Emerald Pilates

Emerald Pilates offers sessions for all ages and levels of fitness/ability. Complete beginners welcome to super advanced.

This page is for posting pics and information about the Studio, to inform you of events and describe our services , and to provide a way for you to book in - thank you xx If you goals are to recover from an injury or train for a particular sport or event, or you just want to have a body that is awesome to live in, Emerald Pilates is your Go To place! We are friendly, encouraging and the Studio has a happy and positive vibe!

Photos from Emerald Pilates's post 06/06/2024

NINETY THREE !! Our famous client Marguerite and her daughter plus some of her grandchildren celebrated her birthday with Pilates and champagne! Pilates - for good health and long living !! Cheers !


Introducing our lovely new teacher, Lynda Roach !!
Lynda has recently completed her Reformer teacher training with us (Tensegrity Training); and is currently completing her certificate 1V.
When you do her classes, you will not only have a wonderful and happy experience on the Reformer - you will also be working with a qualified nutritionist and an advocate for positive ageing - so watch out for the pieces of gold that are woven into her words!
Lynda will be teaching Thursday 5.45 am Reformer, plus covering for the team when necessary.
If you are keen to join Lynda, or any of our other wonderful classes - Reformer, Barre; or Studio (clinical) Pilates, we would love to welcome you.
At Emerald Pilates, we have over 60 classes on our timetable, and are open 7 days per week.
Please feel free to contact us on 0407 049 478.

Have the best weekend!

Photos from Emerald Pilates's post 15/04/2024

Teacher training !! Another amazing cohort of Certificate 1V student teachers ready to deliver comprehensive clinical classes - ready to work with the body in front of them with care and respect - well done for such a great course ! Well done students for being super stars !


What is your learning body ? It’s unlocking the clogged spaces that exist inside - your body and your brain - it’s developing awareness of HOW you move : allowing us to give you the IDEAS to IMPROVE the way you move and FEEL - forever. Regardless of your physical / mental/ emotional state or condition. We ALL want to live gracefully. Enjoy the last day of 2023 my lovelies !


Hi all - watch out for spam on my pages for someone claiming to have Taylor Swift tickets

Don’t give anyone any money online for stuff like this - ever !!

Thanks xx

Photos from Emerald Pilates's post 14/04/2023

What a joy !! Today I met a group of AMAZING new mummas and some VERY cute babies!!

I love holding the babies - even when they are cracking it ! Ha ha !

Doing Pilates with your baby helps you become stronger in every way - self care and looking after physical health and mental/ emotional well being is essential !

Ring me if you would like more Information- 0407 049 479

Happy Friday !!


What a wonderful course on Structural Integration with the famous Tom Myers - at Tri Yoga in Camden - London !

The body is such a gift - it never ceases to amaze how much learning there is to be had - a lifetime is not long enough - perhaps even two ….

We have (Gil Headly you inspire me)
Glistening fascia !
A magnificent Brain !
Inspirational lungs !
Genius Liver, Spleen and Lymph systems !
Competent and complex heart and pulmonary systems !
Champion muscles - a whole army of them !

And so; so much more

Our bodies vibrate deliciously to us - listen !!

My purpose is to help people listen to that vibration - so we can truly shower love to the whole body.

Having a fabulous learning experience here in the UK. I dedicate my life now to never stop learning !!


Mat Pilates is back !!

Move meritoriously !

Come along - or join online - for some magical Mat work - with the masterful and magnetic teacher - Kate Stewart !

If the day is cold - the heat will be on so you can move without restriction.

Byo Mat to this class that starts 8.30 am this Saturday!

If you have any questions- give me a ring ! 0407 049 478


Such great clients ! Julie and Dave - releasing their hips using the fuzzies …. Or are they fluffies ?

Both ?

Anyway - it feels good - wether you are in your 30’s - or in your 60’s and beyond…

We love what we do - we really - really - love our clients

Come join us ? It’s fun - and you’ll feel like you’re in your 30’s again !

Contact me on 0407 049 478


Pilates makes the world a better place - if everyone did it - every day -
imagine ….. my mind races off with thoughts of a world where people are happy and healthy, clever and aware, able to self manage, kind and peaceful!

Till the day I die I will Shout from the rooftops !

Let’s do Pilates!!


Hands and legs in the air if you love love LOVE Pilates!

Create some space - open your mind and body - feel like you have brought back to life !!

We have some places in our studio classes tomorrow morning - and one tomorrow at 5.15 pm with the amazing Viv !

Phone me to arrange to book in ! 0407049478

Happy 1st August !


We have Coconut Greens in stock !

Since using this incredible product I feel even more energetic….

It makes my body feel like it has all the hydration and nutrition required to train for the marathon; work productively 7 days a week, and run 2 businesses- it’s one of my cheer leaders/ supporters so now I’m cheering this !

$80 - come see me or contact me if you would like some ?

0407 049 478


We have a new teacher !

Welcome warmly John !

John will be teaching 5.30 AM Wednesday Reformer classes ! Coffee provided !!

Join us for a strong, clever class - wake up your muscles and nerves , wake up your brain- set yourself up for a productive, calm and energised day

For more info please give me a ring on
0407 049 478

Happy Friday 🫶☀️


This week is Motor Neurone Disease Awareness Week - I am chatting with our client and my friend Matt Sarah Stickland - what are we trying to achieve with MND awareness week ?

To see the person and not the disease

Focus on what they CAN do - never use the word “can’t” .

Talk to people who have a disability- smile at them / make them feel welcome and important

Allow them to inspire you

Move every day

Wear your MND beanies with pride !

Thanks so much Matt - you’re awesome and we love you


People come In all shapes and sizes

Pilates teachers - and students - and clients - should not be bloody “ skinny chicks in white tights “ this really pi**es me off

Just saying …. We love you all - we welcome you all

Our mission “WE CARE ” and ”every BODY welcome “ - is what we stand for. 

Pilates is fun ; safe; awesome; energising ; rehabilitating, youthful, beautiful

Come join us ! We are open tomorrow

Our staff are AWESOME

Our work ethic is JUST LET ME WORK.

Just do it hey - 0407 049 478.


Cheers to the freakin LONG weekend !

For those that are NOT having a long weekend - neither are we !

Classes !
Sunday 9 am
Monday 6 am - then HEAPS more until our last one at 7.15 pm !

Happy days !


We warmly welcome another super star to our teaching team

Introducing JESS !!

Here is her Bio ! To book in with her -
5 pm Wednesdays !! Call us if you require assistance - 0407 049 478.

My journey with pilates began in high school to elevate chronic back pain due to having scoliosis. I looked into surgery, back braces and many other alternatives, none of them felt right for me. I decided that I would try Pilates and from my very first class I noticed a difference in my posture and pain level. Pilates makes me feel stronger, lengthened and more aware of my body and I no longer have back pain!

I realised that I found my purpose to be a Pilates instructor due to my own spinal challenges together with my passion to connect with people and help them feel stronger, more flexible and pain free.

Looking forward to working with a beautiful group of ladies at Emerald Pilates and teaching the lovely people of Emerald.


We are excited to welcome KATE to our team at Emerald Pilates !

Kate will be teaching Mondays in our Clinical Studio at 6 am; 8 am (with Viv) and 10.30 am.
Kate is friendly, funny, caring and knowledgeable - its lovely to be around her energy !

Here is her Bio !

Kate's relationship with Pilates started last year. Having lived with chronic back pain for 12 years with little relief from other treatments, she turned to Pilates to strengthen herself. She was surprised that after a few short months of doing Pilates that her back pain was next to gone.
This motivated Kate to have a career change to teach Pilates, having a career that helps people alongside keeping strong and feeling well was a no brainer and she enrolled in the Integrated Diploma of Contemporary Pilates.
Kate is very excited to be a part of the team at Emerald Pilates.

To book in with Kate visit our website at www.emeraldpilates.com.au and search for the STUDIO classes on Monday mornings ! For more information about our wonderful services at Emerald Pilates contact us on 0407 049 478


Welcome Felicity to our team at Emerald Pilates!

Felicity is our latest success storey - she did her Diploma during lock down, and despite the disruption, has managed to break through many obstacles to become an excellent teacher.

Felicity has worked hard in our mentoring program - she has been practising and learning, and is now part of our team. Recently she took on all the classes on a Saturday morning - working with many different clients with various injuries/conditions - and personalities - and came out shining.

We are so proud of you Felicity - welcome - you are AWESOME !


Manage yourself Monday!

Take some time today to breathe, to plan, and choose. Perhaps you are up already and ready for your week?

I am! Lets be productive - lets be grateful and lets pay service to others this week.


Smiling and having a great time helps the feel good hormones flood through your body - image when you combine this with breathing properly - what happens ? Your blood is full of fresh O2 - AND good hormones - washing through every cell - transforming YOU into an upgraded body and brain.

Pilates/mindful movement is an upgrade.

Do you like the idea of being in first class all day, every day?

Yep. Pick up the phone ! Come and discover what it feels like to LOVE moving your body - to love it so much that you cant help SMILING !

0407 049 478.

Home 26/05/2022

Pilates is the new black.

Neurogenesis is the new GOLD !

Redesigning our brains; anti ageing so we don’t becoming functionally fixed; defying time so we continue to be creative- so we can fight the law of least effort.

Pilates is the handbrake to time.

Pilates puts your brain outside it’s environment and lets it cope.

Pilates can feel strange when you start - this is normal - and the whole point really !

The bonus is you start to feel REALLY REALLY GREAT !

EVERY class is different - stir it up baby !

Brain becomes coherent with your body.

Build it like muscle !

Keen to get going and not get old ?

Book in - or make the call - 0407 049 478.

Happy Thursday arvo !!

Home Welcome to Emerald Pilates Emerald Pilates is located in the beautiful township of Emerald, Victoria. We offer services in Reformer Pilates, Studio (clinical) Pilates, Private/Semi-Private sessions, boutique Barre classes, Yin and Power Yoga, Pilates for kids, online classes and our Pilates at Home....



HI there ! Take 6 minutes to watch this fascinating video on fascia! Everything is connected to everything !


Joe Pilates quote "By reawakening thousands and thousands of otherwise dormant muscle cells, Pilates reawakens thousands and thousands of dormant brain cells, thus activating new areas and stimulating further functioning of the mind - continued use of Pilates actually develops more brain cells".

Man - that man was onto it!

Come and get clever - as well as strong in your body.

This week we have places in many of our classes - we would love to welcome you to our tribe - contact me if you are keen to get STRONG and CLEVER ! 0407 049 478.


Barre is the new black - the best workout for your glutes and legs - the most fun you can have holding a below parallel squat while singing out loud to your favorite 80's song - no ballet, no coordination, no expectation of being fit and strong already - just 45 minutes of smiley sweat with GREAT people.

We run Barre: Fridays 1 pm; Saturdays 7.15 am, Sundays 9 am and Wednesday 7.30 pm.

Hope to see you there!


Never underestimate the resilience that owing a horse does for you ….

Physical - feeding, riding, hoof care, changing blankets when they are frisky ….

Mental and emotional - breathing through the times when so much patience and listening is required …

Makes us better humans

Makes us stronger than we know - capable of deflection of crap.

Happy Thursday - may your day continue to be perfect - choose it regardless!


Reformer Pilates helps you with alignment of your toes, ankles, knees, hips, pelvis. Which helps you walk and stand well.

Reformer Pilates gives you a strong core. Which helps you avoid back injury and pain.

Reformer Pilates is fun - it can be challenging - it can be tailored for everyone.

Reformer Pilates makes your brain happy and clever.

Want to try it? Give us a call! 0407 049 478


One of the many reasons we run Mums/Dads/ grandparents and Bubs classes - so the Pilates teachers get to hold the babies !

Our Mums/ Dads / etc and babies classes start from Wednesday 18th May at 12 noon ! We CANT WAIT !!

Ha ha - yes we love the warm lovely feeling of holding a baby ! But it’s about YOU and the BABY - they get to down load you from a very young age , and understand how looking after ourselves if important.

You get important family bonding time while you use the wonderful Pilates large apparatus.

The babies find the springs fascinating- so do we. Their little minds are stimulated while you become STRONG - in your body and your mind.

Pilates gives you patience , resilience and physical strength. YOU become this.

The world awaits the next generation!

We hope to see you all soon with your bubba - ring me if you have any questions- 0407 049 478.

Wednesdays 12 noon; 45-60 min Pilates Class ; cost $25.

Happy Tuesday!


Do you feel you have to be Fit/Flexible/Strong/Young - BEFORE you start Pilates? It astounds and saddens me that so many people say that this has held them back from starting Pilates - and other exercise regimes.

Well - you don't need to be worried - not one bit.

We welcome everyone - and everyone. You are you, and you are awesome, unique, important.

If this holds you back - take it ON! Go and smash that limiting belief into the dirt, and simply - pick up the phone and give us a call - we are READY.

Get in contact via phone or SMS - 0407 049 478.

See you soon SUPER STAR.

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Videos (show all)

Can you see the brand new Reformer ?? We now have EIGHT beautiful Allegro 2 Reformer beds - by @balanced_body - fully ki...
Reformer Pilates Magic !A day without circles is just not a day!Why does it feel so great !?? Science - the springs work...
The Magic of the Reformer ….
Kids classes !!! Family classes ! Starting again next week - Wednesday  4 pmAlso Tuesday 4.30 pmEveryone welcome - any a...
This is our AMAZING client Anne, sharing her thoughts on how Pilates has helped her and why she likes it. Really, ALL ou...
New studio coming !!!
Ageing is a Myth...... consider ....Because you can - not to be “hot “ (FFS! ).There is nothing like healthExercise is a...
Glutes for Runners
Meditation Pilates! This is a silent class - no teaching, just doing. Turn on some meditation music, nature sounds or qu...
Glutes and obliques !!



5; 5-7 Kilvington Drive
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 8:30pm
Tuesday 5:15am - 12:45pm
5:15pm - 12:45pm
Wednesday 5:15am - 7:30am
8pm - 7:45pm
Thursday 7:30am - 1pm
7pm - 6:30pm
Friday 5:15am - 8:30am
10:45am - 5:30pm
Saturday 5:45am - 7am
9:45am - 12:15pm

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