Blue Cat Yoga

Enjoy yoga for mind and body together. Supporting positive mental and physical wellbeing together ❤ Welcome to Blue Cat Yoga! Yoga is for everyone.

I am incredibly proud to offer yoga classes, having completed my Yoga Alliance accredited 200hr teacher training. Mainly focused on Hatha and Bhava yoga, I completed this under the amazing teachings of my guru Swami Atma Gyanam Saraswati from The Yoga Tree and Jackie Heffer-Cooke from Freedom Yoga. I have also completed a 40hr Trauma Informed Yoga certification with My Vinyasa Practice- essential


We've talked about it before and we'll talk about it again - have you downloaded BanktheFood yet...? We update it every week, based on our stock needs and its been SO useful to direct people to what we do (and don't!) need each week. Thank you to all who already use it AND to those who donate 🙏

It's Pancake Day! | Maid Marian & her Merry Men 🎵 😋 🥞 12/02/2024

Tomorrow is a special day for those that celebrate, Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day (yum!) It's when we decide to give up something that could be indulgent for 40 days, practicing restraint. Another way to look at this though, is not that we stop or give up something that might be bad for us, but start something new that may be good for us. Reframing can help us feel motivation towards our intentions or sankalpa, rather than loss of something that maybe is no longer serving us. My sankalpa is to move more, eat healthily and be outside. Happy Pancake Day everyone!

It's Pancake Day! | Maid Marian & her Merry Men 🎵 😋 🥞 It's Pancake Day, yes It's Pancake Day it must be Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pancake Day! 😆👌🏼 Classic song from Episode 3 of Maid Marian & her Merry Men! San...


Today I'm focusing on the Niyama Tapas - self discipline. It's about setting intentions and goals, holding ourselves accountable, taking control to move forwards. Not always easy, and sometimes very hard. But we can take small steps, and the rewards can be huge! With this in my heart I move. What is your intention today, and what steps will you take to get there? 🧘🏻‍♀️sankalpa🐈yoga🙏coach🌿


Hello everyone! I'm going to take a hiatus from teaching yoga for the time being. It's January, time to focus inwards on my own practice, develop further, bring out new skills. I may create some workshops/retreats so will keep you posted!
Thank you all so much for your support, it means a lot me ❤️🧘🏻🐈🧘🏻‍♀️


Hello everyone! Best wishes and happiness for the new year 🎊
Firstly, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support over the last couple of years.
As we know, life can challenge, change and generally do it's thing.
If Sunday mornings at Little Plumstead Village Hall 9.30am are something you'd like, please do get in touch so I can gauge interest. I'll then be able to decide on offerings!
If Thursday evenings online at 7pm are something you'd like, also please do get in touch 😊🐈🧘🏻🧘🏻‍♀️🙏🌲
Thank you wonderful yogis 🐈


Final class tomorrow at Little Plumstead. See you in the new year 🎄❤️


Join us for some calm on Sundays during this busy time of year, ready for the rest of the day ahead. The hall is warm and welcoming 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻🐈

Photos from Blue Cat Yoga's post 26/11/2023

So lovely this morning to have a cosy warm space to practice yoga at Little Plumstead Village Hall 😍 so welcoming from the cold 🥶 Looking forward to next week- 9.30am on Sunday 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻🐈🍁🙏


Today, I'm thinking about barriers. I think about my own a lot! Why i do some things, why not others. I have a whole list of reasons why i want to do something - it's good for me, it will make me feel great, it's fun, there a community of people i can connect with, it's affordable, it boosts my mood, it keeps me fit, blah blah blah. Then there's the list of why i can't. Usually it's because it requires effort (motivation can be hard!). Sometimes it's because i haven't got time (time for me - there's loads of time for me to look after others obvs), childcare, job. Sometimes it's because I'm tired or poorly. All such legitimate reasons not to do the thing that i like doing. So then I don't do it. I continue with the habits that maybe don't do me much good, like not so much self care, little quality time for me (whatever form that takes), eating the 'wrong' things, lack of a good routine that can boost my positive mental health. My needs might slide near the bottom of the pile of important things. I bet I'm not the only one! Overcoming one barrier at a time is a lot easier than trying to smash them all at once, so for me my intention, my sankalpa is to value. Value myself, my precious time, my options. My routine will help this, if it's booked in it will more likely happen! Go to bed at a good time, wake up with enough time not to be in a blind panic rush of a morning (still can't be just me haha!) Make time for my yoga practice even if it's just for 15 minutes. Plan meals. Plan a night out. Plan to go to a class. But all in small steps along the way. So my goal is not necessarily to do all the things at once, but to have a healthy routine that works around all the other bits of life around me. And value that space for me.
Please comment and share any thoughts!


Sadly Mindful Sundays class cannot go ahead today due to low numbers. Back next week, just message or comment for details! X

Photos from Blue Cat Yoga's post 29/10/2023

My Mala from the Mala and Mantra workshop today at The Yoga Tree. It's not perfect, and it still looks great! An important reminder to celebrate difference, effort, and achievement and the journey ❤️🙏🧘🏻‍♀️


Lovely practice tonight encompassing the third eye practise. Focus, clarity, imagination and connection to our spiritual side. Feeling more grounded and ready for a good half term break 🙏🐈🧘🏻‍♀️

Guided Meditation | Loving Kindness for Self Compassion 08/10/2023
No yoga session today at Little Plumstead as I need to rest up due to ailments. It's always a tough decision as I love teaching and practicing yoga. So in the spirit of compassion and self care, here's a metta meditation to listen to. Take care yogis ❤️

Guided Meditation | Loving Kindness for Self Compassion This guided meditation is focused on loving kindness for self-compassion to start befriending ourselves and treating ourselves more kindly. For more meditati...


On national poetry day, I'd like to offer this poem and to remember to breathe 🌬

My brain and heart divorced - John Roedel

My brain and
heart divorced

a decade ago

over who was

to blame about
how big of a mess
I have become


they couldn’t be
in the same room
with each other

now my head and heart
share custody of me

I stay with my brain
during the week

and my heart
gets me on weekends
they never speak to one another

– instead, they give me
the same note to pass
to each other every week

and their notes they
send to one another always
says the same thing:

“This is all your fault’

on Sundays

my heart complains
about how my

head has let me down
in the past

and on Wednesday
my head lists all
of the times my
heart has screwed
things up for me
in the future

they blame each
other for the

state of my life

there’s been a lot
of yelling – and crying

lately, I’ve been
spending a lot of

time with my gut

who serves as my
unofficial therapist

most nights, I sneak out of the
window in my ribcage

and slide down my spine
and collapse on my

gut’s plush leather chair
that’s always open for me

~ and just sit sit sit sit
until the sun comes up

last evening,

my gut asked me

if I was having a hard
time being caught
between my heart
and my head

I nodded

I said I didn’t know
if I could live with
either of them anymore
“my heart is always sad about

something that happened yesterday

while my head is always worried

about something that may happen tomorrow,
I lamented

my gut squeezed my hand

‘I just can’t live with

my mistakes of the past

or my anxiety about the future,’
I sighed

my gut smiled and said:
‘in that case,

you should

go stay with your

lungs for a while,’

I was confused
– the look on my face gave it away

“if you are exhausted about

your heart’s obsession with

the fixed past and your mind’s focus
on the uncertain future

your lungs are the perfect place for you

there is no yesterday in your lungs
there is no tomorrow there either

there is only now

there is only inhale

there is only exhale

there is only this moment

there is only breath
and in that breath

you can rest while your
heart and head work
their relationship out.’

this morning,
while my brain
was busy reading
tea leaves

and while my
heart was staring
at old photographs

I packed a little
bag and walked
to the door of
my lungs

before I could even knock
she opened the door

with a smile and as

a gust of air embraced me
she said
“what took you so long?’

by John Roedel


Self esteem doesn't have to be about what you think others see in you. It's what you see in you. If you care about and for others, don't forget yourself too. 🐈❤️




Looking forward to starting a new season of Yoga tomorrow in Little Plumstead. Here's a lovely review to get you in the mood!
"I love Blue Cat Yoga! Freya explains things so clearly, I learn something new every time. I have a clearer understanding of poses I've been doing for years, and my practice is better as a result. She really works with the people she has in front of her, taking the time to understand what we need from each class. She puts yoga in its broader context, but is also practical and down to earth. And fun! It never fails to make me feel better.🙏"


We're back and online, a jolly club of great people all united by yoga. Connect and join us! Message me for joining details 🐈🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️🪷


Starting on Sunday 10th September. Start the new term giving yourself positive space to breathe, move, stretch and challenge. Contact me for more details, and see you there!🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️🐈🍁


I'm thinking about retreats! What I'd love to hear from you is your ideas of what you'd love to be included in a yoga retreat. What do YOU need? So far we've created them outdoors in nature, with simple vegan food, Indian Head massage, themed around connection with surroundings, supporting positive mental wellbeing. What else, or something completely different, would get you signing up? We always want to keep it affordable, and always open to ideas! Thank you lovely yogis 🧘🏻‍♀️☀️🐈‍⬛🐈🌾


Tonight was our last Thursday night yoga club before we break up for the summer and Sunday will be our last Mindful Sundays class. Thank you to everyone who has joined me in class or on retreat, I've loved practicing yoga with you! Over summer I'm going to practice Svadhyaya- self study. For this I'll be considering classes for September, looking at what and how I teach, and making sure I'm offering what you need to join a class. There may be a survey appearing, so to make sure I can deliver what you need to join a class regularly, please fill it in!
I'm going to practice outside as much as possible. Try it yourself, it's so good to ground in nature 🌞
Have an amazing summer beautiful people ❤️ 🧘‍♂️🧘🏻‍♀️🐈‍⬛🌾


I was looking at my Yoga mat that has been leaning against the wall for a couple of days now. I realised I haven't practised asana since Monday. I thought about why I hadn't- especially knowing how good it makes me feel, reducing stress, relieving pain, feeling energised or calm, keeps me strong. What are my barriers to just getting on the mat? After consideration I decided that I didn't have time. I don't have time for my own wellness!! I have other things that are more important than a 10 minute practise. So now it could be that I'm low in energy, procrastinating, got a head full of other stuff, no space.. whatever it is, my 10 minutes is at the bottom of the pile. And these may be similar reasons why people don't make that step into a yoga class. If this is you, I hear you. But maybe it's time we put our wellness further up the list, and do the things that make us feel good. I'm going to practise what I preach and get on my mat! If you'd like to join me, come to class tonight online, or Sunday at Little Plumstead Village Hall (message me for details and to book) 🧘🏻‍♀️🐈‍⬛🧘‍♂️🌾


Thursday night yoga club online is on tonight at 7pm with a focus on the sun, to celebrate the Summer Solstice! Message me to join 🌞🌾🐈‍⬛🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️
Mindful Sunday Yoga is back on 2nd July as I'm off paddle boarding this week, spaces available so please get in touch to book in!
Picture credits to my brother Sam for growing some great Daisies!


Happy Solstice everyone 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️❤️🌾🌞🐈‍⬛


I've had a great couple of weeks teaching yoga. Twice at Bittern Meadow CIC in the beautiful surroundings and lovely people, online with Thursday Night Yoga Club friendly souls, and Mindful Sundays Yoga at Little Plumstead Village Hall with down to earth supportive yogis. There is space at both regular classes, we would love to grow our little communities! At £6 a class, and for anyone who wants to try, it's a perfect way to stretch and breathe! Message me [email protected] or on messenger for more information and to book 🧘🏻‍♀️🌾🐈‍⬛🌞


I've had a great couple of weeks teaching yoga. Twice at Bittern Meadow CIC in the beautiful surroundings and lovely people, online with Thursday Night Yoga Club friendly souls, and Mindful Sundays Yoga at Little Plumstead Village Hall with down to earth supportive yogis. There is space at both regular classes, we would love to grow our little communities! At £6 a class, and for anyone who wants to try, it's a perfect way to stretch and breathe! Message me [email protected] or on messenger for more information and to book 🧘🏻‍♀️🌾🐈‍⬛🌞

Send a message to learn more


Here's a picture of Trevor. You too could sparkle like her! Join me for Mindful Sunday Yoga, 9.30am, Little Plumstead Village Hall 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️🐈‍⬛😊

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Videos (show all)

Today, I'm thinking about barriers. I think about my own a lot! Why i do some things, why not others. I have a whole lis...
Here's a picture of Trevor. You too could sparkle like her! Join me for Mindful Sunday Yoga, 9.30am, Little Plumstead Vi...
Yoga didn't happen in the usual way today..




Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 7pm - 9pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 10am - 12pm

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