Bianca Chaptini

Hello, I'm a leading expert in health and wellness, guiding women through their diet and lifestyle c


What health coaches eat… 🥗🍕🥑 quinoa chickpea salad, Greek salad and THE BEST gluten-free pizzas from 👌🏼🍕🇮🇹

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 14/12/2022

“Everything in moderation, including moderation” when it’s your birthday weekend and the 😜 season🍹💜✨


My friends at do the BEST poké bowls 👌🏼🐟🌈🍃🥕


When the going gets tough… put your phone down. Take a few deep belly breaths. Go for a walk. Look at things far away, like the hills or trees, it puts things into perspective. Look up. Notice three different colours or sights you usually take for granted. Be present. Stop and smell the roses 🌹 be grateful. Give thanks for the blessings in your life. Recall a happy memory. Watch a comedy. Phone a friend ☎️ commit to practicing unapologetic self-care ❤️ it really is a non-negotiable and needed now more than ever.


This photo is going viral… just a random cat enjoying the sunshine. So cute. And heartwarming 😻 It really is the simple things in life ❤️

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 21/06/2022

Relationships 💗
Had the pleasure of spending my last Monday off in a long time with family - the highlight being cuddles with my cousins adorable bubba 🥰 my heart is feeling very full ❤️ My cup is feeling half full, not half empty. Relationships nourish us at a soul level, far more beneficial than any amount of kale or spirulina. Relationships require time and energy. Humans are social beings, we require connection, cuddles, touch, love, hugs, etc. Make time to invest in the relationships that matter to you. And remember, it doesn’t have to be about quantity but quality! Good quality time together with loved ones is so important and beneficial to our wellbeing. Which relationships do you want to take the time to nurture this week? 💕🌸👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨


That one time I went on a trip…. 😂🏖☀️🍹

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 09/03/2022

As I reflect on International Women’s Day/Week, here's what’s coming up for me at the moment…

My wish for women everywhere is that we can all learn to reclaim our feminine radiance.

That we can learn to honour, love and respect our bodies. Listening with love to our bodies’ intelligence, our inner knowing, our full body YES’s.

That we can learn to say yes when we mean it and say no when it’s a firm N.O.

I wish for inner peace, discernment and clarity so that we stay on course or choose a new course.

I wish that we could all accept ourselves fully, flaws and all. And in the words of John Legend, love all those “perfect imperfections”.
I pray that we can see the beauty that is present in each moment. It is there if you are ready and willing to find out... Keep reading here:

B 💖

p.s. Here are some of my fave pics of me in my fave happy place, nature 🌿🐚🌞🌷💦 Shot in Noosa, Eumundi, Kilarney, Ireland, Santorini, Greece, and Wineglass Bay, Tasmania.

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 09/03/2022

As I reflect on International Women’s Day/Week, here's what’s coming up for me at the moment… My wish for women everywhere is that we can all learn to reclaim our feminine radiance. That we can learn to honour, love and respect our bodies. Listening with love to our bodies’ intelligence, our inner knowing, our full body YES’s.

That we can learn to say yes when we mean it and say no when it’s a firm N.O.

I wish for inner peace, discernment and clarity so that we stay on course or choose a new course.

I wish that we could all accept ourselves fully, flaws and all. And in the words of John Legend, love all those “perfect imperfections”.

I pray that we can see the beauty that is present in each moment. It is there if you are ready and willing to find out.

I hope that we can learn to love our own company and get comfortable being with her. Sitting with ourselves, getting to know ourselves better, loving ourselves, serving ourselves first before anyone else. This is an act of radical self-love, not to be mistaken with selfishness.

May we fill up our own ‘glass-half-full’ cups first, before anyone else’s. Let’s nourish and nurture ourselves first and foremost ladies, then we can truly be of service to others and nourish those around us, too.

May we approach each day with gratitude. Because there is always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for.

I hope that women everywhere can learn to understand and appreciate the immense and innate intuition that we have available to us at each and every moment. If we could only just get still enough to hear her small, still voice.

I wish that we could establish healthy boundaries with ourselves and others and protect our energy fields fiercely. Not allowing in our space any person, object or thing that diminishes our spark, our light, our radiance.

May we follow our bliss, surround ourselves with beauty, and prioritise pleasure. Being here in this present moment, not worrying about the future or obsessing over the past.

Sending you so much peace, love and joy, beautiful woman.


One of my favourite meals in Adelaide - the Eggplant Delight from 🍆🍆🍆

Golden North release their first plant-based ice cream • Glam Adelaide 12/01/2022

Another plant-based and dairy-free ice-cream hits the shelves this week! :) Very exciting to see more brands catering to consumer demand for healthier, plant-based alternatives. Especially since about 70% of the world is lactose intolerant. Can't wait to try these two new flavours this summer!

Golden North release their first plant-based ice cream • Glam Adelaide Golden North has launched their first plant-based range of ice-cream, on SA supermarket shelves now!

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 04/01/2022

Met this gorgeous fur baby finally, little miss Ela 🧡

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 28/12/2021

Christmas 2021 🎄🥰❤️🌟

Timeline photos 12/11/2021

Today, 13 November, is World Kindness Day 🌍🤍✨

Before we can be kind to others, we need to be kind to ourselves. Before we can give to others, we need to give to ourselves. We need to fill up our own cups first, so that they can overflow and nourish other cups around us 💧💦💙

Self-love and self-care is kindness towards yourself. It's giving yourself a break. Allowing yourself to slow down, rest, tune in, say no, listen to your gut, follow your bliss, not be perfect 💖

Being kind to ourselves means to stop people pleasing. It involves putting boundaries in place to protect our own energy and vitality 🌈

Right now, this world needs a little more kindness not just towards others and Mother Nature but ourselves, too 🦋👫😊

What's one small way today that you can show yourself more kindness? What is your body asking of you? How can you be kinder to yourself right now? Where have you been neglecting yourself? 🤔❔

I believe if we were all a little kinder and nicer to ourselves, this world would be a much more pleasant place 🌻

And what's more, the more kindness and love we give to ourselves and others, the more we get back in return - multiplied from all directions. It's the law of the Universe ✨⚡🌟

Have a kind kinda day 🥰

B x

Timeline photos 09/09/2021

Spring is in the air 🌷☀️🌱🌺

Here are some beautiful rituals to embrace those new season vibes:

- Take a detoxifying epsom or magnesium salt bath to draw out impurities. Add a few drops of your fave essential oils, give yourself a body scrub to shed away the old dead skin. Have you tried the new rose body scrub? It's heavenly.
- Go on a light cleanse. This could be as simple as cutting back on (or, better yet, removing) caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, dairy, gluten and refined sugar, or eating only whole unprocessed foods for a week, a month or longer if you can.
- Give your home a Spring clean. Release the heaviness of winter by cleaning out your home. Get rid of anything old, broken, unused, donate to charity, rid your fridge of all those shriveled up and mouldy remnants of vegetables gathering in the corner of your crisper, wipe away the dust, clear the clutter and cobwebs, smudge your home with sage or palo santo, diffuse uplifting essential oils (citrus and floral scents are great for springtime). Bring in more indoor plants to purify the air and add calming green tones to your space.
- Juice. As the weather warms up, it's a great time to get in more raw fruits and veggies, and juicing is one of the best ways to flood your system with tons of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
- Drink warm lemon water upon rising. It's the best way to alkalise the body first thing in the morning and cleanse the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and digestion.
- Fill your home with fresh blooms. Flowers instantly brighten and energise our space. Bonus points: go for scented blooms for extra lushness!

May you carve out the time in your busy schedule to reset, rebalance, and renew - on all levels ✨☮️💚

B x

Timeline photos 08/09/2021

No, really, Are. You. Ok?

Let's be real here. I genuinely care. I am here for you if you are not OK. It's OK to not be OK. Please know this.

Life ebbs and flows, it's full of highs and lows. It's not always going to be rainbows, butterflies and sunset beach walks.

Please be kind to yourself. Let yourself be ok with not being ok, from time to time. If it gets too much or too unbearable, please be OK with seeking help - whether if it's from a loved one, friends or professionals.

It's OK to feel down, sad, mad, depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, scattered, flat, low, or just not your usual self at times. Go gentle with yourself.

Be OK with reaching out if you're not OK. You never know what someone else might be going through. In sharing your struggles, you might give someone else the permission they needed to share theirs too.

In tough times, maybe remind yourself "This too shall pass". Just like the dark, grey, moody winters are temporary, so too are the dark times.

The past 18 months have been understandably anxiety-slash-depression-inducing for so many of us. If you're at your wits end, frazzled and exhausted, and feeling off in your body, drop me a message. I am here to help. Know that with a little time, patience and self-love, this will pass.

I hope you are OK 💚

Bianca x

Timeline photos 06/09/2021

Friendly reminder.

If we've learnt anything over the past year or so, it's P A T I E N C E.

Trust in the process.

Take time out to rest, pause, go inward, retreat, reset, recharge, renew - just like the caterpillar does before it miraculously transforms into a butterfly

Don't force things. Go with the flow of life.

Listen to your gut, your intuition, and your heart. Give yourself time to tune into all three. Meditation, journalling, oracle cards and time in nature all help here.

Be kind to yourself. Celebrate every small win. Stay anchored in the present moment, and stay in your own lane.

Practice gratitude. Take time out each day to focus on everything you are truly thankful for.

Trust that what you want wants you. If it's meant for you, it will come to you in Divine right timing. Trust the process.

What you resist, persists. Take the time out to refill your cup, to rebalance your fem/masc energies.

In the wise words of John Lennon: "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end".

B x

20 easy ways to boost your immune system 30/08/2021

As a Health Coach, I help my clients set (and re-connect with) their health and wellness goals and keep them motivated to continually make small and sustainable changes that nudge them closer to their best selves. And I believe having abundant ✨ E N E R G Y ✨ is the most valuable currency of true health. Having energy means feeling vital, feeling strong and feeling more than capable of getting through everything you set out to achieve in your day (and crossing off all the items on that never-ending to-do list!) 💪🤩🥑

Now something I want to talk to you about is IMMUNITY, because it seems the media and many people these days only want to discuss vaccines, lockdowns, restrictions and masks 🙄. The pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the need to take back control of our health and increase our immunity so that we are equipped, armoured and ✨ E N E R G I S E D ✨ should we go to battle and conquer this virus, wherever we may be in the world. It's about time we put the spotlight on our amazing immune systems, and how we can give them a much-needed boost during times of stress, uncertainty and what has been described as WW3 🍊😴🍃

Because I'm all about prevention, I want to share with you 20 small steps that you can take every day to dramatically enhance your immune system. These are the health habits (aka, small daily choices that REALLY matter) I personally aim to infuse into each and every day. Of course, I don't always tick off all 20, I'm only human after all...😅 But they say it takes about 66 days to build a new habit, and I can definitely say, like brushing your teeth, many of these steps are now second nature for me! 🤩

Here are my 20 easy steps you can start taking today to boost your immunity:


B x

20 easy ways to boost your immune system As a holistic health coach, I help my clients set (and re-connect with) their health and wellness goals and keep them motivated to continually make small and sustainable changes that nudge them closer to their best selves. And I believe having abundant ENERGY is THE most valuable currency of true he...

Photos from Bianca Chaptini's post 09/08/2021

Cooking a delicious + healthy meal requires time, effort and energy. I get it! 😬 After juggling so many spinning plates in the air all day long, who has the time to come home and whip up a nourishing meal and get it on the table before 10pm?! 🤷

I hear you. That used to be me, *sigh* 😬

Then I became a certified holistic health coach and discovered the importance of fueling myself with plenty of real whole foods. And on this topic, nothing beats home cooked meals, made with love! ❤️

You really cannot compare the nutritional profile of homemade food vs cafe/takeaway foods. Personally, I notice after eating out too much in the week, that my energy levels dip and my eyes and skin are not as bright and clear as normal 👎

If you're tired of your frozen dinner meals, packaged/tinned/processed foods, Uber eats or Menulog, you need my 'Top four time-saving meal prep tips' which will help you create nourishing meals in half the time ⌛🥗🍳

Simply hit the link in this post to access all my best tips which I personally use every day and share with my clients to make cooking more fun and less hassle-town! 😊

Say goodbye to the microwave meals once and for all! 👋

Enjoy lovely x


Timeline photos 08/08/2021

⚖️ W O R K - L I F E B A L A N C E ⚖️

Most of us intuitively know that balance is an important ingredient for a fulfilling life. It’s one of the elements that make up the ‘good life’ – you know, one that’s fun, happy and flows with ease 😊🌞🌹

Balance in life leads to healthier choices and more informed decision-making. Ultimately, it leads us to feel more satisfied, at peace and in control of our lives ☮️⚡🍃

It gives us the space to do things from a conscious awareness rather than in stressed out auto-pilot mode with our blinkers on 😵It’s ok to sometimes feel out of balance, like during a pandemic when attempting your best to juggle motherhood and working from home all at the same time! Whether we have children or not, we’ve all been there.

On that note, want my top 5 tips for increasing your work-life balance and reducing the stress and overwhelm? Ahh, thought so! Here you go:, you're welcome 😉

p.s. give yourself permission to feel unbalanced at times, remembering the mantra ✨“This.too.shall.pass” ✨. Nothing is permanent in life, and it’s important to keep this in mind when the going gets tough.

Timeline photos 20/07/2021

In case you're buying into the panic, the fearmongering, the narrative of mainstream media and big pharma... 💊 💉Take a deep breath, choose love over fear, and pick something on the list above to help soothe your sympathetic nervous system, discharge the fear and stress, boost your immune system and raise your vibration ✨💕🥝

I just realised that I missed one of my fave self-care practices though: read an uplifting book. Currently reading five books on the go but keep going back to 'The invisible load' by and loving it, highly recommend! 💚It's all about the impact of our perceptions of stress and overwhelm, so it's not that stress and overwhelm are so toxic to us and our health but it's more about our PERCEPTION of stress and overwhelm, if that makes sense?! 🤔For example, you may thrive on being busy and having a jam-packed schedule (obviously pre-COVID times), whereas your bestie or Mum may think you're crazy and feel overwhelmed at just listening to you rattle off your to-do list. Learning soooo much from this amazing book, and it's one I can feel I'm going to have to revisit, highlight and absorb again and again 📚🤩

Take care everyone.

Much love,


Let's talk about *that* vaccine...

“There's something called medical necessity. So, let's analyze if there's any medical necessity for this vaccine, and you have to do that in a systematic way based on demographics.

If you look at the CDC's data, anyone 18 and younger has a 99.998% chance of recovery from COVID-19 with no treatment. [Their risk of dying is] 1 in a million. It’s safer than influenza virus. If you gave me a choice, I would rather my kids have COVID-19 than influenza. So, why would I immunize a demographic that has close to 100% chance of recovery with an experimental vaccine that has already killed more kids than the virus?

If you look at the demographic between 18 and 45, people who are healthy have a 99.95% chance of recovery with no treatment … according to the CDC. Same question, why would I vaccinate a demographic that recovers on its own with no treatment?

Third question, if someone has antibodies — and there's a plethora of evidence [showing] naturally produced antibodies are much more effective in clearing future viruses than vaccine-induced antibodies … Natural immunity is much better, more effective and safer, than vaccine-induced immunity. So, someone who has antibodies already from having COVID before, why would I vaccinate them? …

Fear is an extremely useful tool in manipulating the behavior of people. And that fear has been used to create a psychological motivation to get vaccinated with a vaccine that, in my opinion, has no medical necessity, has tremendous amount of actual and potential risks, and very questionable efficacy.”

Dr Vladimir Zelenko

Excerpt taken from

Timeline photos 02/07/2021

🥑 ✨M I N D F U L E A T I N G ✨🥑

Some things to think about when it comes to being a mindful or intuitive eater...

- Do you eat with the seasons? 🍂 Ie warming foods in winter, and more cooling foods in the summer?
- Do you know your Ayurvedic dosha (or constitution) - are you a vata, pitta or kapha? 🍃
- what times of the day do you typically eat breakfast, lunch and dinner?🍽️
- when was the last time you practiced gratitude or giving thanks for the meal on your plate, the food in your fridge, the chefs that prepared your meal?🙏
- how in-tune with your body are you during and after eating? Are there certain foods that continually bloat you or leaving you feeling brain foggy or gassy? 🧀🍞
- Do you eat because you're truly hungry OR bored, lonely, sad, mad, stressed, overwhelmed, emotional? 😩
- For women: do you eat in harmony with your feminine cycle? 👭
- When was the last time you ate a meal and did nothing else? No scrolling Insta, watching TV or multi-tasking et... 📺
- What are your food cravings telling you? Instead of numbing out with food, is there a more nourishing action you could take? Maybe you just need a hug!? ❤️

Please tell me in the comments below which of these tips most resonates with you.

Have a great weekend beautiful souls.

B x

📷 Shots by M

Timeline photos 11/06/2021

Are you resisting change...? 🤔

In the wise words of Albert Einstein: “If we change nothing, nothing changes”. It’s basic, but true.

If only my younger self knew this. Instead of wishing for things to be different, for the bloated belly and food intolerances to just go away, for the grief to magically disappear. How could any of this happen if I continually resisted change (another fave quote: "what we resist persists")? If I kept consuming the foods that I knew made me sick? If I continued to think negatively about myself and my situation? If I didn't care enough for myself to actually look after myself?

Change isn’t easy. Think about it: if it was, we’d all be doing it, living our best lives…no need for coaches, trainers, mentors, motivational speakers and guides. We know this isn't the case, just look at how many books and gurus there are out there!

Change requires shifting from the old to the new. The old, limited, outdated ways of being, doing and thinking. We have to be ready and willing to embrace, hold and envision the new version of ourselves.

This is where health coaches come in. Think of me as your personal trainer meets life coach meets nutritionist

Together we’ll explore your situation, set health goals and...create CHANGE. Real, lasting, sustainable change.

My role is to help you unpack your beliefs, mindset, thoughts and perceptions about yourself, your health, and what's working for you and what's not.

We’ll take a deep dive into your lifestyle + environment: all the factors that contribute to – or take away from – your overall wellbeing.

Health is about so much more than how many kale smoothies you chow down! That’s the reason I chose to become a health coach, actually. Because I believe it’s about empowering people to reclaim their health through inspired action in all areas of life.

If you're resisting change, tell me what's one teeny tiny step that you can make today to show yourself more love?

B x

Timeline photos 04/06/2021

Those Friday feels 🤩 🌳🌸

It's been a productive week here at Bianca Chaptini headquarters...

I held my last workshop for this first half of the year, all about Sleep Hygiene - now I get to have a little break from all the public speaking (phew) 😁

I'm diving deeper into my 'Divine Femme' course, learning all about harmonising our inner feminine and masculine energies - thanks to our wonderful teacher 💕

I tested and developed a few new recipes that I'll be adding to my website this weekend (stay tuned ❕) - including delish dark choc salted caramel bliss balls, omg they are insanely good! 🍫🍯

Andddd we went to look at a beautiful fur baby we are hoping to adopt, a gorgeous 3 year old ragdoll named Lylah 😻😻😻

Oh and - on a personal note and since I'm feeling on top of things (for once!) - I took this morning off so I could go and get my hair done. Nothing like fresh locks to make you feel refreshed and renewed, am I right ladies?! 👌

What's been the highlight or key achievement of your week?? Drop me a line below, I'd love to hear ✨

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 💃

B x

Timeline photos 21/05/2021

The weekend is often the time to catch up on missed sleep that's accumulated over the week. Right?!

But what about 'Social Jetlag' - a fairly new term that's cropped up in the wellness, sleep psychology and Ayurveda circles over the past few years (drop me a comment, btw, if you've heard of this type of 'jetlag').

Social jetlag is a modern-day issue fueled by late nights through the week adding up to a major sleep deficit come Friday and then sleep bingeing at the weekend in an attempt to 'make up for' the lost hours of zzzz's.

While you may think there's no harm in setting an alarm through the week then hitting the snooze button all weekend, social jetlag is associated with weight gain, reduced cognitive function and chronic illness ❌🧠🍟

"Social jetlag promotes practically everything that’s bad in our bodies,” Till Roenneberg, says Professor of chronobiology at Ludwig-Maximilian University, who coined the term. Like normal jetlag, it's a consequence of being forced to shift our bodies between 2️⃣time zones:
- one dictated by work and social obligations,
- the other by our internal timing system, the circadian clock.

Around two-thirds of us experience at least one hour of social jetlag a week, and a third experience two hours or more. This is confusing for our bodies which prefer consistency.

In a study of uni students, despite the total amount of sleep per night being equal in both groups, those who consistently changed their bedtimes had poorer overall sleep quality than those who kept to a consistent bedtime 🤯

❗❗KEY TAKEOUT❗❗ sleep regularity and consistent bedtimes matter. It's not just about getting the optimum 7-9 hours sleep a night, it's more important to ensure you sleep and awake at roughly the same times each day.

To learn more about sleep + all the things you're doing that stop you from getting your best night sleep, come along to my 'Sleep hygiene: biohacking good sleep' workshop next Thur 27 May:

Bianca x


Absolutely loving this episode of the Rich Roll podcast, where he interviews author of "Why we sleep", Matthew Walker. So fascinating about how sleep deficit is affecting our health, our lifespans and our likelihood of getting Alzheimer's down the track. A must listen!! Note, it's 3 hours long so I recommend taking notes as there are sooooo many important nuggets of wisdom you won't want to forget! Enjoy, B x

Timeline photos 18/04/2021

🌴🌞🐚 My kind of beach = deserted 🐚🌞🌴

Can't wait to visit this wholesome, peaceful place again in a few weeks...YAY 🤩

Timeline photos 17/04/2021


I crave vegetables. Yep you heard it. I crave steamed broccoli 🥦dressed in lemony olive oil vinaigrettes, I crave roasted sweet potatoes 🍠doused in garlic and rosemary, I crave anything tomatoes 🍅and avocado🥑, I crave garlic thyme mushrooms 🍄, I crave beetroot hummus and roasted beetroots and beetroot anything 💗

Don't get me wrong there are still times when I crave gluten-y and dairy-laden foods like lamingtons, vanilla slices and pastries (things that I can't find a GF/DF sub for). I'm only human right? 🥮🤷😬

In these moments I remind myself that a little temporary pleasure isn't worth the suffering ❌ I also focus on alllllllll the delicious things I CAN enjoy - guilt-free, without pain and irritation, excessive bloating, rashes, brain-fog, itching and feel all congested mucousy for days (all the symptoms I experience when I eat dairy and gluten).

After going gluten-free and dairy-free about 10 years ago (one of the BEST decisions I've ever made for my health!!), I discovered a world of nourishing wholefoods that don't leave me feeling like I'm missing out. Like beetroot hummus, gluten-free vegan brownies, homemade sweet potato fries, guacamole and did I mention beetroot hummus? 😆

Aaaand, my all-time fave salad, pictured here, which is roast pumpkin, quinoa and rocket topped with avo chunks🥑🥑🥑. I love it sooo much and I feel sooo good after eating it - leave a comment if you'd like me to send you the recipe 🙂

Have a great weekend and stay well.

Bianca x

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