Provider of Hydrafacial | DMK MD Clinic | Face Reality Acne Expert | Circadia | Osmosis | Lira We give TRUth in Beauty.

Achieving your skin and brow goals with results, health, wellness and most important naturally you!


I spend my days educating against many “industry standard practices” because I’m no longer a text book esthetician but get to now stand w experience & what I’ve actually seen in my career.

In the beginning fresh out of school, you really know a whole lot about not much! For myself once graduated I went after more education, took classes and lucky for me I was about to partner, meet and work along side so many industry professionals. I soaked up my time with them like a sponge.
It was a time when the industry was focused on real skin, yet the Wild West of this industry was starting.

In spa I dig deeper but here’s a run down of my list and quick answers:

Lasers➡️ don’t do it. The short term gratification isn’t worth the long term losses to the face. Many are getting damages that will be very hard to repair. Video coming!

Botox/Filler➡️ I personally want to control the toxins I can control. Life is already hard with toxic food, water, air, soil, clothes, pesticides, why add more.
And it’s being pushed on way too young of girls, the damaging outcome down the road may be too late to reverse. Once you manipulate the face it’s very hard to reverse to natural.

Sun exposure➡️ we need the ☀️ ! The amount of artificial light we work, live, sit under is killing the soul! Telling people to be afraid of the ☀️ its exposure is crazy talk. I have found first hand how it’s healing. Also since starting school I can see how artificial light was aging me and killing my soul!

Tretinoin aka the harshest level of vitamin A➡️ in 13 yrs I’ve never met a skin on tret where I have said to myself wow her skin looks amazing. In fact, it’s discolored, porous, fragile, and feels like rubber. Long time users I’m actually afraid to touch because the skin is like fragile glass. Not to mention the RX version is toxic, pore clogging, and way over used. Drs are now prescribing accutane even more than ever as well.

Lastly, SPF➡️ this goes along with my sun comments, we need to stop threatening everyone that if they don’t wear spf 24/7 they will 💀. They have programmed us to be part of it. W/O ☀️us, plants, life would be 💀let’s Be sun smart & let’s stop saying the sun is bad!
👋 Ted talk


We are excited to be back in the area of Charlotte that we know and love!
was started in Southend in 2014 when I was a baby solo Esthetician. And then expanded to a brick and mortar in 2018 on Park Road.

I am excited to be back in the area and grateful that there was an opportunity to provide that back to our customers.

If you have followed me to all locations thank you so so much your unwavering support means so much.
It is definitely noticed and seen and appreciated beyond words.
I had some really sad (for me) comments said to me over this last year. Running this business at times is beyond rough.

So again for everyone that has made the extra mile or two you are my tru beauties in so many ways.

Thank you for your patience, all media reflects the change. It will take some time for iPhone or Google maps to catch up.

If you are a tru customer, don’t worry I will send information like I did previously to give you all the details on how to get to your next appointment.

This move is really special because it truly does give back to those of you that continue to be a customer of mine and your excitement has really made this process easy!

thank you so much! See you in South Park 💛


I’ve been able to personally thank so many of you this month for coming in not only in this month but throughout this year.

This year is hard to put into words. But all I can say is seriously I see and feel so much.

If you have booked a service this year and have continued to show up this year, you did it for me not even Tru, it’s me and that means more than I can say.

The conversations, the laughs, the tears, the prayers, the endless support so many of you give. There will never be enough words to describe what I feel.

Next year it will 10 years since I started my business. So as I close out year 9, for now I’ll say thank you for trusting me and for continuing to build a relationship with me.

A beautiful woman reminded me today that no matter what the landscape of my life looks like right now, God is always perfect, good and sovereign.

Love you Tru beauties ❤️


Need an at home facial?!? Look no further! Get lymphatic drainage, instant lifting and brightening, and even better work out the muscles in your face!

Available for purchase, you will get everything you need to perform the treatment.

Contact to purchase, we can also ship anywhere in the US. 📬📦


To all my wonderful clients and friends.

Thank you for your endless support and trust in me. It is because of you that I get to have this small business of mine.

And to every single one of you who liked, commented, saved, shared, direct messaged me, you name it when I post and story thank you so much!

I see you, I witness the love, and appreciate you letting me be myself in the good times and hard times.

Can’t wait to share my 2024 with you. Lots of happenings happening soon. 💛

Remember to take the time to treat yourself well 🌿 Write a caption...


Out here just truly being myself 💛



did you know that many of YOU back in 2014 made the brow pencil I use the number one product we have!

I even didn’t get the power it had to make all brows look that good until many of you started sharing your stories!

Since 2014 the brow Magic Pencil has been one of our top retail products and really cannot compare! It is easy to use, includes a brush, is natural and works for almost all skin tones and brows! You really can’t make a harsh mistake and the best part is it matches your tone naturally!

Be sure to pick one up! Remember you can always make purchases like this or other items on our website or by messaging us direct! 📲


Happy Esthetician Day to me!

Since the day I got my license I haven’t stopped working for this industry, my business and brand and for you my clients, many who become family and friends..

The last 12 years has really defined my life; who I am, was, and what I’ve become.
I’ve lived so many lives and I have changed more times than I can continue to count.

As a new client reminded me yesterday, she said, “you can really tell that education and training is something that you love and really understand. You’re very passionate about it. You know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and for who.”

It has not been easy to do all of this. I don’t know what the next 10 years holds, but I am grateful to be alive and for the opportunities that allow me to grow, change and make a difference.

Thank you!


I’ll be speaking at this beauty event! If you are an industry professional would love to see you there and help support local professionals!


Social media has been reminding me of my hair three years ago and I’ve been going back-and-forth for months and I feel like when I look at those pictures I can see the energy and spirit of her and I love it!
I stopped coloring my roots at the end of September 2022. Transitioning to your natural color takes A LOT of time. But it’s now at a point where I have 6 inches of natural roots and maintaining your old hair with new growth is work and so let’s cut the work and cut the hair!
This year has been so interesting is all I can say. And with less than half of it left it’s time to continue being interesting ha! xoxo
And sorry for the curse words in the song 😆



I’ve learned to trust myself more

I am a recovering people pleaser and ultra do-er (steadily)

I’ve learned what soothes my soul

I’m finding balance in my life

I’ve prioritized my health and peace over others’

That letting go doesn’t mean your quitting

That starting over each time means a lesson was learned and it’s on to the next

That God still knows you and your heart

That He will put this test into a new testimony

And that if you are still here than He is not done with your purpose.


Just a slice of 🍋

It’s funny how you don’t know where you’ll be in a year or years from now yet when you are there you are like how did I get here!

I typically am not a person that holds onto the past but over the last year I’ve tried to remember every little bit of the last 10 years, my TRU esthetics years and overall personal life.

I think mainly because when I was in it, I didn’t realize how fast time went by and now that it’s gone by it feels like I was just in it yesterday but the memories are slowly fading….
I also think because over the last 10 years of my life, I didn’t plan any of it. And sometimes I wish I did go back and plan for some things when I sit here now.

In 2010 I made a conscious decision to start esthetics school over a summer thought. And now here I am. Holding down the longest career I’ve ever had in one place and well the only career I’ve ever had. Everything else was just a job in the moment.

i’ve recently broken down the idea that the more you know, yes, the more you will grow, and do better and be more successful, yet at the same time the more you know, it can be so paralyzing because you’re afraid of what you now know especially as a business owner being the soul provider of your life.

This is what goes on in my brain this season. 🍋🍋🍋

What is on your mind today?



I am Tracy, a licensed aesthetician of 12yrs, creator, owner of established in 2014.
I started TRU in 2014, as a solo entrepreneur, grew my business, mainly by referrals, and at the time the TRU version of Instagram!
I became sought out for my brow expertise and skin care/facial services. Also certified in Microblading which I recently retired from, but have so many other certifications I stopped counting.

For a time while growing TRU, I also traveled the country as an educator and blue diamond partner for

In 2018, I was given the opportunity to expand into a brick n mortar, full service spa boutique. I had no idea that this would be a major influence & change, stepping into a female entrepreneur, small business owner, industry professional and becoming the woman you see today.
I brought a spa boutique that was unique to Charlotte at the time in design, services, and retail. I trained and mentored a team of Esthetician’s and carried more than 80 retail brands at a time!

I have been a trainer for Dermaplane pro and I’ve been able to work with and educate aestheticians across the country.
Some may know this fact, and some may not but I opened Charlotte’s first natural nail salon called Lemon Love in 2020 and unfortunately, due to the circumstances of what happened that year, I had to make the decision to close and cut losses.
I was the sole creator of this brand concept, just as I created TRU with ideas all in my head.

After 5 years of running the spa boutique I decided it didn’t serve my why any longer and wanted to pursue other passions.

If you have been here from 2014 to now you have seen the evolution of not only my journey, but TRU ESTHETICS, note some have even been here before I even created TRU as a loyal client of myself!

From the start, I’ve never had it figured out. I’ve adapted and evolved to the circumstances and changes coming into my life.
And that’s still the case today. The only difference is I’m wiser, have so many experiences and know how under my belt, and I am established in who I am and what I really want. Thank you to the community that continues to believe in me and all of my TRUth!

Photos from TRU ESTHETICS's post 04/03/2023

Did you catch our April giveaway!!

Book a Oxygen Enzyme treatment THIS MONTH and be entered to W I N a goodie bag filled with a few of your DMK must haves plus a water bottle that looks like a product bottle 💦how fun is that!

So far we 12 treatments booked this month! I have open days Tuesday’s this month with a few other spots this month so jump ONLINE and book your DMK workout treatment now! 💪🏼

And if you have had this treatment comment below with a 💚💚💚



One of my goals this year was to get out and meet more estheticians and reach more in the esthetics world.

I am so excited to be part of the new platform and website launch of .protea 🌱

it is a virtual consultation website where you can link up directly to Professional Esthetician’s to get skin care and product knowledge, education and recommendations. It also allows you to build an unique relationship with an expedition, expert virtually!

I have been able to share my knowledge, business and my why with the creator of .protea Mackenzie Jorns and I so appreciate her listening and believing in the special ways I see esthetics and this industry now and in the future allowing me to join her team of professionals!

If you have friends or family that have wanted to work with me but live outside of Charlotte this is a great opportunity for them to work with me and their skin!

I am excited to see and myself grow with this partnership! 🌱


As a business owner, I am constantly thinking, planning, contemplating, questioning, creating, training, educating, researching, and back to thinking! 💭💬🗯️

One of the reasons for making the location change was to create a lifestyle change as well.

This mentality that the movement has created, has created women who are burnt out, exhausted, TOO BUSY, moving too fast, not giving themselves time to rest, and most especially created a LOT of alpha driven females. And for some this may be what they want, for me with all my experiences, a lot of internal soul-searching, prayer, and therapy; I realized that I don’t want to do that anymore. I’m tired of being in this role and space. I don’t feel it really defines my future and where I want to be.
I still want and actually need to be a provider of myself yet getting back my true feminine self, or better yet discovering her, because all I have known since I was 18 was how to be the alpha lead.

I have so much more to share on this, but here’s a little glimpse as to where my head has been for the last couple years and where it’s going.

Comment below if you want me to share more! 💭💬🗯️


Give the gift of self care! It’s always in season and it can be used anytime of the year.

If you are regular it’s a great opportunity to have your next set of services taken care of for you!

If you are new, be sure to tell your friends and family you want the gift of healthy skin!

Jump online to purchase or pick one up in person. Don’t forget all TRU details can be found on our website: truesthetics_com

So be sure to share our page with your family and friends so they know where you go and what you like!

Tag a friend who could use a gift card!


It’s officially the last month of this year, 2022!

I remember last year at this time like it was yesterday… Grateful for what this year has been.

If you need an appointment, be sure to jump on we are looking to make this month the best December to remember! 🌲🌲🌲


Long time friend with a new friend! ♥️♥️♥️


First week of November! Be sure to plan your appt the holidays are officially here!


7 weeks until Thanksgiving. And 11 weeks until Christmas!

Shorter days and months mean limited availability so don’t delay and jump online to secure your holiday appointments! 🌲🌲🌲


It’s a new month a new day and new season!
For some it’s their favorite time of year. The leaves changing reminds us that life can have drastic change but that allows for new growth, new decisions and well whatever you want to make it!

Don’t forget as October hits That means we have 3 months left in the year!! In November and December the months are shorter because of holidays and overall the time changing, so DON’T DELAY and book our holiday appointments now!

See you at the spa! 🍂


Your skin care routine doesn’t have to be complicated it just has to be consistent.

Not sure if you’re doing the right thing, this is where we come in!

Seek a TRU Esthetician and stop wasting your time and money on products that aren’t for your skin and instead get into products that are for your skin and skin care goals!

comment below and share if you like your current skin care routine or feel like you need a new one! Better yet tag a friend!


It may sound crazy but once October 1 hits the next 3 months will fly by and this time of year means we are all on the same schedule with the same days off for holidays and this year they fall on a weekend which gives even less days in the month and Saturdays.

Cannot stress enough if you are a Saturday client you should be booked out for the rest of the year!

If you are flexible in days and times you can pre plan at least 2 appts ahead is a good timeline.

so don’t delay jump online get your schedule situated or contact us directly or even better when you are in this month let’s get you settled for the rest of the year!

Happy holidays! 😂



The essentials.
Cleanse with a cleanser that is for your skin. So many are using the opposite of what they need.
Mist. Misting allows your skin to be prepped to then accept the next steps.
Serums. It’s always thinnest to thickest. Vitamin C is that essential everyday serum for everyone. And they are not all created equal. And not all types are for every skin. We can direct you to the best one for your skin!
Finally, moisturizer. A good moisturizer locks in your own hydration, absorbs, and protects against TEWL.

If you aren’t sure if you’re doing the essentials for your skin, be sure to check with your TRU aesthetician!


My dad always said if the hard things were easy than everyone would be doing it and you’re never too old to begin again.

This has always stuck in my mind. Like the time I went back to school to become a pharmacist one day, or when I moved to New York and thought I was going to go to fashion school one day, or when I went to Esthetics school and ding ding ding found my calling!

And not to mention the many times that I have evolved this business. I always think is it worth it, is it too late, well I reap any reward, well my investment be worth the risk. There’s no answer that is deemed the right answer. You literally just have to take a step and begin some thing in order to see what you’ll get in the end!

What is something you can begin today, comment below and share!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

I spend my days educating against many “industry standard practices” because I’m no longer a text book esthetician but g...
Available to purchase at the spa now!
We’re estheticians…we know more than you think even if you think we aren’t noticing!
PSA from your #TRUesty DO NOT USE THE WRONG PENCIL FOR YOUR BROWS! #trustory did you know that many of YOU #trubeauties ...
National Esthetician Day!
Social media has been reminding me of my hair three years ago and I’ve been going back-and-forth for months and I feel l...
Pure joy.  That’s where I am at. After being able to share this beautiful new space with the ladies and gentlemen who ha...
Over the last year, I’ve been in this TRU transformation, not changing into somebody I’m not, but picking up the pieces ...
Back by popular demand! It’s seems we are known for our facial the “new client consultation and facial”.I get asked abou...
Pre book now appts are filling up!
We do brows. Do you?! It’s the hair on your face that matters the most and done correctly it can really make the eyes an...



5950 Fairview Road, Suite 14, Loft 19
Charlotte, NC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 5pm
Thursday 11am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 8:30am - 2:30pm

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