Comfy Fitness

Through conscious fitness and embodied movement, Comfy Fitness empowers every body into confidence an

What’s so Comfy about our Fitness?

- We take out the intimidation factor. Comfy Fitness was inspired by recognizing that intimidation within the fitness industry makes health and fitness seem out of reach. Founded in 2008 by Kira Macoun and Carrie Drapac, Comfy Fitness welcomes all, regardless of shape, size, age, physical ability, exercise experience and goals.

- Affordability. In our 13 year


I failed to post this registration page for our Forgiveness Mission workshop TODAY at NOON earlier in the week. My apologies! I hope you can forgive me! I will forgive myself and give myself grace and then post it anyway because it's SO WORTH IT!

This is a free workshop where we examine the aspects of forgiveness of the self, embodiment (that's my portion), forgiveness of others and forgiveness of the world. The presenters are based and the experience has been profound for many.

You can register here and I hope to see you there:

Here's a picture of me and my babes!

Photos from Comfy Fitness's post 05/09/2024

Being a mom is the most physical job I've ever had. Yes. You heard me right.

I have been a personal trainer for 17 years, including a group fitness instructor, and I'm telling you: being a mom all day, everyday has challenged my body in ways I never imagined and leaves me exhausted at the end of the day.

This is why it's INCREDIBLY important for moms to stay in the fitness game! Unfortunately, due to the demands of the job, moms don't always get around to their workouts. Being that I am the QUEEN OF LIFE HACKS, I have created a series of workouts (6 full workouts, to be exact) for moms with babies. There are tons of modifications for all levels of fitness, and of course, tons of fun because you'll be working out with yours truly! I mean, it's a video version of me, but still fun.

This is a great option for Mother's Day or a baby shower, or just for a mom in your life that wants to stay strong, balanced, and connected to her body and baby.

Here's the link for purchase:

Baby & Me | Comfy Fitness 05/06/2024

Know any moms who have small babies who are desperate to get their workouts in? Perhaps a workout series that involves their baby is the answer? You're (and they're) in luck! I created a Baby & Me workout a couple years ago when I was having the same issue!

If you're looking for a gift for Mother's Day for the mom of a baby, consider giving the gift of strength! Here's the link for purchase:

Baby & Me | Comfy Fitness Incorporating your new baby into your workouts not only allows you the time to exercise and challenge your body, but also creates an opportunity for you and your little one to bond.

I don't have any muscle pain. Can Clinical Somatic Education still help me? 04/23/2024

Somatic movement is great to resolve pain…it can also be amazing even if you’re not in pain!

I don't have any muscle pain. Can Clinical Somatic Education still help me? I don't have any muscle pain. Can Clinical Somatic Education still help me? This is a great question.Not everybody has muscle pain. But because movement is a...

Forgiveness Workshop 04/09/2024

Kira will be a panelist at this workshop on Saturday being put on by Forgiveness Mission! This is a great conversation to have in regards to embodiment and how Somatic practices can help release tension from grudges and regrets. In the workshop panelists explore forgiveness of the self, forgiveness embodied, forgiveness of others and forgiveness of the world. Buckle up for a deep and moving conversation.

Forgiveness Workshop Join us for a Forgiveness Workshop where we'll explore the power of letting go and healing online together!


Kira talks about some misconceptions new Somatic Movement ads are giving people about what they should expect from a practice. Join her on Monday nights at 7pm CT for Clinical Essential Somatics! Link for our membership is in the comments.


Talking about some other misconceptions about Somatic Movement and what folks should expect coming into and out of a practice. Probaby more of these to come!


Somatic movement has become quite the buzzword these days, especially in relation to weight loss. We've been getting SO MANY INQUIRIES about Somatic Movement, and a desire for weight loss has been the catalyst.

While it's true that ongoing chronic stress can cause weight gain, particularly around the belly, Somatic movement is very much an exploration of our deepest sensations and experience of ourselves. It's not specifically geared for weight loss. Our movement practices are meant to interact directly with your Nervous System to help you experience and release tension trapped in your body. That tension can be rooted in numerous things, some very surprising! Most of the time, we don't actually know, but the release is all we really need to experience a shift in our being and our bodies.

That being said, we do not have Somatic Movement for weight loss, but I would love for Comfy Fitness to be your guide through your Somatic exploration. What we can guarantee is a deeper understanding of yourself and profound appreciation for your body.


Some thoughts about somatic movement and weight loss…

Reclaim Wholeness: Intro to Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) | Comfy Fitness 03/21/2024

As the operating system for our entire body, there's not a piece of us that the nervous system isn't driving.

So when it comes to improving our overall wellbeing, working with the nervous system is imperative!

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) is an innovative self-care practice that taps straight into the nervous system to release deep muscular tension, chronic stress, and many forms of trauma.

Join us next Tuesday to experience it for yourself!

Reclaim Wholeness: Intro to Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) | Comfy Fitness Experience the Power of Nervous System Regulation


Hi friends! I wanted to make a quick announcement about some opportunities to do private fitness or somatic movement with me inside of a small group setting, which in my opinion is more fun and way more affordable. These two options are held on Zoom, but if you want to discuss doing something in person and local (Oak Park/Chicago), feel free to reach out!

I have slots available in a Saturday morning (10am) group. This is suited for beginners or people who are dealing with chronic pain or post injury. I do a mix of mobility, strengthening, somatic movement, and cardio.

The Somatic Movement group has not landed on a day of the week yet, and are still looking for members as well! This movement practice is for people who want to shift patterns for themselves at the level of their nervous system. It's incredibly meditative, explorative, gentle and versatile. You can learn more about the type of Somatic Movement I teach here:

If you want to work with me in some other capacity, feel free to reach out about that, too. I just wanted to announce these because they're really great opportunities for anyone who wants go deeper with their movement and fitness at an incredibly economical rate ($150/month for 1x weekly sessions).


From a young age, many of us are conditioned to suppress our nervous system signals and bodily impulses. Think about the common messages we’re given over and over again in our youth: you have to share, you have to be nice, don’t draw attention to yourself, don’t talk to strangers, etc. While these are phrases we hear most mothers saying to their children (I know I hear myself saying them to my kids), our nervous systems become stuck in a loop where they can’t decipher when to follow those conditioned learnings or when to override them.

Somatic movement practices help us reconnect with our body’s sensations, listen to them, and allow those impulses to be expressed. By regaining this connection, we can authentically identify our boundaries, as opposed to imposing arbitrary ones due to conditioning.

Power Half Hour, Unstoppable Business Owner Ep# 108 Kira Elliott 03/12/2024

I am so excited to be on tomorrow's Unstoppable Business Owners show with Dorothy Graham - O'Dell! I'll be talking about expanding your sense of time through proven systems and community accountability.

What would you do with more time or a sense of flow in your schedule? How would it feel to take action based on your values and personal goals?

Tune in live by clicking the attached link tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6pm CT! You can also watch the replay!

Power Half Hour, Unstoppable Business Owner Ep# 108 Kira Elliott Kira is CO- Founder of THEKIMBRA.If you are wanting a routine of the mind and focus on the 20% activities that will yield the 80% results than you need to ch...


It’s challenging to understand what you truly desire if you’re not fully attuned to your body, its signals, and its boundaries. Your body is not static; it evolves as you journey through life.

As humans, our individual organization or constitution is shaped by a multitude of factors: Ancestry, birth circumstances, family upbringing, experiences, culture, society, and the institutions we were exposed to, such as churches or schools, all play a role. There are countless external forces that mold and influence us, impacting our sensations, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Somatic Movement is our way in to discovering what influences are residing in our essence and which are conditioned.


Somatics refers to a collection of practices that facilitate a deeper connection and exploration of oneself and the world. In our roles as a somatic movement educators, we lead movement practices that encourage individuals to engage in an inner inquiry to truly comprehend and uncover how they operate. This involves delving into their sensations, emotions, beliefs, and actions, and understanding how these aspects are rooted in their biological and systemic makeup.

This is Carrie Drapac & Kira Elliott in their first photo shoot circa 2008...maybe 9?


You may have heard we’re having a roundtable tomorrow evening about the inseparability of mental and physical health, and we’re pumped about it!

One thing we may not have mentioned is that there will be a 15-20 minute movement practice during the talk. Not only will our panelists be diving into this topic in depth, you will have an opportunity to have an experience in your body of what we're talking about. The practice will be gentle, and you can wear just about anything, so no worries if that is a concern.

See you tomorrow night!
To Register, go here:

Mind in Motion: Elevating Mental Health Through Movement | Comfy Fitness 02/28/2024

Hey y'all! Things got postponed with our upcoming Comfy Fitness roundtable where we will thoroughly explore the deep connection between mental and physical health. If you couldn't come before, there's a chance you can make our new date and time! This is for anyone who's looking for new ways of healing physically and mentally, anyone who loves the topic of the Mindbody and how humans work, and those who are looking for ways to get beyond survival and into...thrival?

Anyway, we hope to see you there!

Mind in Motion: Elevating Mental Health Through Movement | Comfy Fitness Roundtable Discussion & Podcast Recording


When was the last time you felt free in your body? When was the last time you felt truly empowered from within? What were you doing? What sparked that feeling? How long did it last? Close your eyes for a moment and see if you can recall. Sense how your body responds to the memory.

Share your experience in the comments!


Through the nervous system, our specific patterns of being in the world show up in every part of our lives, including the way we move. At Comfy Fitness we recognize that our pattering, as humans, is created through our of Spheres of Influence: family, academic and religious institutions, our community, society & culture at large as well as the more obvious injuries, traumas, and habits.

Do you feel stuck in a pattern? In your body? In your life? Changing one thing will ripple into other facets of your being and your life.

Here's a picture of Carrie from over 10 years ago.

Photos from Comfy Fitness's post 02/14/2024

Our bodies run the show.

I was solidly in a fight response this morning. Pi**ed. Yelling. Wondering “why technology never works for me.” Other old, embarrassing patterns coming on real strong. Then today, as I’m pushing the stroller of my 7 month old baby, I felt an old posture:

Chest and abs contracted, shoulders rolled forward, tight jaw. The one I lovingly call the “weight-of-the-world-is-on-my-shoulders” posture. When I noticed it, I was able to relax that pattern. My chest relaxed, my breath got deeper and softer. I felt lighter, almost dizzy.

I was present.

And then I had a blast with my babies at the playground in the beautiful sun!

Forgiveness Workshop 02/08/2024

This Saturday, I am a one of the speakers in this Forgiveness Mission Workshop. I love this conversation about forgiveness, and am humbled to get to be a part of it. If you've been struggling with forgiving, of yourself, others, or the world, join us and explore what forgiveness could do for you and how to access it in an authentic way.

Forgiveness Workshop Making Forgiveness Part of Your Life. Let's get some healing done!


How does a Somatic movement practice create resilience in your nervous system?

Imagine a rubber band that is strung tight - that rubber band that is more likely to snap if any more tension is applied. Our nervous systems work in a very similar way. If you’re dealing with a NS that’s already strung very tightly, that system is far more likely to snap under extra stress or pressure.

NS practices (and there are many you can choose from) will offer a sense of softening for your system so when that inevitable pressure of life applies itself to you, you have the suppleness you need to bounce back with grace and ease.


I’m finding that nothing puts the brakes on more during my day than fear. As I am continuing to shine a light on what my fears are rooted in, I’m a little embarrassed that these themes continue to come up.

For me it feels like a spiraling, and my imagination starts to create outcomes that I dread. A big one I’m noticing is that people will think that I am not informed, not worthy, or sensitive, qualified, or will think I’m just plain dumb. Wild, right? And in my imagination the “worst thing ever” would be to be publicly shamed for said ignorance, offense, or imposition. That’s why social media has a weird effect on me. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I offend or upset? What if I don’t have ALL the information?

Please don’t feel like you need to be a cheerleader or to give affirmation to my greatness. ;) Rather, I’d like to hear if you have any deeply rooted aversions, fears, anxieties, etc. that you’ve been able to name and how you overcame (or are overcoming) the sensations that inevitably are felt in your body when those things show up.

What I’m doing is sharing publicly even though it’s incredibly uncomfortable for me, and it’s something I want to do more of in dedication to my online businesses. Allowing my nervous system to sense this fear sensation and then relax it is creating resilience around this activity one post at a time.

Now it’s time to do dishes.


I'm finding that nothing puts the brakes on more during my day than fear. As I am continuing to shine a light on what my fears are rooted in, I'm a little embarrassed that these themes continue to come up.

For me it feels like a spiraling, and my imagination starts to create outcomes that I dread. A big one I'm noticing is that people will think that I am not informed, not worthy, or sensitive, qualified, or will think I'm just plain dumb. Wild, right? And in my imagination the "worst thing ever" would be to be publicly shamed for said ignorance, offense, or imposition. That's why social media has a weird effect on me. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I offend or upset? What if I don't have ALL the information?

Please don't feel like you need to be a cheerleader or to give affirmation to my greatness. ;) Rather, I'd like to hear if you have any deeply rooted aversions, fears, anxieties, etc. that you've been able to name and how you overcame (or are overcoming) the sensations that inevitably are felt in your body when those things show up.

What I'm doing is sharing publicly even though it's incredibly uncomfortable for me, and it's something I want to do more of in dedication to my online businesses. Allowing my nervous system to sense this fear sensation and then relax it is creating resilience around this activity one post at a time.

Now it's time to do dishes.


The world is not gentle with us, is it? Most of us are struggling right now with an assortment of stress, grief, anger, resentment, loneliness, neglect, illness, etc. It's hard to look at what is going on in the world and think that everything is going to be ok. And, in fact, it's NOT ok for millions.

Somehow we must carry on.

Through all of it, we hope we are a beacon for our community and beyond that we don't have to suffer alone, and that there are practices we can take on that allow our bodies to more effectively process the pain so it does not get stuck, only to wreak havoc in our futures.

If you are feeling too small to effect change, we say start with yourself. You may be surprised at what becomes available.

Photos from Comfy Fitness's post 01/26/2024

Transformation only happens in the present. With that in mind, imagine doing your movement practices (or any transformational practice for that matter) without the mentality that you are fixing something or doing it for anything outside of just enjoying your body. Would that change anything for you?


If you’re looking for personal training without the hefty price tag, our small groups are where it’s at! You can create your own, OR join one of the two we have open slots in right now!

Our Monday and Saturday morning small ONLINE groups are actively looking for members. These groups are for people who want guided and effective exercise that may need modifications due to chronic pain, mobility issues, or capability. These sessions are focused on strength and endurance and members of these groups can count on getting sweaty and experiencing muscle soreness from their workout.

Reach out if you’d like details!

Photos from Comfy Fitness's post 01/22/2024

Isn't it funny when a topic or idea gets introduced or highlighted and you start seeing it all around you? Last week was the Women's Health mag, this week in reading "The Myth of Normal" by Dr. Gabor Mate. This excerpt (pictured in post) was literally the tip of the iceberg as he dives into both studies and anecdotes demonstrating the oneness of the Mindbody.

Next week we'll be discussing Mental and Physical Health unity and how you can use your movement regimen to supplement your mental wellness and transformation journey. You can join us by registering here:

Is Movement *Really* Medicine? 01/18/2024

The conversation around the effects of exercise on the brain is everywhere, and that's why we plan on having an in-depth roundtable discussion about it on January 30th.

We'll be discussing ideas like the one posed in the most recent edition of Women's Health Magazine about whether or not physicians will be prescribing exercise as medicine anytime soon. In short, the answer is no, but the experts quoted in the article do propose that people use exercise as a supplement to their health, including their mental health.

Where I find this article limiting is that there's no mention of movement practices that are not traditionally seen as exercise. Movement practices like the ones we offer in our Embodied Transformation online classes directly impact the nervous system and creates new ways of being in our bodies. These modalities transcend the traditional way of looking at movement as medicine, and it's an area that is not talked about enough.

So here we are. Ready to talk about it. Join us on the 30th and learn how movement and exercise can partner in your journey to mental wellness!

Register here:


Is Movement *Really* Medicine? Read this exciting story from Women's Health US January - February 2024. Fitness is a potent mood elevator, yet many medical pros don't push it as a treatment. Why? WH digs inand shares how to (safely) use it as a mind mender.

Mind in Motion: Elevating Mental Health Through Movement | Comfy Fitness 01/17/2024

Greetings FB fam! My company, Comfy Fitness, is hosting a roundtable on the 30th of the month about the incredible effects of movement on our mental health. Myself and Carrie Drapac will be joined by Licensed Clinical Social Worker Sarah Beth of Head/Heart Business Therapy, and Big Q***r Yoga creator and instructor + therapist in training, Alexis Koran! This is going to be a fun, juicy conversation...and I think everyone will be FLOORED at the many benefits, even if you already have awareness of the undeniable oneness of the mind and body.

I hope to see you there!

Mind in Motion: Elevating Mental Health Through Movement | Comfy Fitness Roundtable Discussion & Podcast Recording

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Our Story

At Comfy Fitness, we believe the potential for freedom and empowerment is achieved through the body, and the ability to be fit and healthy is innately part of each and every one of us. Whether you're in chronic pain, have never worked out before or are looking to bring your workouts to the next level, the Comfy Fitness team will meet you right where you are.

Our Functional Fitness methodology, Clinical Somatics offerings and Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercise (TRE) has our clients moving freely and confidently through all spaces of their lives. We offer in-studio, in-home and virtual training! You can train one-on-one, in a duo or in a group - everything is customizable to your budget and needs. on the lookout for our new live online classes!

Videos (show all)

Short term, measurable goals are important, especially in the context of your body. Many short term physical goals are v...
Our monthly Embodied Transformation membership is an incredible tool for your wellness and mental health goals in the Ne...
Did you know that when you become a member of our Embodied Transformation Studio, you also get an extensive library of o...
Resource Library in the Embodied Transformation Studio
Babies flail and kick to create a frame of reference for their boundaries. They perceive the environment in relation to ...
Check out our Video Replay section for some fun Embodied Blast classes featuring a lineup of Guest Teachers!
It’s time for another Fitness Mag edit! Kira shows us how to modify the intimidating (and totally effective) rear elevat...
Reclaim Rhythm and Release — an Intro to TRE Workshop. Sunday 11:30a CT // 12:30p ETSign up at link in bioTap into your ...
LAST CALL! Join us this evening for our online roundtable discussion & podcast recording: How the Fitness Industry is Ru...
Meet Caroline! Caroline has spent decades cultivating a rich toolbox of healing modalities. Using yoga as a primary lens...
Meet Caroline! Caroline has spent decades cultivating a rich toolbox of healing modalities. Using yoga as a primary lens...



535 Lyman Avenue
Chicago, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 9pm
Tuesday 5:30am - 9pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 9pm
Thursday 5:30am - 9pm
Friday 5:30am - 9pm
Saturday 7am - 5:30pm
Sunday 7am - 5:30pm

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