Hiskins Arts Therapy & Counselling

Rachel Hiskins is a compassionate, client centred, Experiential Arts Therapist and Counsellor focusing on Mindfulness Arts Therapy.


The Power of Touch: Nurturing Connection with Your Partner and Yourself

Touch plays a crucial role in human connection and well-being, both in relationships and self-care. Physical affection with a partner, such as hugging or holding hands, releases oxytocin, promoting bonding, trust, and emotional closeness. It also reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels and releasing endorphins, enhancing mood and calmness.

Self-touch, like a gentle self-hug or massage, cultivates self-compassion and mindfulness. It signals safety to the brain, promoting relaxation and self-acceptance through similar hormonal responses as partner touch.

I am not a biologist, but I hear touch biologically activates the parasympathetic nervous system, creating relaxation and reducing stress. Oxytocin released during touch has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, benefiting physical health.

Incorporating touch into daily life, both with a partner and oneself, can transform emotional and physical well-being, fostering deeper connections and self-awareness. Reflect on your own senses in the last week. Have you been withdrawn, or perhaps you’ve noticed your partner bidding for your touch? Name it, and acknowledge it. It’s ever-shifting. And remember to go gently.


Hot Tip for Better Communication

Feeling frustrated? Before diving into your feelings, try this:

Ask your partner: “I’m curious how you are feeling about...” follow up with..”Tell me more.” Then share your experience: “I’m noticing I get... How can we help each other?

This approach fosters understanding and turns potential conflict into a conversation. Celebrate your differences and grow together! CommunicationTip


Celebrate Your Differences

Remember, you and your partner see the world differently, and that’s okay! Embrace these differences as unique strengths that enrich your relationship.

Stay Curious, Not Judgemental

Instead of letting unrealistic expectations cause frustration, stay curious about your partner’s perspective. Openly discuss your feelings and observations. This helps you understand each other better without feeling judged.

Celebrate your differences and use them to grow together. By fostering understanding and communication, you build a stronger, more supportive relationship.


Embrace the Journey of Self-Development.

We’re all on a continuous journey of discovering and developing our sense of self. This isn’t just a phase—it’s a lifelong process that evolves alongside our relationships.

Even the most composed individuals are working on themselves. If they’re human, they’re growing. There’s no ultimate endpoint, just continuous evolution.

Let’s normalize this! And be curious about the beauty in your ongoing journey and appreciate the dynamic nature of both self-growth and relationships.


Speak with Metaphors & Imagery

Ever feel misunderstood? Use metaphors and imagery! They make explaining your feelings easier and more vivid for your partner. Instead of “I’m anxious,” try “I feel like a tightrope walker without a net.” 🎪 This powerful image conveys your experience perfectly.

Now, imagine walking along a serene beach, the sun setting in a blaze of colors. Each step you take leaves a distinct footprint in the soft sand. These footprints are like the marks we leave on others’ lives. When we’re truly present, we imprint moments of connection and understanding. Just like the sun casts its golden glow on the sand, our presence can bring light and warmth to those around us.

Metaphors turn abstract emotions into relatable scenes, fostering deeper understanding. Every interaction is a footprint, a chance to leave a positive mark and illuminate someone’s path. Let’s paint our feelings and light up each other’s lives together!


Arts Therapy: No Art Skills Required! ✨

Did you know that you don’t need any artistic talent to benefit from arts therapy or creative couples therapy? Imagine using a toy car, a picture of a car, or even just talking about cars to describe the traffic jam in your mind. 🚗 It’s all about expressing yourself in ways that words alone can’t capture.

You might say, “My mind’s traffic is non-stop,” or “I’m so frustrated, it’s like my engine just blew up!” Or perhaps, “It’s time for an upgrade in how I handle stress.” It’s that simple!

Arts therapy and Creative couples therapy uses images—whether drawn, found, or imagined—to inspire our thoughts and help us tap into our feelings. Whether it’s through drawing, sculpting, or storytelling, it’s about the process, not the final product.

So, let’s get creative and explore new ways to express our inner thoughts and feelings, no art skills required! 🖌️❤️


Sometimes, I find myself sketching absentmindedly, lines and colours merging into stories untold. It reminds me that even in moments of feeling utterly stuck, there’s a world within us bursting to break free. I’ve walked this path, turning my silent battles into expressive art. As your Arts Therapist, I invite you to join me in transforming your standstill into movement, your silence into expression. Let’s uncover the art of your emotions together and paint a new chapter where you’re no longer stuck, but soaring.


Brain Awareness Week.

Oh the wonders of the brain and exploring how creativity, stress management, and overall health intertwine. As artists and health enthusiasts, you know how vital a healthy mind is for creativity and well-being.

Managing stress not only fuels your artistic journey but also guards against health risks like strokes. Here are quick tips to keep your brain thriving:
-Create More: Artistic activities like painting or music can reduce stress and boost brain health.
- Meditate & Breathe: Even a few minutes can make a difference in your day and your cognitive function.
- Stay Active: Regular physical activity increases blood flow to your brain, keeping you sharp and inspired.

This Brain Awareness Week, let’s prioritize our mental wellness and unleash our creative potential.


I’m not very active on social media, so I wanted to reach out and say hi. I’m Rachel, an arts therapist, creative couples therapist and clinical supervisor with a unique journey that began under the Cambodian sun, where I helped individuals navigate the complexities of trauma. This experience laid the foundation for my deep interest in the healing arts, propelling me towards a Master’s in Creative Arts Therapy. My personal and professional experiences, especially the conclusion of a significant relationship, have shifted my focus towards integrating couples therapy into my arts therapy practice.

With eight years of experience in various settings, including Employee Assistance Programs and family violence, my practice is enriched with the arts’ healing power. I am dedicated to pioneering Creative Couples Therapy, blending artistic expression with therapeutic techniques to foster authentic, judgment-free healing environments. My approach is deeply human, emphasizing genuine connection, curiosity, and emotional expression in therapy, aiming to make a profound impact on relationships through the lens of creativity.


Relationships can blur the lines. Caught in the whirlwind of others’ drama, it’s like being lassoed into a storm. Pause. Breathe. Remember, you have your own lasso. It’s time to redirect that energy towards your own path, your own peace. Let’s choose where we throw our lasso, focusing on our goals and joy. Your emotional landscape is yours to navigate.


Unlocking Hearts Through Art: A Journey Into Creative Couples Therapy

In the dance of love, conflicts are like intricate steps that sometimes lead us to stumble. But what if we could paint our way through these missteps, transforming them into a masterpiece of understanding and connection?

In Creative Couples Therapy, we embark on a unique journey of self-expression and empathy. Imagine this: one partner selects an image that resonates with their feelings about a conflict. The other partner creates their own reflection, then they responds, not with words, but with the images, capturing their perspective and emotions regarding the same conflict.

This process is not just about creating art; it’s about creating a bridge between hearts. Through colors, shapes, and lines, couples can visualize their feelings and conflicts in ways that words alone cannot capture. This creative dialogue opens new pathways to understanding, compassion, and healing.

Together, we can draw a new horizon where conflicts serve not to separate, but to deepen our bonds and enrich our love story.


If we master the art of self-regulation in real-time, we’re better equipped to navigate the inevitable stressors of life. By grounding ourselves with simple yet profound tools like the physiological sigh and panoramic vision, we lay the foundation for a deeper exploration of our inner selves, our relationships, and the world at large. This curiosity acts as fertile soil from which warm, healthy, and joyful individuals and couples can grow. Through the lens of Creative Couples Therapy, these practices not only strengthen our emotional resilience but also enhance our capacity for connection, opening up new avenues for understanding and intimacy. In embracing these basic techniques, we cultivate an environment where happiness and health flourish, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and deepening bonds.


In the fascinating world of neuroscience, Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist, brings to light an intriguing aspect of our biology that often goes unnoticed. He reminds us that our nervous system, the master controller of our body’s functions and responses, is not just confined to our brain and spinal cord. A critical, yet often overlooked component of this intricate system, includes our eyes. This revelation is akin to discovering a hidden pathway in a dense forest, one that offers a direct route to the heart of our well-being.

Huberman’s insights unfold a powerful narrative on self-regulation, introducing us to two potent tools at our disposal: the physiological sigh and panoramic vision. Imagine you’re holding a stress-filled balloon, ready to burst at any moment. The physiological sigh acts as a gentle pinprick to this balloon, allowing the tension to seep out slowly and safely. This simple yet profound breathing technique, involving a double inhale followed by an extended exhale, taps directly into our nervous system, signaling our body to shift from a state of alert to one of calm.

On the other hand, panoramic vision invites us to widen our gaze, akin to stepping out into an open field after being in a narrow alley. By simply allowing our eyes to relax and take in the broader horizon, we encourage our brain to switch from a focused, potentially stressed state to a more open, relaxed mode. This shift is not just metaphorical but a literal change in our neural activity, guiding us towards tranquility and away from the clutches of stress.

These techniques, rooted deeply in the anatomy of our nervous system and validated by neuroscience, offer a testament to the power of understanding our bodies. They serve as bridges, connecting the realms of biology and experience, illustrating how we can harness the inherent wisdom of our bodies to foster well-being. Through the lens of neuroscience, Huberman not only enlightens us about the intricate tapestry of our nervous system but also hands us the keys to navigate the complex landscapes of our minds and bodies with grace and ease.


Just 2 nights away from witnessing the incredible Andrew Huberman live! The excitement is building up as I eagerly anticipate the wealth of knowledge and insights that await. Huberman’s work has revolutionized our understanding of the brain and body and I can’t wait to see how this experience will expand my horizons. The countdown is on, and my mind is ready to be blown! 🌟🧠


Embark on a profound exploration with Creative Couples Therapy.

In this unique approach, couples engage in open dialogue, facing each other to intimately connect and explore their respective worlds.

Through expressive communication, they take turns sharing thoughts, art, and words, delving into the depths of their feelings, thoughts, values, and ideas about their relationship.

Join us in fostering a deeper understanding and connection within your partnership.


Back to work, currently in reset mode, tweaking the mindset. It’s absolutely fine not to feel supercharged for 2024. How’s your journey unfolding?


Entering 2024 with an open canvas, ready for new possibilities! 🎨 Let’s embrace the year ahead and paint it with experiences that shape our journey. Here’s to growth, challenges met, and the unexpected strokes that make life uniquely ours. Cheers to a fresh start! 🥂
🥂 -beginnings


Stepping into 2024 with a mix of anticipation and fearlessness. It’s not about having all the answers, but about navigating the journey with curiosity and purpose. Here’s to embracing the adventure ahead and discovering new facets of ourselves along the way, as well as navigating 2024 with authenticity and intention. Here’s to embracing the unknown, breaking free from expectations, and crafting a narrative that’s uniquely yours. Here’s to embracing the adventure ahead and discovering new facets of ourselves along the way. 👣✨


Go gently everyone. 🙏


I embrace the therapeutic art of drawing mandalas freehand to regulate myself and it’s a way I am creative, practice mindfulness, and let my imagination flow onto paper.


Dive into the canvas of connection! Intrigued about elevating your relationship through creative conflict resolution in art? Uncover fresh perspectives and resolutions together with creative couples therapy, strengthening your bond through the power of expression. 🎨💑


Today’s set up. Embracing the therapeutic power of art. Today, I found calm and self-expression through creating. What’s your favorite way to unwind and tap into your creative side?


Strengthen your bond through art! Couples who engage in joint artistic projects not only sparks creativity but also enhances non-verbal communication skills. Dive into a canvas of connection with your partner!


Dive into the Science of Art Therapy!

Unlock the secrets of emotional well-being through artistic expression in therapy.

Neuroscience Perspective:

Did you know? When engaging in creative activities, various brain regions associated with emotions are activated, creating a fascinating interplay:

1. Amygdala Activation: The amygdala, a key player in processing emotions, responds to the novel and emotionally charged aspects of artistic expression. This activation can amplify the emotional impact of the creative process.
2. Prefrontal Cortex Involvement: The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and emotional regulation, comes into play during creative tasks. This engagement contributes to a more nuanced understanding and processing of emotions.
3. Hippocampus Connection: Creative activities often stimulate the hippocampus, a region linked to memory and emotions. This connection can evoke both nostalgic and emotionally resonant experiences, enriching the creative process.
4. Release of Neurotransmitters: Artistic expression triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and endorphins, contributing to feelings of pleasure and reward. This neurochemical response reinforces positive emotional experiences associated with creativity.

In essence, the creative process is a dynamic dance between different brain regions, fostering a rich and comprehensive engagement with emotions.

This connection offers a profound and nuanced emotional release, enhancing the therapeutic journey.

Harness the power of art to express emotions in ways words may struggle to capture. Art therapy provides a unique gateway to delve into the intricacies of your emotional landscape.

Embrace the intersection of art and neuroscience for a holistic approach to emotional well-being!


Unlock the Power of Art in Therapy!

Discover the transformative benefits of incorporating arts into therapy.

Emotional Expression: Art provides a unique channel for individuals and couples to express emotions that may be challenging to articulate verbally. The canvas becomes a safe space for feelings to unfold.

Physical Experience: Engage in therapeutic movement, drawing, or other creative activities to connect with emotions on a physical level. It’s a holistic approach that fosters mind-body harmony.

Couples Connection: Artistic expression strengthens bonds between couples. Through shared creative activities, partners often find a calmer release of potent emotions, fostering understanding and connection.

Embrace the healing power of art in your therapeutic journey!


Lisa Feldman Barrett’s work has inspired my curiosity about achieving a healthier balance in my “body budget” while recognizing the significance of feeling connected to our bodies and understanding how affect influences our internal landscape, reactivity, and emotions.


In every couple, there are three entities: ‘you’ ‘me’ and ‘us’, the art symbolises ‘us,’ or something that is happening between ‘us.’ In Creative Couples Therapy both partners are invited to create, or select an image or figurine that represents ‘us.’ This enables the conversation to be had where ‘us’ is looked at as a third entity, it’s literally on the table. It enables couples to elevate the conversation from ‘you’re this’ to ‘we’re this’ They take it from the first person to a third person perspective. Are you curious, why not book in for a Creative Couples Therapy session and nurture the ‘us.’ -therapy


Happy Friday, let’s be awesome, what ever that looks like to you 🤟. #


It’s amazing how others can see your accomplishments, but we stay so focused on the bigger goals, that we forgot to stop, breath and take the time to reflect on what we have accomplished. I used to think ‘ I don’t want to be arrogant, so I will be quite and just keep going. But I’m changing and thinking..f**k yeah, I do know things, I have many skills, just like you 🤟 stopandreflect


I was chatting to someone this week and they reminded me that with the darkness there also comes light, and at times there also can be an epiphany of colours.

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275 High Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 6pm - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 6pm - 9pm
Thursday 6pm - 9pm

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