Body Bliss

Dietitian, PT & Coach! Do what’s good for you! I’ll guide & support you every step of the way! 🙏❤️💯



We have a new Personal Trainer & Dietitian at the gym 🙋‍♀️ Meet Odie!!

Whether it's 1-on-1 training, group sessions or PT with a buddy, Odie's got you sorted.

And the cherry on top? Odie is also offering dietitian services upstairs, and has an 8-week Hormone Reset program starting on Monday!

👋 Find her on the gym floor, give her a call or check out details online,

Body Bliss
m. +61401 207 157
e. [email protected]

The Gap Health & Racquet Club - The place where health, fitness & family unite 20/08/2024

Come & check it out! It’s not just an awesome, family owned gym - they’ve also created a beautiful community! 🥰❤️

The Gap Health & Racquet Club - The place where health, fitness & family unite The Gap Health & Racquet Club has enthusiastically been providing The Gap, and wider Brisbane community, with almost five decades of health and fitness options.


It’s that time again!!! 🎉💥💯

Our next (*last 1 for 2024) 8 Week HORMONE RESET kicks off on Monday, 26th August! 📢 ❤️

* Check with your GP, you may be eligible for Medicare rebates.

* Check with your Private Health Fund/ Provider - most cover Dietetics under extras.

Call Odette on 0401 207 147 if you’d like some more info! 🙏❤️

Photos from Body Bliss's post 07/08/2024


• 45 minutes

• 6-8 participants per session

• Fun (safe & functional) Fitness

• A mix of cardio/ weights/ boxing/ HIIT

Please pm me with your preferred time/s & day/s & if there’s enough interest we’ll get some weekly classes up n running! 💥💯❤️


Any other ice-bath virgins out there!? 🤔🤔Omgeee, this is going to take a bit of getting used to… 😳🤦‍♀️🤣

5 Health Benefits of Ice Baths

1. Reduces Muscle Soreness:

Ice baths help decrease inflammation and muscle soreness after intense workouts, speeding up recovery time.

2. Boosts Circulation:

Cold immersion stimulates blood flow, which can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues more effectively.

3. Enhances Mood:

The cold shock from an ice bath can trigger the release of endorphins, improving your mood and providing a natural energy boost.

4. Strengthens the Immune System:

Regular cold exposure may help strengthen the immune system by increasing white blood cell count and improving overall health.

5. Improves Sleep:

Taking an ice bath can help relax your body and mind, promoting better sleep quality and overall restfulness.

Ready to give it a try? Dive in (*DON’T literally “dive”…) and feel the benefits! 💥🥶❤️


💕Yesss! 💯💥YOU & your loved ones! Happy Monday Beautiful Soul; cheers to a magical week ahead - may it be filled with an abundance of opportunities, laughter & memorable moments! ❤️🙏


Dietitian appointments now available in Red Hill! 🎉💥❤️ Mobile & Telehealth appointments are also still an option!

Supporting clients with:

• Weight Management / Fat Loss

• Hormonal Imbalances

• Perimenopause/ Menopause Transition

• Chronic Illnesses

• Sports Nutrition

Check with your GP as you may be eligible for Medicare rebates (up to 5 appointments) with an EPC/ doctor’s referral! 🙏❤️

Call today on 0401 207 157

Body Bliss Dietitian, PT & Coach! Do what’s good for you! I’ll guide & support you every step of the way! 🙏❤️💯


Would you believe this is cauliflower!!? We (*as in not me at all but my amazing partner 🤷‍♀️🤔) even got the teen to eat this!!

As parents we love to hide some grated veggies in meals wherever possible so here’s just another way to ensure our young ones are meeting their cruciferous veggie intake requirements!

What is a cruciferous veg? Well, it’s the brassica family ie broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, turnip, radish & cabbage!

Why do we need to be eating these veggies every single day..? 🤔🙏❤️

1️⃣ Cancer-Fighting Properties: 🥊

Rich in glucosinolates, these veggies can help lower the risk of certain cancers 🤗

2️⃣ Heart Health: ❤️

They support cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and improving blood pressure. 🤗

3️⃣ Digestive Support: 💩

High in fibre, they promote a healthy gut and prevent constipation 🤗

4️⃣ Detox Power: 💥

They enhance your body's natural detoxification processes, ie gives your liver a helping hand 🤗

5️⃣ Weight Management: ⚖️

Low in calories but high in nutrients, they help you stay full and satisfied

Comment with any emoji below for the recipe, it’s super delicious! 🤤 ❤️ xx


Losing weight: “Energy in vs energy out” - It’s NOT always that simple - stop selling yourself short! 🤷‍♀️❤️

I see this so often, women come to me feeling desperate ‘cause they’re already eating next to nothing & they’re not sure what else they could possibly cut out… IT’S SO SAD! 🥲❤️

Let’s talk about Low Energy Availability (LEA) and why it matters.

Imagine your body is like a mobile phone. When you don’t eat enough, it’s like putting your phone on power save mode. This is LEA: your body doesn’t get the energy it needs to function properly, so it starts conserving energy wherever it can.

🙅‍♀️ Metabolism Slowdown: 🙅‍♀️

Just like your phone dims the screen and slows down apps, your body slows down your metabolism to save energy.

🤦‍♀️ Energy Deficiency: 🤦‍♀️

Critical functions get the energy first, leaving little for other important processes like muscle repair and digestion.

🤷‍♀️ Hormonal Imbalance: 🤷‍♀️

LEA disrupts hormones that control hunger and stress, making weight loss harder and less healthy.

Instead of slashing calories, aim for a balanced diet and regular exercise. Keep your body out of “power save mode” and let’s get it running efficiently (again)! 🙏❤️

Please reach out if you’re feeling stuck, I’m here to help! 0401 207 157 💕


Losing weight: “Energy in vs energy out” - It’s NOT always that simple - stop selling yourself short! 🤷‍♀️❤️

I see this so often, women come to me feeling desperate ‘cause they’re already eating next to nothing & they’re not sure what else they could possibly cut out… IT’S SO SAD! 🥲❤️

Let’s talk about Low Energy Availability (LEA) and why it matters.

Imagine your body is like a mobile phone. When you don’t eat enough, it’s like putting your phone on power save mode. This is LEA: your body doesn’t get the energy it needs to function properly, so it starts conserving energy wherever it can.

🙅‍♀️ Metabolism Slowdown: 🙅‍♀️

Just like your phone dims the screen and slows down apps, your body slows down your metabolism to save energy.

🤦‍♀️ Energy Deficiency: 🤦‍♀️

Critical functions get the energy first, leaving little for other important processes like muscle repair and digestion.

🤷‍♀️ Hormonal Imbalance: 🤷‍♀️

LEA disrupts hormones that control hunger and stress, making weight loss harder and less healthy.

Instead of slashing calories, aim for a balanced diet and regular exercise. Keep your body out of "power save mode" and let’s get it running efficiently (again)! 🙏❤️

Please reach out if you’re feeling stuck, I’m here to help! 0401 207 157 💕


Can you believe it, we’re ALREADY 1/4 down of our 2024 - how’d that happen!? 🤷‍♀️🤔

What are the things you’ve set out to improve in 2024? If you’ve been struggling with any of the below symptoms and you’re determined to make a change then please read on, I may just have the solution for you…

😬 Brain fog
😬 Fatigue
😬 Uncontrollable mood-swings
😬 Weight gain
😬 Carrying extra, unwanted fat (especially around the midsection) &
😬 Low (or even NO 🫣🥲) s*x drive

These are all common negative side effects of hormonal imbalances and they can be nasty AF! 😢🫣

Please know that there are so many things that we can do to (re)balance our hormones and to reduce, or even prevent, these UNWANTED, negative side effects - it really DOES NOT need to be this way! 🙏❤️

I’m super excited to announce that our 2nd 8-week Hormone Reset course for 2024 launches 15th April 2024! 💥🎉🥳

We’ve had great success (with amazing longterm results) with our courses to date & I’m so pumped to bring women along this journey of hormone healing. 💕💕My aim is to support, educate, guide and EMPOWER every one of my beautiful participants along the way! 📣

Sisters, unite! 🙏❤️

If this sounds like something you or a loved one may need in your life right now, please click on the link below for more info…

We are currently running a promo; this discounted rate is available until the 12th of April! 💯🎉💥

Why this works:

✅ Accountability! 🙌🥰

We know that success is 97% more likely when we are being held accountable! I’ll 100% hold you accountable in fact, I’ll even hold your hand every step of the way, if that’s what it takes!!

Please let me know if you’d like a quick phone call to discuss further (ps it will NOT be a sales call, there’s no pushy sales at all - that’s just not how I operate)!

Otherwise, please let me know if you have any questions! Wishing you love & happiness, ALWAYS! 🙏❤️


Mostly… 🤷‍♀️🙏❤️


“Health is NOT a destination; it’s a journey…” We hear this all the time but really, take a moment to let those words sink in… 🤔🥰 It’s soo bloody true!! Let’s face it, if we’re fortunate enough to grow old then it means we’re in “it” for the long haul! 🙏❤️

Let’s embrace the challenge of “discipline” and mindful choices in both our fitness and our nutrition. Our future selves (ie aging bodies & minds) thank us already… 😜

It’s well n truly the path to lasting vitality, strength, and happiness. Choose wisely today for a healthier, “easier” tomorrow! 💪🍏


Another super successful 8-week HORMONE RESET down! 🎉🎉 A HUGE shoutout to our beautiful participants; thank-you for putting your trust in me! 🙏❤️

Cheers to your brilliant (aka KICKARSE) results, & of course to your new healthier habits you created along your journey! 🥰💥

Our next 8-week HORMONE RESET kicks off 15th April ‘24! 🎉💥 Please reach out if you’d like more info, our EARLY BIRD (booking) link will be up shortly, watch this space… 💕💕


Hit me with your WEIRDEST breakfast combo… 🧐🤔

My favourite (& probs not THAT weird 🤷‍♀️) is banana in my omelette.. ❤️

BELOW was a bit weird albeit super nourishing & ticks all the (nutrient & satiety) “boxes”:

🤤 smoothie (peanut butter, blueberries, PRO powder, almond milk, chia seeds) +

🧐 2 boiled eggs +

🧐 Red Hot sauce +

Incl: Daily supplements (zinc, Vit B Complex, glucosamine, fish oil, iron, vitamin D, liver detox, curcumin, & kyolic)

What’s your WEIRDEST COMBO??? 🤔

Photos from Body Bliss's post 01/03/2024

This!!! 🙏❤️

Photos from Body Bliss's post 27/02/2024

Find Your Ikigai:

1️⃣ It's all about discovering what really lights you up – your passion, your mission, what pays the bills, and what feels like your calling. 🙏❤️When you've got that clarity, life just feels more on track.

2️⃣ Chill Out in the Now: Forget stressing about yesterday or worrying about tomorrow. The Japanese Moai mindset teaches us to soak up the goodness of today, finding joy in the simple stuff.

3️⃣ Keep that Body Moving: Whether it's a daily stroll, digging in the garden, or getting your Zen on. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

4️⃣ Hang with Your Crew: Friends, family, neighbors – they're all part of what makes life sweet. Take time to nurture those connections and feel the love.

5️⃣ Eat Good, Feel Good: Fill up on veggies, fruits, and whole grains like they do in Okinawa, where people seem to live forever. Mindful eating means enjoying every bite and treating your body right.

6️⃣ Keep on Learning: Never let your brain get rusty. Dive into new hobbies, pick up new skills, & stay curious. Life's a lot more fun when you're always learning something new.

7️⃣ Roll with the Punches: Life's like a crazy rollercoaster – full of ups, downs, and unexpected twists. Embrace the changes, adapt like the trooper you are & keep on keepin’ on! 🙏❤️

Ps you can access the audio book for FREE! Use the link below to register on audible and enjoy… 🙏🥰


Found this ol’ “gem” - what a blast from the past… 🫣🤣 Circa 2015!! Fast forward (nearly) 9 years & here we are, STILL loving what I do (minus the BODY BLISS mobile)… 🥰

My “work” days are so varied, some start at 5:30am & sometimes they only finish after 8… NEVER a dull moment (umm, well - the NDIS reports & dr letters can be a bit “ho hum”, besides for that 🤷‍♀️😜❤️)

I feel extremely grateful for all my beautiful clients & the wonderful interactions I get to have day in & day out! 🥰😍



Soo many ways to move YOUR body… 💪 💥 Find what works for YOU! 🙏❤️

🙅‍♀️ I’m NOT a fan of cycling; I get a sore butt 😬

🙅‍♀️ I’m a terrible swimmer, I just can’t get the breathing right (& it’s not fun for mat AT ALL)

🙅‍♀️ & it’s a big, fat NO for any group trainer where the instructor yells/ commands

Different strokes for different folks (& that’s a-ok)

Instead I love to:

✅ Run ✅ Body attack aerobics (happy, supportive party vibes) ✅ Walk ✅ Hike ✅ HIIT & ✅ Lift weights!

What’s your go-to? Please leave an emoji (or 10) of your preferred movement/s?


Prioritise your own health because no one else can (or will 🤷‍♀️😬) do it for you!


Smoothie dates with the teen.. 🥰🥰

Smoothies pack a nutritional punch with vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre.

• Boost your immune system

• Improve digestion

• A delicious way to nourish your body

These guys do pretty amazing açai bowls too, highly recommend!


BREAK THE FAST 📢 with 1 of our delicious 8-week HORMONE RESET brekkies 🤤 ❤️

• raspberries • banana • blueberries • pepitas • sunflower seeds • high protein, low sugar granola mix (homemade) • soy Greek yoghurt •acai berries • almond milk

✅ High in protein (approx 30g)

✅ A great source of antioxidants

✅ “Good” fats

✅ High fibre (approx 1/3 of daily reqs)

✅ Filling, satisfying, delicious


Yess! This!! 🙏❤️


• Are you sick & tired of the ongoing “Feeling blah” STRUGGLE!?

• Do you feel like you’ve tried every single diet under the sun..? 🤦‍♀️😬

• Do you feel unhappy/ uncomfortable in your own skin?


Guess what!? 🤔🤷‍♀️

💥 DIETS ACTUALLY DO NOT WORK; 🙅‍♀️ it is NOT YOU that’s failed at the diet/s, instead it’s the diets that have FAILED YOU!! 🙏❤️

How bizarre that the diet industry continues to sell us a “product”/ concept that does not work!!??? Unethical & highly immoral! 😢

I’ll tell you right now, the solution is NOT:

❌ A strict, calorie-controlled diet!

If I hear 1 more doctor “prescribe” a 1000- calorie a day-diet, I think I’ll lose my 💩🤬

❌ A quick fix!

• First, we focus on healing your gut and liver. We need to UNDO a lot of what diets have done to your body, in many instances it’s a case of “reverse dieting”

❌ A “perfect meal plan + a perfect exercise schedule” formula

• Neither of these are realistic or sustainable long term; instead we focus on PROGRESSION over PERFECTION, after all “consistency is key”, right!? 🤷‍♀️


• Your body is unique (ie your genetic makeup, your hormones)

• Your lifestyle behaviours, relationship with food and your current circumstance is unique to you

Call today on 0401 207 157, let’s nut this out together! I’ve got your back! ❤️🙏

Online/remote consults also available! Check with your GP as you may be eligible for Medicare rebates.


Pre-workouts, what’s your take..? 🧐

20 years ago I (quite literally) lived on caffeine & artificial sweeteners - coffee, pre workouts & sugar-free energy drinks… & trained a minimum of 2 hours per day, every friggn’ day… My poor body 🥲🥲🥲

Nowadays I prioritise nourishing my body & eating to fuel my workouts - ie protein, carbs & fats! 💪💥

Soo, it’s been years between pre-workouts - we thought we’d give this a go as a quick energy boost before training - verdict: I’m happy to forgo this for at least another 20 years…


• caffeine 200mg

• beta-alanine (amino acid) 2g - this stuff makes your skin burn/ tingle

• L-arginine AKG 2g

Smelled like chemicals & tasted sour AF so it’s a NO from me..

vs Coffee 100-150mg caffeine

I choose coffee!! What’s your take? Do you consume a pre-workout? If so, which one? 🧐

Disclaimer: This is purely a personal (& not a professional) opinion…



I thought it was a break but it was more of a breaking. Not necessarily breaking down, but NOT not down. Maybe open.

It's been a tough season, but an important one. I shared my thoughts in a post on the new website, where you'll also find our latest project — The ABK Edit. I think you're going to love the stories.

From my wild heart to yours. ❤️

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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💥💥Gastric ballon, a tool to assist you in your weight loss journey! 🎉💯Not a quick fix and most definitely not a diet - i...
You are ACTUALLY in the driver’s seat; you just need to take back control! 💥💯 We know that diets DO NOT work, not longte...
Queensland Winter: Single digit temp this morning - PERFECT T RUNNING WEATHER! 🙏❤️ Change your inner dialogue from “It’s...
Ice baths!! 🥶💯🙏
Hunger is not something to be afraid of! 🙅‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Tune in & honour your hunger! 🙏❤️AIM for high protein, whole foods...
HIIT - if you want to get fitter, stronger, leaner! Short bursts… The harder you push the higher the (endorphin) HIGH @ ...
Flavour BOMB! 💯💥 Try to see each & every meal as an opportunity to give your body the nutrients it needs! 🙏❤️ & to tanta...
💥💥Your challenge, if you choose to accept: 💯💯Aim for a minimum of 30 different plants/ fibres (aka “plant points”) this ...
Snack Attack - Be prepared! 💯🙏❤️ #healthyhabits #WeightManagement #snacks #dietitian #beprepared
Veggies - add more in wherever possible! 1️⃣Swap your sandwich for homemade veg & lean protein meal 2️⃣snack on raw veg ...
Friday feels, why (the hell) not!!? 🤷‍♀️🤣! 💥🤣❤️ FUN FITNESS @ it’s best. Remember to never take yourself too seriously, ...
Poorly managed diabetes can have some pretty scary consequences:🥲❌🙅‍♀️1. ❌Increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and ...


70 Mary Street
Brisbane, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 9pm
Tuesday 5am - 9pm
Wednesday 5am - 9pm
Thursday 5am - 9pm
Friday 5am - 9pm
Saturday 5am - 2pm
Sunday 7:45am - 12pm

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