Adelaide Reiki

Reiki/Seichim Master Teacher, Karuna Practitioner, Intuitive Healer, Past Life Karmic Healing, Spiri Welcome to my page! I’m Alyssia! What do I offer?

I am enthusiastic about raising the frequency of the planet though self-healing, unconditional love together with some amazing modalities and skills I have discovered on my own journey. After many years of self-discovery I began to deepen my healing through the discovery of Reiki, Crystals, Mediation, Seichim, Lords of Karma and more recently Karuna Reiki in which I am working towards my Masters i



Sometimes a person’s simple purpose in your life is to offer you polarity…

A test to see if you can rise above or be pulled down into their orbit…

Lower vibrational behaviour needs fuel to continue…

This is why a lie is often loud because it needs energy to thrive and the truth is often silent cause it just is…

Do you want your energy being used for fuelling another? or do you have exciting things to create? 🤗🙌🏻👏🩷

The people we choose to engage with alters our energy field and therefore our future…





Yes it is! You may think you’re insignificant but you have the capability to create ripples…

It’s up your you what type of ripples you create…

Some will enlighten others and create ripples of kindness, peace and harmony…

Others will be destructive and create ripples that hurt themselves and others…

The vibration of what you create will ripple out into the universe and have a flow on effect on what you attract back…

Be conscious of how you’re participating in your own creation…





🩷 I am so lucky to witness the transformation and recognition of one’s power when I teach! 🥰 Today was no exception. Teaching Seichim is one of my absolute favourite gifts to share with the world! Thankyou to the incredible souls who joined in circle! I love the Gypsy dancing guide who was clearly working on me before you all arrived! 😂😂😂 I love it!!! Such a beautiful day! Thanks for allowing me the honour ladies! Xx

📸 pixabay












Full moon energies are upon us and you may feel this is a more intensely powerful energy than usual. Many truths are being exposed, as are impure intentions. Listen to your intuition if something feels off it likely is!
Any emotions arising that feel linked to past pain (even childhood) just let them flow it’s time to release the stuck emotions. It’s time to reflect on how your past trauma is holding you back from a future you desire. This energy could be stuck around your sacral and root chakra causing bloating and tightness. Try to do some gentle hip movements and work with water / earth to help you release.
This is a perfect time to create and commit to a routine of self healing and daily mindfulness practices to help propel you forward.
Your emotions are your guides. Make sure you are supported in the places you share them, you will know if something feels off or isn’t for your highest good.
Trust you will know when it’s time to let something go whether that’s habits, mindsets, people, places or anything that has run its course.
That time between sleeping and awaking is likely to bring you insights into your path forward so keep a journal handy to write down any insights that you receive at this time.



Where your attention goes, energy flows…




🩵💜🩵 Love this memory that popped up today! Feels like a lifetime ago! Reminds me of how far I’ve come. Building a soul led business takes time and many lessons along the way! So proud I’ve never given up and I never will! 🩵💜🩵





The universe does this thing when your not in alignment with your true north.

It creates chaos, if we ignore the signs, it gets louder until we listen.

I believe we come here with a plan to learn and grow with lessons attached.

I believe we have free will to make choices in life, but each choice will create a flow of events after it’s made.

There are likely infinite numbers of doors that open and close as a result of these choices and if we fail to understand a lesson we repeat scenarios until we do.

When we don’t align within and make these choices from the heart it creates havoc around us to encourage us to realign with our truth.

Take everything as your teacher to help you learn about your true hearts desire.






Venting Vs Gossiping

Huge difference… It’s healthy to express ourselves to safe people, it’s actually quite necessary to allow ourselves to heal. Often once we feel we have expressed our feelings we can begin the healing process.

Gossiping on the other hand is extremely toxic, it can cause great harm to those who are being spoken of. Usually gossip is third hand information it’s a point of view from someone who was likely venting.

Before you gossip…

Ask yourself…

Is it true?

How do I know it’s true?

Was I there?

Will repeating this informations hurt others?

Am I directly involved?

What karma am I creating for myself by engaging in this behaviour?

I think most of us have either experienced or witnessed bullying or gossip in our younger years at school. I think it’s safe to say we as adults know the implications it can have on people.

Be the change you want to see and think before you speak. Surround yourself with those who are a safe place to express yourself and not a cause of potential harm to others.

Photos from Adelaide Reiki's post 16/07/2024

💜 Collective Message 💜



Drama will follow you until you heal what’s triggering it… Sometimes it’s simply teaching you to set your boundaries… Other times you have created your own drama from unhealed wounds… Either way it’s a reflection of what’s happening on the inside… Best advice look within to find the source and the cure! 💜







When you are in your rawness of your authenticity, it reflects back to others and casts a light where they are not living in their own truth…

This can be difficult for people to face…

Some will love the challenge of growth, but others will be frightened of choosing to step into their own truth and likely project their insecurities onto you and stay in their loop of not evolving…

Either way you help others grow in some form, even if that’s an awareness that strikes years down the track 😉


✨Collective Messsge✨

✨Are you a source of peace or are you creating chaos?

Huge timeline shifts are happening many souls are remembering their roots and connection above and stepping in to their soul alignment. Mastering lessons and understanding your internal dialogue and feeling peaceful inside (despite what’s happening around you) are all signs that you are anchoring into a new timeline. There is a divide in the collective with some leading in this peaceful nature while others are still learning very important lessons of having to create peace within.

Card Description:

The peace Walker is an elemental who resides on the earth plane to help raise awareness, to help others find their way home. There are many elementals who have chosen to walk this path to help humanity, all of nature and its many beings on this plane. They find it difficult being in human form, but understand it is for a greater purpose. At this time our worlds are connected, but this may not always be so if we continue to destroy what beauty we have in this world. This is the concern that they carry and their task is not an easy one.
Peace Walkers ask you to take up the challenge yourself and do what you can to help raise the consciousness of humanity. Where can you help or set an example to educate or inspire others to look after nature and all its beings? Where in your life can you change your habits that have an impact on the plane? We cannot do this alone. We need all who are willing to listen.
Another message by drawing this card is of finding peace. Peace is essential in this day and age to help us through the stresses of every day life. It sometimes seems that stress and being busy is taking precedence over being calm and nurturing ourselves. There seems to be less time for ourselves. We are time poor, tired and running on empty. This in itself is not sustainable unless we balance this scales by finding peace and calm, which means finding time to let this in. Because our external environment reflects our internal environment, by finding peace within ourselves, we can create peace in our external environment and vice versa. Make some time for yourself, even 15 minutes a day, where you can sit and just be. Meditate if it helps, find your centre, get out into nature. When we emanate calm it is infectious to others, and we receive back calm in answers to the energy we are sending out. Help others find their peace, if this is the one thing you feel you can do to make a difference in the world. The more we find peace, the more we find peace on a collective scale, become centred and able to handle situations better. Bring balance back into your life and make time for you.

Card is from “Celtic Spirit” Oracle by Nicola McIntosh

For your own personal reading please visit

Photos from Adelaide Reiki's post 13/07/2024


Accumulation of love clouds from the past few days 🙏🥰😍 Thank-you Spirit

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Videos (show all)

Reiki 1
✨Eiffel Tower✨
✨ Happy Sunday! ✨
💖 Mother Natures Magic! 💖
Tibetan Bells
💜 Seichim Masters Day 2! 💜
💜🥰 Sound healing with Leanne from Sparkling Lotus Healing for some very lucky students today! Thanks to Pelican Producti...
🙏 Evening walks so peaceful… 🙏✨🤩🌈
💜 It’s a choice… Is what’s in front of you a weed or a wish? 💜



Adelaide, SA

Opening Hours

Monday 4:45pm - 9pm
Tuesday 9:45am - 3pm
Wednesday 9:45am - 3pm
7pm - 9pm
Thursday 9:45am - 3pm
Friday 9:45am - 3pm

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