know currently about this sacred medicine and share with you my own blessings and love for Cacao.

Bookings can be made here ↙️
Tickets are only $33!


Photos from Temple of Enlightenment's post 16/10/2023

Everything you need to know about Wednesday Evenings at Riverdell Spiritual Centre


A rotating roster of facilitators donate their time to hold this beautiful community gathering WEEKLY

Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm we gather on the grass near the dining room.

Each facilitator has their own passion and specialities. You can expect some of the following ⬇️

•Breathwork journeys
•Sound baths
•Guided meditations
•Circle work
•Ice baths
•Working with the moon
•Chakra clearings
•Yogic movement

Plus much more.
It all depends on who is hosting and what they're called to provide.
How awesome, a bit like a lucky dip of wellness 😝

This week Luke Southon is on!! You know that means a journey of connection to self through his powerful breathwork practices 🔥👌

The exchange for this experience is a $5 donation to a charity or cause.
And a bag of ice if you're jumping in for the
🧊 I C E B A T H 🧊

We have just finished raising funds for Catherine House and over 8 weeks we collected $800!! A big thank you to all of the wonderful regulars who have contributed week after week

🙏 B L E S S Y O U 🙏

You don't need to book in, however we do have a group chat and a community page to join for more information ℹ️

Riverdell Community - Wednesday 6pm


See you there 😍


Absolutely 💯💫❤️


I'll be in the shop today and have free time from 1:45 onwards.
Come down, have some Cacao & pull some cards with me if you're free 🥰

Love Amy-Dawn xx

Photos from Temple of Enlightenment's post 12/10/2023

Card reveal 🤲

Let me know if your card resonates 🥰



I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement

There is a certain comfort in the idea of living a life without surprises. The status quo has an appeal, but you will never learn or grow if your circumstances stay the same. Everybody wants life to be better, but that requires change. You have chosen to incarnate into this physical dimension called Earth because of the myriad of opportunities available here.

If you don't take advantage of them, what was the point? Staying within your comfort zone is overrated. With change comes transformation and with transformation comes evolution.
Stop viewing change as good or bad, because ALL change nourishes your soul. Don't equate it with a lack of control.
Life happens and it's SUPPOSED to happen. You can direct how it plays out and you always have the power to accept a change that redirects your path.



I accept responsibility for my well-being.

It is so easy to give away the power to transform your life. Certainly there have been people along your path who have shaped you into what and who you are today but you are solely responsible for your own happiness.
The ego can be a very fragile thing and if it comes under fire the first instinct is to blame an outside force. Victim consciousness weakens the connection that you have to your soul source.
This mindset says "I don't have the power inside myself to break free because someone else's power is stronger" ...
This is an illusion! When you believe that someone else is responsible for your problems, that belief is the problem.
Personal responsibility can empower you to change your reality! Lasting transformation always begins on the inside and works its way out. There is a difference between a reason and an excuse. A reason is valid and unavoidable, an excuse is an attempt to shift the blame.



I use my intuition in all aspects of life.

Your soul is spirit manifest in this physical dimension. Even though you may feel limited by the constraints of your body, your connection to the infinite wisdom of the universe is always available to you in the form of intuition.
You are never alone when making any decision. Spirit only wants the best for you, and by listening to your inner voice, you will always be guided to the proper outcome.
All you have to do is ask.
The expectation of others is only an illusion.
You were not born to listen to fear, you were taught to listen to it.
Visualise any decision in your life as a fork in the road. How does your body react when you imagine you're travels down each path? At first glance one may look easier to traverse, but the destination will cause anxiety and a heavy heart. Another path maybe more difficult to walk, but the destination will feel light and calm.
When you silence your mind and listen to your intuition, the signposts will always be obvious.


✨ P I C K A C A R D ✨

Close your eyes and take 3 deep grounding breaths. Ask yourself what you need to know right now on your journey.

Open your eyes and pick a card. Trust the evey first thought that comes into your conscious mind.

Pop your number below and I'll be back with reveals tomorrow 🤲

1 / Left / Red Jasper ❤️

2 / Middle / Picture Jasper 💛

3 / Right / Tree Agate 💚


Good morning 🌄

I've got appointments available on Friday. These can be Reiki, womb work, cacao journeys or readings. Book here to share space with me 1:1 ⬇️



Tonight 🧘‍♀️✨💫

Diving into our childhood intuition 💭

$20 per person



Align with Amy-Dawn is on tomorrow night at 7pm

I have spaces available, please use the booking tools to book in.

Come along for an hour of deep relaxation and alignment. Using the singing bowls we clear each main chakra point and then bliss out to a spiritual meditation.

Always good check ins & chats afterwards 😌

Photos from Riverdell Spiritual Centre's post 04/10/2023


Come on down and join us for this beautiful evening. ALL FIVE (yeh we got a newie 🤭) of the facilitators will be hosting tonight to bring together a gorgeous evening.

See you there!


Good morning 🌞

I cannot get enough of this weather!! It's as close to "perfect" as you can get right?


Anyways I have 2 spaces available for tonights meditation class ❤️
Send me a message or comment below for information 🧐


Photos from Riverdell Spiritual Centre's post 24/09/2023


Ice baths are back at Riverdell Spiritual Centre

See details on the post for our special evening where all 4 of us will be facilitating to celebrate 🎉


R E I K I for C H I L D R E N

Reiki for kids can be a beneficial practice for so many reasons. Here are a few -

⚖️ Emotional Balance ⚖️
Children often experience emotions intensely. Reiki can help them manage stress, anxiety, and emotions, promoting emotional well-being.

✨ Physical Health ✨
Reiki may aid in relieving common childhood issues like sleep disturbances, digestive problems, and pain from injuries or illnesses.

🧠 Enhanced Focus 🧠
Some parents find that Reiki helps improve a child's concentration and attention span, which can be especially valuable in academic or extracurricular activities.

🪬 Spiritual Growth 🪬
Reiki can support a child's spiritual development by fostering a sense of connection, empathy, and mindfulness.

😴 Better Sleep 😴
Many parents report that their children experience improved sleep quality and reduced nightmares after Reiki sessions.

One of the beautiful things about energy work with children, is that they are often heaps more receptive to the energy because they have open and uncluttered minds.

They tend to be less skeptical and more in tune with their intuition, making it easier for them to connect with and benefit from the healing energy.
I'll often make up a floor bed like this 👇 because that way mum or dad can sit or lay with the child.

If you have any questions about Reiki for kids, please shoot me a message or comment below.

Blessings, Amy-Dawn x 🪻

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Shop 5 63 Bagsters Road
Adelaide, SA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 12pm - 4pm

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