North Seattle Fives

North Seattle Fives is a “fives program”
with one classroom of 20 4 - 5 year olds in their preki


We are so lucky to have Teacher Jen at our school. Before coming to North Seattle Fives, Jen worked in kindergarten classroom as a teacher and interventionist. She also has experience as a librarian, and she is constantly introducing new books you will want to bring home with you!

Best of all, this is a teacher who loves her students and is thoughtfully working through every activity, theme, and circle time to respond to the needs in the room. Every kid has different needs, but she is so well-equipped to respond to them with genuine kindness and intelligent solutions. Every kid in our class left North Seattle Fives so much more ready for kindergarten and with so much love for their teacher.

If you are still considering what to do next year, or Jump Start made it clear your kid needs more time, check out North Seattle Fives. This special class and caring teacher could be exactly what your kid needs!

Your child's social skills in kindergarten are more important than their academics 08/20/2022

Super helpful reminders about what the real goals of that pre-kindergarten year are! North Seattle Fives focuses on play and social emotional learning for just this reason!

Your child's social skills in kindergarten are more important than their academics Are you wondering how to teach social skills to kindergarteners? Or wondering, what social skills should a 5 year old have? Here we reveal 5 key social competencies that you can teach your child and how to foster their emotional intelligence.

North Seattle Fives Cooperative Preschool 08/09/2022

Studies show that kindergarten readiness is more about social-emotional learning than anything else. As parents question whether to send their kid to kindergarten in the fall, they may be asking whether their kid has the self-regulation or problem-solving skills to succeed in kindergarten.

North Seattle Fives is an incredibly special place to build these skills in the pre-kindergarten year.
- We focus on a play-based curriculum in a co-op community, so these children are building friendships and watching adults model friendship and problem-solving.
- They learn their ABC's, but they also go through the second step curriculum, which is specifically designed to help kids identify emotions, conflicts, and potential solutions.
- They enjoy a small community that can respond to every family's needs, go on lots of field trips and adventures, and build long-lasting relationships.
- Teacher Jen has many years of experience as a kindergarten teacher and interventionist, so she can thoughtfully help each individual student prepare for kindergarten.

This co-op preschool is a hidden gem in North Seattle- affordable, playful, across from the zoo, and a joy to be a part of. We have a few spots left, so if you are thinking about kindergarten readiness, write our registrar and see how well this school can work for you!

North Seattle Fives Cooperative Preschool A place where children develop academic, social and emotional readiness for kindergarten   North Seattle Fives is a “fives program” We have one classroom of about 20 children, all of whom are 4 - 5 year olds and are in their prekindergarten year. NS5s provides a highly nurturing learning enviro...

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 07/29/2022

Fall is coming so soon and our co-op preschool still has spots!

If you are still questioning whether to do Pre-K or kindergarten for your kid, North Seattle Fives is specifically taught for kids who are almost (but not quite) ready for kindergarten. Teacher Jen has so much experience teaching kindergarten, so she can thoughtfully help each kid build the social-emotional skills they need to succeed in school. You will feel so confident that your kid is ready, and you will have an amazing year of play and adventure!


Brooks has three favorite things about North Seattle Fives- Playing at the park, water beads at the sensory table, and learning handwriting from Teacher Jen.

Even in a year focused on social-emotional development through play, these kids pick up academic skills too! One of the most fun is learning their letters with Teacher Jen. She is an absolute master at introducing skills, letter games, and even phonetics to the Fives as play.

Still deciding for next year? We still have spots! Check out our website to learn even more of what makes this school so special.


We asked the North Seattle Fives what their favorite part of school was. Hudson told us that his favorite was his job! He loved the class jobs, and he would check in every day to see whether he was a crossing guard, movement leader, or in charge of the calendar.

Hudson is right- one of the most fun things about North Seattle Five is seeing these pre-k kids rise to the occasion as they get more responsibilities through the year. By the end of the year, it really feels like their classroom, and they take such good care of it. This is especially great for a 5's program, because these kids are ready for some independence!

We still have spots left for the fall! Check out our website for more information about this really special program.


One of the most special parts of North Seattle Fives is how we spend our outside time! We are a play-based program, and about an hour of the play is done outside.

Our school is just across the street from Woodland Park Zoo. We spend a lot of our outside time playing at the playground, but we also have so many adventures at the zoo. It's a

Check out our website to learn more about this special school! We still have spots for the fall!

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 06/06/2022

On the fence about Kindergarten for your 4 or 5 year old in the fall? Or are you looking for an amazing pre-k program to get them ready? North Seattle Fives Cooperative Preschool could be a perfect fit for your child and family!

With social emotional learning and kindergarten readiness at it’s core, it’s been a popular and coveted pre-k option for 20+ years. Especially after this odd period of missed social connections, NS5 could be a perfect option for families looking for a supportive, rich environment which grants kids the extra time to grow and succeed.

- We have play-based learning at the core of our curriculum— it's how 4 & 5 year old’s are wired to learn!

-Social emotional curriculum embedded in our program- we love Second Step!

-The 5’s go the park or zoo every day. Who doesn't want more outside time for their kids?

-Teacher Jen is the BEST—a former Kindergarten teacher & literacy coach. She has the knowledge to prepare each kid to be ready for kindergarten.

-We have a supportive parent community where lasting friendships form (don’t forget about social events sans kids!)

-This is an affordable, high quality program where parents have a high degree of involvement and decision making power.

-We have proven Covid protocols and safety measures in place— we let the kids play but keep ‘em healthy!

-Parent Education is included- we learn so much helpful information on the developmental changes and needs for pre-k kids.

Want to learn more about North Seattle Fives? Check out our website to learn more about our class and registration for the fall!


Last Friday, this sweet class of preschoolers graduated! They each got a diploma with three words their classmates picked for them ("fun" "silly" "artist" etc). There is so much joy in these kids just being able to see each other and appreciate each other for the individuals they are. It's exactly what we all want for our kids.

The when graduation was a huge collaboration between Teacher Jen and the parents! Everybody was a part of it, from the decorations to the potluck to all those logistical details. It shows just how many beautiful things we can do as part of a community!

Know anyone who is still figuring out what to do for their kid's Pre-K year? This school is a gem and still has spots!

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 05/27/2022

Today, the current class of North Seattle Fives had their last full day of school. It's hard to believe we made it, and even more so, that it was so great.

This first picture is from one of their first days last September- many had not been in a classroom since before Covid hit (or ever!) Lots were extremely nervous to be separating from their adults after years of being together. The room was fresh, and these fives were so ready to learn!

Now months later, I am marveling at how much they have grown up, changed, and learned. It may have looked like a strange year with masks and covid chaos around them, but this class still had adventures, made friends, and built a sweet little community. They learned how to be a friend, how to work through conflicts, and how to be a class. They will all be so ready for kindergarten in just a few months.

We are so lucky to have had this experience for them after such a tough time to be a little kid! Our class still has spots left for next year- if you are questioning what will benefit your covid-kid next year, check this school out. It is just so special.

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 05/19/2022

Exploring the tide pools together! It is so fun to watch these North Seattle Fives make memories and love learning like this!

North Seattle Fives Cooperative Preschool 05/15/2022

One of our awesome co-op parents wrote about some of her favorite things about North Seattle Fives:

1. Teacher Jen has over 15 years of kindergarten and pre-k experience with a passion for early literacy.
2. Play-based learning and Social Emotional curriculum (2nd Step) help prepare kids for kindergarten.
3. The coop model brings parents into the classroom so that you can be hands on with your kids education (but you only go once per week).
4. Coop includes Parent Education from North Seattle College which has seriously made me a better parent.
5. Coop also means that not only are your kids making friends but you are too. Some of my best mom friends are from coop.
6. Classes are 9:30 to 1:30 M/T/Th/F so that it works really well with the SPS schedule and also follows SPS holidays.
7. School is right across from the Woodland Park Zoo and class includes visits to Woodland Park Playground or Zoo every day!
8. Because it's cooperative, we can keep our tuition low. Last year was less than $400 per month, September through May.

Still deciding where you want your 4 or 5 year old to be next year? North Seattle Fives is a magic program- come check us out!

North Seattle Fives Cooperative Preschool A place where children develop academic, social and emotional readiness for kindergarten   North Seattle Fives is a “fives program” We have one classroom of about 20 children, all of whom are 4 - 5 year olds and are in their prekindergarten year. NS5s provides a highly nurturing learning enviro...


Learning to read together! These North Seattle Fives kids will be starting kindergarten so soon, and they are so ready! It is so fun and magical to see the ways they teach each other and build up those kindergarten skills.

This is the perfect spot for your kid's pre-k year. Check out our website to learn more- we still have spots left!

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 05/04/2022

We can barely believe we have made it to the last month of school! But these kids have grown so much, and they are going to thrive at kindergarten next year, thanks to Teacher Jen!

It has been so fun to watch friendships take off in the class (between the kids and the adults). Co-ops build so much community, and we still have some spots left for next year's class and community. Check out the website for more information about this extraordinary program!

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 04/10/2022

We were busy celebrating Spring this week. From making and flying kites on Monday to building “trees” and “nests” strong and balanced enough to hold our “birds” to making HUGE bubbles in the sun and gorgeous bird art. Along the way we learned a bit about birds, practiced handwriting, worked on rhyming and practiced self control.

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 04/07/2022

Anyone else extremely excited for the sunshine today? These kids are out playing every day, rain or shine (but we really like the sunshiney days). Come check out the art we have been adding to Woodland Park Playground!

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 04/06/2022

We have had so many amazing moments of play at North Seattle Fives this year! Our co-op preschool really believes in the power of play, and we see magical things happening in the classroom every day.

These covid kids have had the chance to grow, build relationships, and learn through play everyday this school year, and the results (and memories) are pretty magical.

Our school has some spots left for next year- check out our website to learn more about our program and all the pedagogy behind that play!


Parenting a pre-k kid can be so wonderful... and so tough! The questions that come with parenting get more complicated-

Is my kid ready for kindergarten?
Why is my kid having trouble making new friends? How can I help?
How do I help with these big emotions?
Why does my kid suddenly want to play bad guy/good guy?
Is my kid the only one who does this?
Which camps/ teams/ activities should we be signing up for?
How the heck do I navigate all of the school options in the Seattle area?

The beauty of co-op is that we don't have to face these (or many, many other) questions alone.

We have a parent educator who knows us, knows our kid, and who gives great advice. Mara has so much wisdom and can direct us to so many helpful resources. She is also amazing at helping us see we as parents have so much to share with each other- someone else in the room is worried about the same things and another parent has been through it!

Raising a kid is a team sport, and co-op is a great place to find community, wisdom, and friends for your kid (and for you).

Our open house is coming up on March 26th! Come see us from 10-11, or check out our website for more info on the program.


Lots of North Seattle Co-op preschools are having open houses on March 26th, and we are excited to be part of it! What a perfect way to see what co-op is all about and compare programs. Come see us from 10-11 and check out some of these other great schools as well!

We have a number of Spring Open Houses at our co-ops coming up soon! Check them out on our website or find the co-ops here on Facebook Park Cooperative Preschool Victory Heights Cooperative Preschool Crown Hill Explorers Co-Op Preschool NorthLeaf Campus Cooperative Preschool North Seattle Fives Sandhurst Cooperative Preschool Magnolia Cooperative Preschool Loyal Heights Cooperative Preschool

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 03/21/2022

At North Seattle Fives we know a child’s job is to play. From collaborating on how to trap a leprechaun to using different methods to make rainbows. Imagining boxes into airplanes and magnatiles into rockets.

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 03/15/2022

Look at all the fun we had last week!
From painting at the playground to small groups in the classroom we had a ball! One of the things that makes North Seattle Fives great is our teacher planned and parent led small groups!


One of the best parts of being in co-op is the parent/caretaker involvement. As a parent or caretaker, you work in the classroom one day a week and drop off for the other three.

This can be a great transition into elementary school; we know their teacher and classmates so well, but everyone also gets lots of independent time! The grown ups in the class means every student in the room is supported, and you get the comfort of knowing someone is always looking out for your kid.

You can learn more about our enrollment process and the open house on March 26th here-

Photos from North Seattle Fives's post 03/07/2022

North Seattle Fives came back from break ready to get busy! We have the babies and doctor tools out, we avoided the downpour at the zoo, we began exploring skeletal and teeth systems, we wrapped up our coin investigations, we made our March calendar, we finished our week learning about George Washington Carver by planting peanuts and painting sunflowers—a wonderful parent-led lesson (and we even used seeds from old sunflowers)!


One of the BEST parts of North Seattle Fives is our amazing Teacher Jen. She is so kind, warm, and thoughtful. Plus, she knows exactly what each kid needs to be ready for kindergarten.

Before she started teaching here this year. Teacher Jen taught Kindergarten in Seattle Public Schools both as a classroom teacher and an interventionist. For one year prior to COVID she spent a year as the librarian at an all kindergarten school. She knows the perfect books and activities to boost literacy AND build those social/emotional skills every kid needs.

After such strange years, it can be even harder to know whether a kid is ready for kindergarten, but after a year with Jen at North Seattle Fives, I know my kid will have every tool he needs to thrive in kindergarten. We still have spots for next fall- be sure to check our registration page!


On the fence about Kindergarten for your 4 or 5 year old next year? North Seattle Fives Cooperative Preschool could be a perfect fit for your child and family!

With social emotional learning and kindergarten readiness at it’s core, it’s been a popular and coveted pre-k option for 20+ years. Especially after this odd period of missed social connections, NS5 could be a perfect option for families looking for a supportive, rich environment which grants kids the extra time to grow and succeed.

- We have play-based learning at the core of our curriculum— it's how 4 & 5 year old’s are wired to learn!

-Social emotional curriculum embedded in our program

-The 5’s go the park or zoo every day

-Teacher Jen is the BEST—a former Kindergarten teacher & literacy coach. She has the knowledge to prepare each kid to be ready for kindergarten.

-We have a supportive parent community where lasting friendships form (don’t forget about social events sans kids!)

-Affordable, high quality program where parents have a high degree of involvement and decision making power.

-Proven Covid protocols and safety measures in place— we let the kids play but keep ‘em healthy!

-Parent Education included- we learn so much helpful information on the developmental changes and needs for pre-k kids.

Want to learn more about North Seattle Fives? Check out our website to learn more about our class and registration for next year!

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Seattle, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 1:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 1:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 1:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm

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